
Attaining a Spark

A half-way-there psychopath enters a jumpchain. Nuff said. First world: Ark (Short Arc) Second world: RWBY

yeIlowguy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 6

"This.." Yusif mumbled. ".. My warehouse? Then it's been 10 years already? Damn.."

He stood up, giving the warehouse a good look, even if it was just that. An empty warehouse, with a few rows of bright lights attached to the ceiling, and nothing else aside from a comparatively small console at the other end of the space.

"It's a bit bland." He observed. "Better than nothing though, I guess. Woulda been nice if I had this before." He made his way over the console, wondering aloud, "And here must be where I customize it?" The screen came alive, displaying an interface reminiscent of the one he first saw.

[Jumpchain Supplement: Cosmic Warehouse]

[Over the course of your adventures, you're bound to collect a metric ton of stuff. Weapons, armor, technology, cars, big evil laser beams, and everything in between. You're going to have trouble storing it all. However, we might be able to help you with that. Introducing: The Cosmic Warehouse! 40,000 Square feet of empty space, and as of now, all of it is yours to use as you see fit!]

"Yeah. I really could have done with this before. Got plenty of stuff I can put in here."

[The Cosmic Warehouse is contained within its own pocket dimension that you will always have access to no matter what universe you're in. This provides, not only a safe place to keep your stuff, but also a good method of keeping things between adventures.

The Cosmic Warehouse can be accessed via a special key. When inserted into any door with a lock, the door will open a gateway into the Cosmic Warehouse. You are the only person who can take the key out of the lock, the gateway remains so long as the key is in the lock, and if ever lost, you will find the key in your pockets a few minutes later.]

[A few rules do exist surrounding the Cosmic Warehouse however:

1. As long as you are inside the Cosmic Warehouse, the doorway can't be closed.

2. Living people can't be stored in the Cosmic Warehouse.

3. Other people can enter the Cosmic Warehouse with you, but they leave when you do.

4. When the door to the Cosmic Warehouse closes, time stops inside it.

5. Only one door to the Cosmic Warehouse can be open at a time.

6. The gateway to the Cosmic Warehouse is only as big as the door that created it.

It isn't very inviting, as empty and boring as it is, but maybe you can change that a little. Here's a budget to redecorate. +150CP]

"How thoughtful." The screen changed once more. "Let me see.. Electricity. Sure, Plumbing? Yes please." He began spending his CP.

"Med bay. Definitely going to need that. Free shelving, steal. Portal? Replaces the key with a portal.. Sure, why not." He tapped his chin, wondering what else to purchase. "Terminal, sure, I'm bound to lose track of all the things I have. Oh, right, Food Supply. Don't want to starve. And then, I guess Extra Space." As he purchased that last one, the warehouse doubled in size around him. "Nice."

Yusif looked through the options, ultimately not finding what he was looking for. "I guess I can't bring Talia with me just yet. It's gonna suck having to get used to life without her, but I knew this was a possibility.."

He sighed regrettably, and returned to his shopping, something that never failed to improve his mood. "Housing for whenever I just.. Want to live in my interdimensional warehouse. Forcewall, don't want anyone getting inside without my permission. And, Robots I guess. Why sort myself when I can have brainless servants do it."

The warehouse changed around him, shelving, two rooms appearing side-by-side, the console he was already at growing in size, and a few humanoid robots by the shelves. When he made his final purchase, the screen moved on to the next section.

[Jumpchain Supplement: BodyMod]

[Want to look different? With this, you can change your "default" body for all future Jumps. Note that your choices scale with age, so muscle definition and body build may not be as prominent depending on how young you are. If any future Jump causes you to change into a different species, you will appear as that species' equivalent body type. If you have a light, muscular build as a human, you will find that you will become that species' equivalent of a light, muscular build.

To help customize your body to suit your tastes, you are given an operating budget of 600CP. Have fun!]

[Choose a body type: Body types provide a base to work off of, a starting point from which you expand. You can skip taking a Body Type, instead using your normal body as a base.]

The four listed options were 'Bodybuilder', 'Athlete', 'Charmer' and 'Bestial', but Yusif chose none of theme, instead taking the option to use his already existing body. He was already quite happy with it, especially the strength and muscles he built up over the years. They each even cost 100CP just to pick one, which helped his decision, even if he was just being stingy.

The next section listed stats and perks, with the stats being: Strength, Endurance, Speed, Dexterity, Appeal, Shape and Sense, and the perks being Height, Endowed, Winged, Ever cleansed, Flexibility, Color, Metavore, and Genderswap. To upgrade a stat, it would cost 50CP and they had a max of 4, while the perks had varying prices, but mostly being around 100 each.

"Hmm.. All of my stats are already high enough, except for sense. That wasn't something I could upgrade." He used 200CP to improve that to the max, which improved all his normal senses by over triple and would supposedly let him hear/see outside the normal spectrums. He next upgraded dexterity to max for another 200, as that was another stat he couldn't improve. "Mirrors edge level parkour? Badass moves, here I come." The last thing he bought were two purchases of the flexibility perk, because yet again, it wasn't something he could improve upon in Ark, and he didn't find the others very useful, even if swapping genders sounded fun.

