
Attack on Titan: Reborn

Man gets reincarnated into the world of Attack on Titan with some wishes.

Tr0llFac3 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Rise To Power.

Mark is currently standing over a village little smaller than his own, in his menacing body every person in the village was look at him.

"Will you willingly join the Yeager empire, or will I have to destroy you?" The towering giant asked the civilians. As this was asked all the residents of the village fell to their knees in pure fear of the giant being in front of them, but few of them were of awe. Before long the leaders of the village came and stood in front of the being bravely, though there was still hints of fear in his eyes.

"What do you want, you devil." The man was sweating buckets when he said this.

"Must I repeat myself? Join the Yeager empire or die." As Mark said this he purposefully released steam and his eyes narrowed at the defiant man. 

"What happens if we join your empire? Will I still keep power, or will I become a mere slave."

"It is not my empire. The emperor is Mark Yeager and I follow all of his orders. If you join our empire, you will become a high rank as you are willing to join and are not defiant. Those who don't join will be flattened until every single resident of that village is blood on the floor."

"Alright, the Algar Tribe will join your empire." As he said this his knees buckled as he put one knee on the floor and kneeled.

"Take all your people and travel west, there you will find the Yeager empire, Our emperor just took power, but soon it will completely change."

As he said that he, as always, walked away at a slow pace, but even with a slow pace he traveled many miles in just minutes.

He soon found the second tribe before the Eldia tribe, and told them the same thing. They submitted more willingly than the first, but still with some resistance. The name of the tribe is the Aslan Tribe. 

After nearly 15 more minutes of walking, he saw the Eldia tribe in the distance, and he sure they saw him, as they had hundreds of people on the walls manning throwing spears and bows.

"those are more than useless, I can't even pick my teeth with those, I'm here to talk, not cause destruction."

When he started talking more than half of them ran away, with a small percentage passing out from looking at him. The rest stood their ground and started to throw spears at him, and shoot arrows at him. As expected nothing happened as they bounced off his skin. Some of them didn't even reach him as he was so huge.

"Call your king here to talk, otherwise I'll flatten this tribe to the ground." Crystal apparated around him and a beautiful throne of crystal appeared. Scaring the tribesman. Minutes later Karl fritz, the one who started it all. Is staring at me in shock and fear. 

"Who are you...you devil. " Karl looked at me venomously, staring at me with a hatred, I didn't even know why he had. I hadn't hurt any of his men, not stepped foot on ground yet, I haven't even stated why I was here to anyone.

"Join the Yeager empire or have your entire tribe razed to the ground." 

"I will do no such thing, I will surrender all I have worked for to some damn demon!" He smashed his fist against the top of the wall.

"You may choose not to join, but then your entire world will fall apart, more than eight other tribes joined us today alone. If you are the only one that hasn't joined...then you should figure out what will happen to you. Join. or. die."

"I would rather die than just hand you all my hard work! EVERYONE THROW EVERYTHING YOU HAVE AT IT!" Karl ran down the stairs leading to the wall and began to run towards the back of his village before leaving through the back gate, leaving everything behind.

"You saw your king abandon you, will you still fight for him or will you join us and prosper with the empire."

They looked at each other, then got ready to throw their spears, but one person dropped their weapon and bowed. This caused a domino effect and one person after another started dropping their weapon and bowing.

"I want you to look for a slave named Ymir, if you do not have her that is fine, I will look for her myself, Take all your people and head west, you will find the Yeager Empire there."

He sat down in his crystal throne for around two hours, when they came to him and said that they found a slave named Ymir, she hadn't had her tongue cut out as her village was pillage only a few weeks ago, they make their slaves go through weeks of mental torture that makes them more malleable to be workers. Such as being alone for weeks at a time, or hearing a single drop of water thousands of times and it making you go insane. 

Nothing to hurt your body, but your mind instead. Mark had Ymir be treated with the utmost respect and to be healed of any physical injuries she may have received.

After giving them directions, Mark ran as fast as he could back to the Yeager Empire, and took great joy in realizing that the two other tribes that he conquered were in fact getting all their people and traveling to his empire, the Algar empire was only 4 miles away and the Aslan tribe was nearly triple that at 12 miles away, they both would make it by tomorrow. 

As he ran past them the groups of people awed at him. When he arrived at the village, he ejected from his titan using the Warhammer power, and connected a rope to the sole of his foot, making it near impossible to see. He controlled his titan through it. He made his titan body wait outside the villagers sight until Mark could be seen walking through the gate.

As his main body walked through the gate, loud thumping could be heard, and the earth shook as the colossal being walked towards Mark.

When everyone thought that their new emperor would be stepped on, the unimaginable happened. Their god, bowed. To Mark.

Mark made his main body talk. 

"I will serve you, emperor of the Yeager empire, and I will become your greatest weapon. For war, for democracy, for agriculture, and for architecture. No matter what, I will be there for you and your descendants as you are the first of Royal Blood. The first King of the Yeager Empire." 

After saying this, Mark used as much power as he could while not inside his titan form and made three big walls made of crystal with 200 miles in-between every single wall. As only the conquered villages were the only ones around for a thousand miles no one except for those few noticed this.

The smallest circle of wall was 50 miles in diameter, while the biggest was around 250 miles. All the walls had a single symbol near the gates, and that symbol was Marks face with a crown on, and a fitting robe. He had a shield in one hand, and a great sword in the other, seemingly holding it with no apparent difficulty.

After creating the walls, the titan then created a magnificent castle with 4 towers surrounding it in all four corners, with beautiful carved statues of Mark near the front entrance. Near exact in detail. After creating the inside of the castle it then created houses for the rest of the civilians and the new people coming to live here. 

While not as beautiful as his castle, the houses were still mesmerizing as they were moderately sized, the strength of the crystal cannot be underestimated as even after Mark dies, it will last a thousand year with no wear and tear.

After creating all these buildings and walls Mark was feeling fatigued, so he had his titan body say farewells and he disappeared inside the forest.

Everyone crowded around Mark and was bombarding him with questions about what just transpired. 

"Everyone, please quiet down. Let me talk."

The talking stopped almost immediately.

"With the power of god on our side, our goal of making the world under one banner and creating peace will be closer than ever, I am feeling fatigued so I must go to sleep in the beautiful castle our god created."

Mark walked away from the crowd and entered his new castle, he designed it to his own liking and it turned out almost exactly as he imagined it. He entered his main bedroom and he created a bed frame with enough space to fit 10 people, he had to make use of his founding titan power somehow.

He exited the castle and got some bedding and returned to place it on top of the crystal frame. As Emperor he's going to need some people to make better mattresses because this shit is not gonna cut it.

Tomorrow all three tribes he invited himself are going to arrive at the empire, and the other 7 are going to be there around the same time.

Today was a good day.