
Attitude Girl

Miss bossy attitude CEO of Royal co.company fall for her personal assistant

kanika1531 · LGBT+
3 Chs

The Selection Day

Day 2

The next Day,

The new CEO of Royal co. company Miss.Kaira

entered into the Cabin.

The Manager knocked the Cabin door and asked for permission to enter.

Then Manager came to Miss Kaira and told,

Mam You need a new personal secretary,

The previous secretary stole 1 Million dollar and now she is into Jail.

After hearing this Miss.Kaira told the manager Hm I know Mr.kevin Please arrange the interview for new Personal secretary. Mr.kevin said Okay Mam Then he left the place.

Other side of the story,

The Most beautiful girl, Elegant and very kind personality Miss. Samara she is jobless.

She left the house 1 month ago after fighting with her parents.

Now she live with her best friend Lisa.

At that day In the night Lisa was browsing the net and suddenly she saw an advertisement on her Gmail.

she saw The personal secretary vacancy of Royal co. Company.

Then she applied for samara without telling her.

after Application and sending full CV of samara the royal co.company accepted the application and called her on interview in the next morning.

Lisa saw and get excited to tell about the getting chance for interview in Royal co.company.

samara came from outside and lisa saw her she ran and hugged her tightly.

Samara asked her to be relax and said what happened?

lisa said I have a good news!

samara asked whats the good news?

lisa while you were outside I saw an advertisement on my mail.

There The royal co. company wanted a personal secretary.

So I applied for you and Then they saw your CV

and accepted the application Now they are calling you for the interview at Sharp 9:00 am.

Tomorrow you have to go and give the interview

I am sure you will get the Job.

Then samara became happy and said to lisa thanks lisa for your help. I am glad that you are my friend.Then lisa said ok ok miss now its been late tomorrow you have your interview Now go and sleep.Samara said Hm okay!

The Next morning samara woke up early in the morning and get ready for the interview.

The other side of the story,

The CEO Of Royal co. company Miss kaira,

while she was starts for the office in the Middle of road her cars tire puncher.

she called the mechanic they said they will come in 35 min,

But unfortunately Kaira has the rush,

she waited for the taxi and finally at last after waiting for the taxi she got one while she was entering in the taxi the other side of the car another girl suddenly entered in the same taxi.

kaira saw the girl and got angry she told the girl

Excuse me what is this behaviour?

why are you entering the taxi?

The girl said excuse me Miss who are you?

I have stoped the taxi so this is my taxi!

Kaira said excuse me this is my taxi I have stoped!

Then after 5 minutes The taxi Driver got down from the taxi and asked both of them Please mam dont fight like this, Where you both want to go?

Kaira and the girl both said The royal.co company together at the same time.

Then kaira looked at the girl and the girl also looked at kaira.

Then the taxi Driver said mam Please dont fight you both want to go same place I will drop you both!

Then they sat together and driver took them and drop them there.

They both got down from the taxi and split the money.

The girl looked at kaira like she will gonna kill kaira with her eyes!

Kaira looked at her and Said inside her mind what an idiot!😒

Guys wait for the next part!

It will be crazy! I hope you would love to read 😊