

Yi_zhan_ · คนดัง
3 Chs



Zhan after grabbing Yibo's hand took him to the place where he was doing his photography and Yibo when saw the place widened his eyes as he never expected that this forest contains something like this so he turned toward Zhan as he spoke, "it is awesome, Zhan!"

Zhan when heard this with a smile spoke, "yeah, I know it is!" And Yibo on hearing this spoke, "how did you know about this place?"

Zhan on hearing this with a smile spoke, "I discovered it six months back when I went hiking with my friend!" And Yibo on seeing this just nodded his head as he settled down beside the lake followed by Zhan as he spoke, "so what are you doing here, Mr. Xiao?"

Zhan when heard this let a laugh as he spoke, "don't you feel you are too late to ask this question, Mr. Wang?" And Yibo hearing this with a laugh spoke, "and why so?"

"You just followed me here without knowing what I was doing here, Mr. Wang!" Replies Zhan with a smile and Yibo on hearing this lets a laugh as he spoke, "but you let me your phone Mr. Xiao, if you would have any ill attention toward me you would not have given me the phone!" Argued the young biker.

Zhan on hearing this just laughed as he spoke, "that's a tricky answer!" And Yibo on hearing this chuckled as he spoke, "so will you tell me what are you doing here?" And Zhan on hearing this spoke, "I just came here to do wildlife photography!"

Yibo when heard this spoke, "so you are a wildlife photographer?"

Zhn on hearing this let a laugh as he spoke, "no, wildlife photography is my hobby!" And Yibo on hearing this spoke, "okay!" As he looked at the lake in front of him and just smiled to himself as he felt his soul calming down.

Zhan, when saw Yibo smiling, felt something in his heart a feeling that he has never felt before a feeling which made him calm so he looked at Yibo as he spoke, "so what are you doing here Yibo?"

Yibo when heard this with a smile spoke, "just to enjoy nature away from the hustle and bustle of the city every Sunday I come to this road!"

Zhan when heard this now got the answer to why there is the sound of the motorbike every Sunday so he spoke, "so is this your usual time!"

Yibo when heard Zhan spoke, "yes!" And then with a cause spoke, "how do you know this?"

Zhan when heard this chuckled as he spoke, "yeah a sound of a motorbike which sometimes disturbs my models!" Yibo when heard this let a laugh as he spoke, "so you are complaining right now!"

"No, I am not!" Replied Zhan hurriedly as he felt that the other person might be offended by his words. Yibo when heard Zhan and saw his expression realized that the other when have misunderstood his tease so he spoke, "hey I am not offended, I was just teasing you!"

Zhan on hearing this just nodded his head as he spoke, "don't tease me!" And Yibo on seeing this smiled as he spoke, "okay!" And then with a pause spoke, "so did you click photos today!"

Zhan on hearing this with a smile speak, "yeah!" And yibo on hearing this with excitement spoke, "will you show me?"

Zhan on hearing this nodded his head as he started showing those photos to Yibo and explaining to them how he clicked them and Yibo listened to zhan intently as a student listening to his teacher. Zhan who has shown the young biker his today photos spoke, "will you like to see other photos too?"

Yibo on hearing than spoke, "I will be pleasured, Mr. Xiao!" And with this Zhan started showing the photos he clicked to Yibo as he started explaining to the young biker how he clicked them and the young biker also gave comments to Zhan in the middle.

The two people are sitting together and talking with each other as no sound other then there talk is being heard when suddenly a sound of ringtone echoed in the jungle.

Zhan when heard the ringtone frowned as he knows that it was his phone so he took out the cell phone to answer the call as he spoke, "hello!"

"Mr. Wang!" Came the voice from the other end of the receiver which made Zhan frown as how can someone call him as Mr. Wang so he was about to scold the person who has called him Mr. Wang when his eyes caught hold of Yibo who has been looking at him so he spoke, "it's for you Yibo!"

Yibo who has been looking at zhan frowned as he spoke, "for me!" And Zhan on hearing this just nodded his head as he passes the phone to Yibo and Yibo after taking the phone spoke, "hello!"

