
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 3: Decisions

"Well, Atona! How are you feeling today?" a middle aged man asked as he walked in with Jaden. He was dressed in deep purple robes and wore the amulet of one of the Gods, around his neck.

"I'm alright I guess. I feel a little stronger than yesterday. But I am still very week." she said trying to sit up straighter but when she did she got dizzy and her head started to pound. The cleric quickly felt her forehead, then turned to shoo Jaden out of the room.

"Wait! Why are you making him leave? What's wrong?" she asked frantic.

"Now, now, calm down. I just want to feel your belly without everyone looking at your bareness." He said gently pulling the cover back and lifting her shirt. He laid his hand on her stomach one side then the other. He pulled her shirt back down, put the cover back, and left the room.

She waited patiently, getting more frantic by the minute. She couldn't imagine why he would be interested in her belly. It was her head that was hurting, along with her ankles and her wrists. The only thing that could and it was very likely impossible to be was that she could be pregnant and he was concerned for the baby. She couldn't possibly be pregnant though, because the one and only man she had ever been with was her beau Ridale. That was over a month ago, but now as she thought about it, it was a long time since she had her bleeding spell.

She could remember Ridale so well, the last time she saw him he watched her with such sadness as she was leaving town. His curly hair hanging down around his ears, the one curl that always fell down the center of his forehead. His sparkling blue eyes dancing in the moonlight. He wanted to go with her so badly, but when his father died that left him as the new store owner. The night before they had a beautiful picnic near the waterfall. It was their favorite place to get away and enjoy time with each other. She could still feel his gentle touch and soft kisses. If she was pregnant, that meant she would have to go back to the village. This would break her mother's heart. She would never understand her love for Ridale and why she left without marrying him. He had asked but she couldn't be tied to the village when there was such a large world to see. How was she going to handle this? How was she going to explain all this to Ridale?

"Wondering what to do about the baby?" Jaden said so gently and great concern in his voice, as he sat in the chair near the bed.

"Yes, I suppose I was. I can't go back and live with my mother she would never understand. And Ridale, how am I going to tell him?" she said almost crying looking from him to Grayson and his brother Bryson.

"So you know what the cleric told us?" Bryson asked gently.

"No, I just guessed. Where did he go anyway?" She asked as she lay back down.

"He went to get Sara. She has delivered all the babies in the area and knows more about this sort of thing than he does." Grayson said. She started to cry.

"What's the matter? You should be happy, you're a mother." Bryson said leaning over to pat her hand. Jaden was holding her other hand. He was becoming a good and trusted friend. It seemed like he was very concerned for what happened to her. He was so much like Ambien. Perhaps that is why they got along.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to look at the patient. Then when I get through you can carry her upstairs to room twelve. I have made the arrangements with the innkeeper." A middle aged woman said as she came into the room. Once they left the room she immediately went to work. She pulled the cover down and went to inspecting her belly.

"My dear, you are about two months with child. The reason you are so weak is because you spent five days without food and water. Your baby is starving, and dehydrated. Now you have to eat and drink plenty of water. I'm going down to the kitchen to whip you up some good potions that will fix you up really quick like." She said with a bright smile. She left the room and told Jaden to carry her and her things to room twelve. As he picked her up, he was so gentle. He carried her to the room and laid her down on the bed.

"Here you are, a nice cozy bed and your own private room." Jaden said. "So what are your plans?"

"I'm not sure yet. I know I need to get to feeling better. Then after that I guess I need to go back to the vale. I need to tell Ridale. But Jaden I don't want to be tied down. I want to adventure and have fun." She said sitting up in the bed trying to fight off the dizziness in her head.

"Well, I'll tell you what. I'll travel with you to the Vale to make sure you make it safe. I've always wanted to see it anyway." He said.

"Thanks Jaden. What about Devin and your other friends?"

"Well, we'll tell them that you are going to show us the Vale and we can adventure on from there. They don't have to know why you are going back to the Vale." He said as there was a knock on the door.

"Shall I?" He asked gesturing toward the door.

"Please." She said looking to make sure she was covered. He opened the door to find Sara, Grayson and Bryson standing there. Sara holding a basket covered with cloth.

"Here you are dear, some potions and a few fresh fruits and vegetables from my garden. You be sure to eat plenty of them." Sara said, putting the basket on the table. Taking out a potion she went up to the bed. "Here dear, drink this down, it will have you better in a couple of hours."

She handed the vial of purple liquid to Atona. She opened the vial, sniffed it, it smelled of grapes. She drank it down quickly, noticing that it tasted of grapes slightly. She felt an odd tingling and the dizziness in her head was gone.

"Wow! That's some potion. The dizziness is gone, but I still feel sleepy, and weak."

"Well, you'll feel that for a little while longer. Until that wee one gets all it can eat and drink. In a couple weeks you will be able to adventure on. You will have to be careful. Adventurous types like you will have to take to smaller adventures. No fighting or rough play." She said in a motherly tone.

"So Atona, What are you going to do? I don't mean to rush you, but decisions have to be made" Grayson said.

"Yes, I know. I have decided to travel back to the Vale and let Ridale know what is going on. He should know. But rather than disgracing my mother, I will go stay with my dwarven friends. They always said to come to them when I needed help."

"What about your Elvin family, you don't think they would help?" A very familiar voice said, she looked towards the door, and there was Ambien. "I hope you don't mind. I came as soon as I got the message."

"No, I don't mind at all. I'm glad to see you. But how did you hear of this?" She asked very puzzled. She looked at Ambien and noticed he hadn't changed since the last time she had seen him. That day he walked away from her after telling her to make sure to never forget where home was. He was her mentor, and best friend, his advice and opinion meant everything to her.

"Ambien is an old friend. I have my ways to get in touch with him. When Jaden told me that you were from the Vale I sent a message to the palace. Thinking your family should know about your condition. I didn't expect him to come personally. Nor did I know just how close you two were." Sara said walking out the door.

"But Ambien, I couldn't possibly stay with the elves. It wouldn't be right."

"Atona, you want to learn more about the world. This way you could rest with the baby and still learn about the world. I know a family of elves that would love to care for her while you adventure. It is well worth the thought." Ambien said standing at the foot of her bed.

"You're right Ambien. That sounds like a very good plan to me. I would like to talk to Ridale about the baby. He has the right to his say. I can't talk to him in our village though. I'll have to find a way to talk to him without hurting my mother." She said starting to get sleepy.

"I'll work on that for you. You always were my best friend. We will get this figured out. You rest up now and we'll talk later." He said looking to the others.

They all left the room and headed for the bar. "So how long does it take to get to the Vale?" Jaden asked.

"Usually four days." Ambien answered waving over the barkeep.

"We have only been here three days." Bryson said, mystified.

"I used the dwarven tunnels which cuts the journey a little shorter. When Sara heard from the barkeep, who is her husband by the way, that Atona came in. She sent for me. I left immediately with my fathers blessing."

"Your fathers blessing?" Bryson asked. Jaden already knew, he recognized Ambien from the portraits in the hall of his father's palace.

"Yes, my father. King Tarrowlin of the Elvin kingdom." Ambien said, swallowing the last of his drink. " I really want to thank you all for saving her. I have to go send a message to my mother. She is worried, and I will need to let them know that I will be here for a while." He turned and left the tavern.

"I get the funny feeling there is more between them than just friends." Bryson said. The others nodded in agreement, and turned to watch the entertainment.