

The number of thoughts flashing in Atticus's head at this moment was staggering. It was so numerous that many wouldn't even try to count them.

And yet, despite the staggering number of scenarios playing in his head, at the end of the day, only a single one remained.

As soon as it popped up, Atticus held on to it as though it were his last hope. The thought was immediately brought forward, scrutinized thoroughly, bit by bit and inch by inch until what was once a small thought at the far back of his mind blossomed into something remarkable.

Atticus had absolutely no idea what the boy in front of him was. Magnus had made it a point to ensure he had no knowledge about his opponent. He didn't even know the boy's race!

He did not know their behavior, their culture, how they lived, how they reacted to things. Nor did he know their structure of government and how they were led. Most importantly, Atticus had no idea about their abilities.