

The intensity of Zephyr's heartbeat was indescribable.

Although it might seem impossible, to Zephyr, who was the closest to his heart, each beat sounded as loud as a war drum, increasing in intensity as the sound of footsteps neared.

Atticus walked silently and unhurriedly towards the figure of Zephyr on the ground.

Atticus was always thinking about multiple things all at once despite not showing or acting on it.

His thoughts could change at any time depending on the current needs and circumstances.

Regardless, there was one category of thought that wouldn't change no matter what— his revenges.

Zephyr had attacked Aurora about eight months ago, and since then, the boy hadn't attended lectures even once.

If it had been him who was attacked, Atticus might or might not have gone this far. He might have even decided to leave it until after the academy. But to think that Zephyr had the audacity to attack his family…