The moment he confirmed his final purchase, he passed right out, and after what felt like only a second for him, he was awake once more in the Med bay. The first thing Yusif noticed when he came to was his sight. It was so much more clearer than before, that it took him nearly a minute to get adjusted, and he guess that when he started the next jump, he'd have a similar experience with his other senses. Aside from that, although he didn't immediately notice, his balance and anything related was improved to amazing levels, as was his flexibility. He could literally bend his finger and touch the back of his hand. It was freaky.

After getting out of bed, he checked out the rest of the warehouse--which amounted to basically just the housing-- and returned to the terminal, finding it on a different screen.

[Welcome to the next jump, Jumper! Next jump: RWBY]

[Remnant, a world where people wield the light of their souls, Aura, and nature's wrath given form, Dust, to fight back against the encroaching darkness of the soulless Grimm, twisted monsters resembling bone covered animals. Four Kingdoms stand strong, points of light against the night, but so very easily snuffed out should the forces of destruction overwhelm them. Human and Faunus live in a world, broken an beautiful, yet so torn by danger from without and from within. You enter a month before the events of RWBY Season 1.]

"..RWBY? Good thing I ended up watching it. Seems like a shitty place to be without any meta-knowledge, but a pretty good one with it. Its got cat girls too."

[Locations: You may freely choose your starting location from the options below.]

"Oh, goody. I won't have to leave it up to fate this time. Already know where I'm choosing though."

[1. Kingdom of Vale: The central country, home to Signal Combat Academy and Beacon Hunter Academy. Grimm presence is contained to the Emerald Forest, Forever Fall and Mountain Glen. Patch Island is west of here.

2. Kingdom of Vacuo: In the far west. A land of harsh, desert-like conditions, their Hunter Academies are more casual in outlook, reflected in their lack of uniform. Flavored after Asia, probably.

3. Kingdom of Atlas: In the far north. Schnee Dust Company HQ resides here, and their Hunter Academies have a more militaristic focus, as seen in their uniform code. Their military is highly cyberized, focusing on robotic infantry and support.

4. Kingdom of Mistral: In the far east, home to Sanctum Combat Academy, and Haven Hunter Academy. Flavored after Mediterranean empires, and their attitude is more upper-class, seen in their speech and uniform.

5. Menagerie: The country to the south-east, where the Faunus were shipped. A high concentration of Faunus live here, and humans are looked on with suspicion and distrust. High White Fang presence here.

6. North-Western Country: Shaped like a dragon. There is very little here in terms of civilization, aside from the occasional nomad or hideaway. Grimm presence is extremely high here. Don't know why you'd pick this.]

"Yeah, my decision doesn't change. I'll take Vale as my startling location. All the others blow."


Drop-in: You know the drill, new jump, new world, new problems. No memories or family, and whether this helps or harms is up to you.

Student: You've trained yourself to enter Combat school, and are preparing to enter Hunter academy.

Criminal: You've had a nasty past, running the streets or the alleys of some city or other, but have turned over a new leaf.

Military: Coming from a military family, you've pushed yourself to get where you are, and shown progress.

BONUS. Faunus: You're a little beastly, aren't you? Gain free nigh vision, a cosmetic trait and quirk of some animal, and a lifetime of derision and suspicion. Can take with any background. +100CP.]

".. Be a furry for 100CP. Is it worth it? Yeah, sure. Then for my actual background.. Military seems like my best option, for combat at least, so I'll take that."

[Catalogue: Purchase your Perks, Weapons and Items.]

"Here it is! I'll say it again, this is the only part that matters. First thing firsts, the free shit."

[Abs (Free): You are more aerobic, physically fit and dexterous than before. You also favor midriff bearing outfits and puns.]

[Iconic Outfit (Free): One set of personalized casual wear with a symbol representing who you are.]

[Iconic Theme (Free): You first hear this song when you do something amazing, then every time things get serious. Others can hear this if you wish, but won't find it strange. How bizarre.]

[Scroll (Free): Think a smartphone, but with terrible wilderness reception, video camera, messaging and more!]

[A Guide to Grimm (Free): Teaches you how to punch monsters to death. Also grants a bonus to punching other monsters to death in future deaths. Master this and you punch so good, they explode! They might not die, but they will be in pain!]

"Next, the drawbacks."

[Marked (+100CP): The Grimm smell the strength of your soul, and target you above others when it comes to battle. Be prepared to pull in more than your weight in petty scalps.]

[Dust Allergy (+200CP): You now become itchy in the presence of dust, and should you become exposed to it, by contact or proximity, require medical attention. If you ingest it, prepare for a prolonged hospital stay.]

[Hunted (+200CP): You're being hunted jumper. They person hunting you isn't guaranteed to be an actual hunter, instead being anywhere from the level of a crippled old man, to a rookie hunter fresh out of the academy.]