"Mr. Wang!" Spoke the voice again.

Yibo when heard the voice immediately spoke, "yes!"

"Sir your bike has been repaired!" And Yibo when heard this looked at his watch as he spoke, "but you said it will take four hours!"

"Actually sir, the mechanic was nearby only so he reached the area within five minutes and your bike is all repaired now!" Came the voice answer. Yibo when heard it just spoke, "okay!" And with this ended the call.

Zhan who has been looking at Yibo when saw Yibo ending the call spoke, "who was it?"

"My friend!" Spoke yibo and then with a pause spoke, "I need to leave Zhan!"

Zhan when heard this frowned as he spoke, "why?"

"Because my bike is repaired now!" Spoke Yibo as he stood up from his place and Zhan when heard this felt a pang in his heart as he doesn't want this person to leave but he know that he can't even stop him so also stood up from his place and both of them left the place to only move out of the woods to only move toward the place where the bike has been standing.

Yibo after reaching the place knelt in front of his bike as he spoke, "so baby is fine now!" And kissed on the rear end of the bike.

Zhan when saw this felt a timeline sensation inside his heart as he too wants to taste those lips but as soon as the thought clicked in his mind he mentally slapped himself.

Yibo after standing up looked at Zhan as he spoke, "so then I should leave Mr. Xiao Zhan!" And Zhan on hearing this spoke, "okay, Yibo!" And with this Yibo climbed his bike and started the engine and was about to move when he heard Zhan's voice again.

Zhan when saw Yibo starting his engine moved toward him as he spoke, "yibo!"

Yibo when heard this spoke, "yes zhan!"

Zhan when got the attention he want spoke, "can I have your number?"

Yibo when heard this chuckled as he spoke, "and why so?"

"So that I can contact you and we could catch up later!" Replied the young heir.

Yibo when heard this chuckled as he spoke, "if fate wants us to meet again we will meet Zhan, and then I will definitely give you my number!" And zhan when heard this felt a pang in his heart but before he could speak anything he felt his lips getting captured by a pair of soft lips.

Yibo, when saw Zhan sulking, couldn't control himself as the person was looking too cute to him so he immediately captured the said person's lips with his making the other person shocked.

Yibo after kissing Zhan for a few minutes break the kiss as he spoke, "see you soon Mr. Xiao!" And with this left the place leaving Zhan with a pounding heart.

Zhan when heard the voice of the engine of the bike came out of his daze to only see Yibo moving away and Zhan seeing this moved his finger to his lips as he spoke, "see you soon Mr. Wang!" And with this left the place with a smile.

Time skip...

Next day...


The clock is striking at 9:00 am and it the early office hours and the people are entering the building of the largest corporation in China when a black Audi is seen stopping in front of the building from where steps the CEO of the Xiao Corporation in his whole glory and majestic Aura and entered the office building and the people on seeing the young heir immediately bowed their heads and Zhan just nodded his head as he moves toward his elevator to enter it as he presses the button for the fiftieth floor and with this elevator closes and to open on the fiftieth floor with a ding and as soon as Zhan steps out of the elevator he saw his father standing there with a smile.

Zhan when saw his father there smiled as he spoke, "good morning dad!"

"Good morning young man!" Spoke Mr. Xiao and then with a pause spoke, "Zhan he is waiting for you in the conference room!"

Zhan when heard this frowned as he spoke, "who dad?"

Mr. Xiao when heard this frowned as he spoke, "you don't remember!"

"What dad?" Spoke Zhan raising his brows and Mr. Xiao on hearing this spoke, "your blind date!"

Zhan on hearing this remembered his talk with his dad and now he realized that the said person is his blind date but today Zhan is in no mood to have this date as yesterday he finally realized what his heart want so he spoke, "but dad-!" But was cut in the middle as his father spoke, "no but, Mr. Xiao zhan he is waiting for you for the past half an hour, now go and meet him!"

