

The darkness sanctum was different from the other sanctums in terms of teaching. This was mainly because of the sanctum master's unique teaching methods.

'Unique' was simply a polite way of saying lazy. The man was utterly lazy. If it wasn't for the fact that some people were naturally gifted, many would wonder just how he reached his level of power.

Unlike the other sanctums, a new person entering the darkness sanctum might not meet or speak to anyone for months. It was general knowledge to stock up on food in your space storage before entering the sanctum.

During the first month, the sanctum master would only speak to the new member once, saying, "This is the darkness sanctum. Feel the molecules and meet your fellow students and instructors."

That was all.

Throughout those months, the sanctum master wouldn't speak to him or her again. Each of the instructors and members alike were forbidden from talking or even making their presence known.