[Actually Hunted (+300CP): You're really being hunted now jumper, by a group this time. They're also guaranteed to be at the level of a Hunter Academy student. Good luck.]


[Inverted (+400CP): Whenever you feel immense rage or pain, a secondary persona will take over who has none of the restraints you do. Basically got the hulk in you minus the strength. He won't kill your family though if that's any consultation.]

The were all manageable, even if that last one was a tad worrying for Yusif. "My pain tolerance is already pretty high, and well.. I guess I'm kinda prone to getting pissed. It'll be fine though. I can control myself. Probably. I should stop talking." He grinned briefly, "But now, it's shopping time. Ooh, what's this? Variable Weapon?"

[Variable Weapon (Free/-50CP): It's a thing that turns into another thing! One gun and one melee weapon, together at last. For 25CP you can import weapons, at no decrease performance! 50CP for more upgrades.

Heavy (-25CP): Now its bigger than you are! And a lot stronger than you remember. Can not be taken with Streamlined.

Streamlined (-25CP): You've made it lighter, smaller, and no less delicate. Can not be taken with Heavy.


"My claws! At least I can bring those with me.. And I'll pair them with two Tek Pistols I suppose. Now for the upgrades.."

The first upgrade he purchased was Alt-Alt Mode, giving the weapon a third form, which he set to the Tek Railgun. Yusif didn't understand how that would work, but didn't question it. He next gave it Aura Focus, which did as it suggested and allowed Aura to be channeled through it. There was also an option to do the same with Dust, but he didn't thing that would be a very good idea. The final upgrade he gave his Variable Weapon was Concealed, which gave the weapon the ability to fold in on itself, becoming smaller and hiding from metal detectors. It amounted to a total of 250CP, but Yusif found the price worth it.

His next purchase was another weapon, but one that he couldn't help purchasing.

[Xanthine (-400CP/Military Discount): What looks to be a big thermos, this set of expanding exoskeletal armor links into your bloodstream, cutting Aura costs at least twofold. While active, you can wade through bombardment, suplex train carriages, mold steel, project shields, etcetera. Keeps drinks at perfect temperatures. Come with carrying case for extra plating and weapon points.]

He imagined this would be his trump card if he ever ended up having one. Even with the levels he received in Ark, he wouldn't be able to 'suplex train carriages' at all. It was also cut down to only 200CP with the discount, and would pair very well with the next purchase he made.

[Aura Implants (-800CP/Military Discount): Experimental Aura 'Cores' implanted in major joints and nerve clusters, allowing you to leech and store excess Aura. You can also do Aura intensive actions, such as enlarged astral projection, wirelessly wield weapons, fire concentrated Aura 'bolts', and create shields that do more than just cover your body. Hard limit of five times aura exists to prevent aneurysms and cardiac arrest. Also become hardier to disease.]

It might have been expensive--not as much as it would have been without the discount--, but Yusif found it to be more than worth it. The two combined would probably allow him to take on basically anyone in the RWBY verse, aside from the brother gods of course, and that wasn't just him being cocky. "Please don't nerf."


[Combat Ready (-600CP/Military Discount): Hundreds of thousands of simulations, scores of attack patterns, dozens of weapon variations. If this doesn't see you through a fight, then I don't know what will.]

A completely broken perk, that was yet another discount.

[Payback (-600CP/Military Discount): The light of your soul has given you the ability to avenge yourself in conflict. By taking in enemy damage or attacks, you can convert and keep it as a sort of damage multiplier.]

This would be his semblance, and a very useful one in Yusif's opinion.

[Awakened Animal (-200CP): A domesticated animal, way out of the league of regular animals, capable of fighting Grimm by your side and crazy combo attacks. Free import of any animal companion.]

This made him smile. He couldn't have Talia, but he could at least bring Shiro. Yusif wondered just how he would explain his acquisition of the massive griffin though.

[Remnant Arcana (-600CP): As a side effect of your studies, you have become a master codebreaker, mystery finder and translator. You learn dead arts twice as fast, and cast magic arts better for it too. Subsequently, your aura pool doubles.]

And with his final 50 CP,

[Sweet Ride (-100CP/Military Discount): Gain an Aura-powered vehicle. Yes, you can import an old vehicle for free. No it can't be something like a VTOL. Cars, motorcycles, that's what you're licensed for. On the plus side, the vehicle will also be able to channel Aura.]

He chose to import a custom made Tek Motorbike he had Talia create. It took nearly a half a year, but it was every bit worth the wait and many hours were spent riding across the island.

Before pressing the finalize button, Yusif briefly stretched his arms over his head, muttering "Off I go." He confirmed everything, and like last time, his vision promptly became covered in darkness, and in the next moment, he was gone from the warehouse.

Sorry if this chap was a bit shoddy, I'm sleep deprived as fuck. I'll edit it tomorrow.

yeIlowguycreators' thoughts