Zhan when heard his father just nodded his head as he left for the conference room as he entered the room he found a man sitting on the chair with his back facing him which made him frown so he spoke, "hey!" But there was no voice heard and Zhan seeing this frowned but seeing this he felt relaxed as he know that now he can speak what is in his heart so he spoke, "hey, I am glad you came but you need to leave!" And this made the said person a little bit startled as he shook his chair and Zhan on seeing this spoke, "I may sound rude but it's better if you leave because I have someone else in my heart, and it would be better if you leave!"

Zhan after hearing this is about to move outside the room when a voice is heard which made Zhan shake to the core as the voice spoke, "who it is?"

Zhan when heard the voice immediately turned toward the person and the scene which he saw made him shocked as he saw Yibo standing there in his whole glory.

Yibo who has been waiting for Zhan as his father told him that the Chairman of Xiao Corporation wants him to get married to his son was not ready at all but when he saw the photo of the said person he felt elated and he immediately agreed to meet him and has been waiting for him in the office but when heard Zhan felt his heart-crushing as the last meeting with the said person made him fell in love with the said person bit hearing him right now made him feel a stab in his heart so he immediately decided to reveal himself to Zhan.

Zhan when saw the said person is shocked as Yibo again spoke, "who it is Mr. Xiao Zhan?" As he moved toward the place where the young heir is standing right now.

Zhan when saw Yibo coming toward him came out of his daze as he spoke, "what are you doing here, Mr. Wang?"

Yibo when heard the question immediately spoke, "I asked the question first so I need an answer first!"

Zhan when heard the young biker smirked as he spoke, "so you want the answer?"

"Yes!" Came the reply from the young biker but before he could do anything else he is caged by the young heir as the young heir landed his lips on his capturing the lips of the biker making the latter shocked but soon ge started responding the young heir which made Zhan smile in between the kiss.

Zhan after a few minutes broke the kiss as he looked at Yibo and spoke, "so I feel you got my answer!" And Yibo who has been taken aback by the kiss when heard the young heir smirked as he spoke, "no I don't!"

Zhan on hearing the biker just chuckled as he spoke, "you are naughty, Mr. Wang!"

"And you are too straightforward Mr. Xiao!" Replied Yibo as both of the men laughed together unaware of Mr. xiao man, Zhan's father who has been standing at the door as he spoke, "so Zhan my boy, may I finalize the wedding of you and Yibo!"

Zhan and Yibo who has been in a daze of themselves when heard Mr. Xiao's voice immediately straightened themselves as Zhan spoke, "when did you come dad?"

"When both of the love birds were busy reconciling!" Spoke another voice which gathered Yibo's attention as he saw his father coming behind Mr. Xiao.

Yibo when saw his dad is shocked so he looked at him as he spoke, "what are you doing here papa!" And Mr. Wang on hearing this spoke, "want to know the answer to the question Mr. Xiao asked?" And then with a pause spoke, "so what do you say Yibo?"

"About what?" Asked the young biker.

"Your marriage with Zhan!" Replied Mr. Xiao and then looked at Zhan who is still processing what is happening here but when heard his father immediately spoke, "I am ready!" Making Mr. Xiao chuckle as he looks at Yibo and spoke, "what about you young man?"

"Me too!" Replied Yibo in an excited tone making both of the elders laugh as Mr. Wang spoke, "so them it's final from today you both are fiance!" And then turned toward Mr. Xiao as he spoke, "so shall we leave?"

"Sure, Mr. Wang!" And with this, both of the elders left the room leaving the boys alone.

Zhan when saw the elders leaving turned toward Yibo as he spoke, "so can I get your number now!" As he remembers the young biker's words.

Yibo when heard this chuckled as he spoke, "you got me for your whole life, and still, you want my number!" And Zhan hearing this chuckled as he grabs the boy and before capturing his lips again spoke,


"I LOVE YOU TOO MR. XIAO ZHAN!" Spoke Yibo as he captured the young heir's lips as both of the boys again got lost in one another.



Hope you are going to like it...