
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 8: Ambien

Lying on her bed in the elven palace, she was staring at the ceiling thinking about the decisions made and hoping they would work out the way they wanted them to. She told Ridale before they went their separate ways that she would like to tell their parents first. She thought they had the right to know before their friends did. He thought so too, so he was going to set it up so that him, his mother, and hers were at his house eating dinner. Then she was going to show up and they were going to announce it together. Her mother still didn't know she was in the Vale. This way they could surprise her twice. Once with her being here and then with the wedding.

"Atona, are you awake?" Andrianna asked looking around the door.

"Yes, What's keeping you up so late?" Atona asked rolling on her side.

"I was just wondering if I could lay in here with you. I had a terrible dream and just can't sleep now."

"Sure. Come on in." She said moving over and making room.


"Now off to sleep with you. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I need all the rest I can get."

"Atona, will you name the baby after me?" she said starting to get sleepy.

"What? Where did you hear about that?" Wide awake now and sitting up in bed.

"I overheard Ambien and your friend Jaden talking today. You know when you were with Ridale. They came back without you and I was going in to see why when I heard them talking. I think Ambien is a little jealous of Ridale and you. I don't know why. Good Night!" she said rolling over leaving no room for any more discussion.

Atona climbed out of the bed, and headed down the hall to Ambien's room. She seen the light was still on under the door so she knocked. "Who is it?" He asked sounding angry.

"It's me. We need to talk."

"Come on in. It's not locked, and there isn't anything to talk about." She opened the door, Ambien was standing by the fire. He looked as if he had been pacing. There were several scrolls and parchments laying on his desk. His bed was all askew, his clothes were thrown everywhere. She couldn't tell if he had thrown everything in a rage, or if he was just searching for something.

"What was it you wanted to talk about? As you can see I'm kind of busy." he said waving his hand over his desk. He had a strange sound to his voice she had never heard him talk that way especially to her.

"I wanted to talk about us."

"Atona, there is no us. There is you, Ridale, and a baby." he said with absolutely no emotion at all. It was then she noticed the near empty wine bottle sitting on the table by the fireplace. Ambien was not one to drink in excess. Today must have upset him terrible. She couldn't tell whether it was her or someone else. He wasn't letting her close to him. He used to be an open book, she could ask anything and get an honest answer.

"Ambien, what is wrong? This is so unlike you." she said fighting back the tears.

"There is nothing wrong with me. Everything is just peachy. Not only did I lose my best friend today, but I lost the only woman I have ever truly loved."

"I don't understand. I didn't think you even had a girlfriend." She was truly confused. They had always been good friends. Even the best of friends, but he hadn't lost her.

"I don't have a girlfriend. The woman I'm talking about doesn't even know how I feel about her. She never would have if it weren't for this note I received today. When you had your fall I sent a note to tell Ridale that you were here. He sent me this note back." he said handing her a crumpled up parchment. It looked like he had wrung it in his hands with the intention of ripping it to shreds.


I am glad that you have told me of my dear Atonas' safe return. However, I find it difficult to think that you have the best of intentions for us. Everyone knows how you have fawned over her during the years of schooling you gave her. Now if I can get her to marry me while she is here, I want you to have nothing else to do with her. I don't want to hear of you even speaking to her. Now I'm sure you are thinking this is nonsense that you two were just friends but talk is cheap and can ruin a good reputation. Even one held as high as yours. Again thank you for bringing her home safe, but remember what I said. Ridale

Atona dropped the parchment and struggled to find a chair to sit on before she fell. She could not believe that a man that she loved so truly could be so cruel and mean. Especially to someone who did so many great things in the world for not just her but for everyone. She started to cry. She couldn't bear to think of losing her closest and dearest friend because of a marriage that she was just so happy about a few minutes ago.

"Ambien I'm not leaving you. I love you, but I know a relationship could not be between us. Didn't you say so yourself, when you left for school? So I have settled in my heart years ago that you would always be my one true love that got away. From that day I have always looked for someone that would fill the gaps around you but never take you away from me." she said crying.

"Atona, I…I love you too. I only said those things when I left to try to keep us both from hurting so badly. Father made me leave for school so that our relationship would not blossom so quickly and look inappropriate. I grew up loving you. You were my true love from the very first day I saw you. I have settled for letting you be my sisters' closest friend, and mine also. I would not want to be the one who stands between you and Ridale. But please go off to bed now, you need your rest." He said pulling her up to stand in front of him. Hugging her and kissing her forehead. The flame and fire was there in their touch, and each of them knew that they shouldn't act on it.

"Good Night, Ambien." She said in a daze from what he had said to her. She could not believe that he cared for her the same way she had cared for him all these years. She left his room but instead of going to her room, she went down to the kitchen to get her a glass of milk. She crossed through the ballroom such a glorious room with paintings of elven holidays, and festivals. Beautiful marble pillars spaced out through the room. You could almost hear the elven music playing, and see them dancing and enjoying the great festivities. She walked into the kitchen and was startled by someone sitting at the table.