
Atona: The Missing Vale

Atona knows there is something missing in her life. Love, battle and family show her what is truly missing.

Jdholland · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 25: Ridales Confession

Andrianna whirled around to look after the babies. Seeing that the dwarves were running she engaged the first man that came at her. He was an ugly man with many scars on his face and arms. He was not balanced very well, he swung as if the sword was too heavy for him. He swung down and to the left, stumbled and Andrianna cut him through the middle dropping him to the ground. She stepped around him to get to the next man. Atona was watching Andrianna to make sure she would be fine while she got ready to take on her own problem. Ridale walked right to Atona, smirking and tossing is sword from one hand to the next.

"I see you were trying to leave the area with my babies." when he noticed her shocked look he continued "Yes, I know of the twins. Sylvia told me all about them. How you swore I wouldn't get my hands on them, and you said the only way I would be able to be a part of their lives is over your dead body. I'm here to arrange that now."

"I believe you are going to find that one harder than you thought. You see you kill me and you won't ever get to the babies. For as you saw the dwarves ran off with the babies. You don't have an army big enough to get through all the dwarves to those babies."

"I will find a way to those babies. With you out of the way that will just make it easier. This time your little dwarf friends, or elven friends won't be around to protect you."

"I don't need them to protect me Ridale. I can do that on my own."

"Your boyfriend is probably getting shot down by an arrow right now as we speak. That would be appropriate for you to die while he's away doing his princely duties. He always did leave you behind without an explanation as to where he was going or what he was doing. I know for a fact that he was in Warthol not long ago trying to find information about your dead parents. Maybe he was looking for that fortune they supposedly had hidden away."

"Ridale what are you rambling about? There is no fortune and what Ambien looks up in the great library is none of your business."

"The fortune is there princess, but your parents left you clues so that if anything ever happened to them you would be able to find it. I heard it from the blacksmith himself. He said the carvings on your dagger were important. So once I kill you I will just have to take your dagger and see if I can't get rich myself."

Just then Atona heard Andrianna scream in pain. She looked over Ridale's shoulder to check on her. Andrianna had been cut across her left leg, the cut was deep and blood was streaming down her leg. Andrianna was trying to fight balancing on her right leg. Ridale chose that moment to lunge at Atona and try to stab her through the side. Atona stepped to the right to avoid the sword while bringing her sword into defensive stance.

"Alistair, Andrianna has been cut badly." Atona yelled. Watching Ridale, as he moved ever so carefully in front of her. First moving to the left then to the right, trying to find a hole in her defensive stance. Atona watched him move and started calculating his movements. He lunged at her right side, she countered and knocked the sword up and away. They danced, parried, and fought each keeping step with the other keeping one step ahead of the other.

"You will never find anything that belonged to my parents. If there is even anything left of their country. You would never have a chance to get near it."

"That was swift of the elves to throw everyone off the trail by not showing you had a sister. Norvinia was never looking for two girls. She was just looking for the one. When she took over that country she knew one of you had the key to the fortune. She just didn't realize that you would be so hard to find. They found out about your dagger after they tortured the blacksmith. He finally gave the information after they threatened to kill his daughter. The darned fool, once he told them what they wanted they killed him and his daughter anyway. "

Atona could remember the blacksmith and his daughter, just as clear as if she had seen them yesterday. His daughter used to play by the stream with Atona. They had learned how to make swords together, and how to properly take care of one. Something Atona had passed on to the children of the vale growing up.

"Ridale, you are such a fool. You believe in such fairy tales, the blacksmith didn't have a daughter, he had a son." Ridale faltered just a second on his defensive dance at this information. Just enough for Atona to slide her sword past his and stab him between the ribs and yank the sword up. Loosing the air out of his lugs he dropped his sword and dropped to his knees. Atona pulled her sword free and prepared to swing the final blow.

"Your father really did leave you clues on how to win back your country. You just have to find the…" He fell to the ground on his last breath. Atona looked at him with shock for a few moments. She heard Andrianna cry out in pain and it jerked her back to her senses. She jumped over Ridales body and ran towards Andrianna. Alistair struck down the last of the men as Atona held Andrianna in her lap on the ground. She was cut badly on her left leg, her right arm, and a small stab wound was in her side. It looked the size of an arrow. Atona looked up in the trees to find the archer, but could see no one. She felt the tears running down her face, and then small hands pulling her away from Andrianna. That's when she noticed the dwarves, and Andrianna's family had arrived. By the looks of the armor they had been a part of the battle but she couldn't remember ever seeing them arrive.

"Atona, please, let us have her. We can heal her, she is going to be just fine. You need some healing yourself. "

"No. Take care of the others. I'm fine. It's just a scratch. Anyone have a horse? I have to get down the road and check on Ambien."

"Take mine. Let me know that my son is alright." The Queen said handing Atona the reigns. Atona gave her a quick hug, and took the reins.

"I will." Atona took off down the road as fast as the horse would go. She couldn't think straight, her mind was flashing to what Ridale had said. She had to know if Ambien, and her sister were fine.

If Ridale was right, then they would need both daggers to find the clues they needed to get their kingdom back. It didn't seem right that the blacksmith and her father would put all the clues on one dagger when there were two made. As Atona rounded the corner she heard singing, she recognized that voice. It was Jaden, he was singing some small lullaby. He must have Justine with him, when she spotted his horse she could make out two figures on it. One adult, one child, they were riding and singing peacefully. She didn't see any of the others, and Jaden was headed towards her.

"Jaden, Where are the others?" she yelled as she got closer.

"Atona, thank the Gods. We were ambushed, I was fighting like mad, and then I noticed a fool riding off with Justine here. So I took after them, got her back and started heading towards the palace. I figured I would take her to safety then go back and help with more men." His sentences all ran together, it was hard for Atona to make out what he was saying. When she got closer she then noticed the big bump on his head. It was crusted with blood, and starting to turn a dark purple.

"Jaden, you take Justine to the forest behind me. You will find everyone there. Give Justine to Ambiens parents. Get yourself healed, and tell the dwarves and the others where to meet me. Now go." she said as she leaned over and slapped his horse. The horse took off with a start jolting both passengers. "Hang on Justine. Hang on."

Atona spurred her horse into action. Running slower now, but fast enough that wouldn't wear out the horse too fast if they had a long ways to go. When she came to the next curve she slowed the horse down to a walk. The last thing she needed was him to lose his footing on the rocks and throw them off the cliff side. She was surprised when she took in the battle ground. There were dead orcs, and people everywhere, but none of the people wore the right colors. They were not the elven folk or from Jadens' kingdom. She didn't know who these people were and she was thankful they weren't her friends and family. She got off the horse and started inspecting the armor and shields of these people. They all were decorated with bright orange and brilliant yellow paint. The crest on the front of the shields looked so familiar to her. She knew she had seen that crest before but wasn't sure if she had seen it at the inn while she was there, while she was traveling, or in some books.

"Anything look familiar to you?" She jumped at the intrusion to her thoughts. She turned to see who was talking to her and found Jeremiah.

"Where is everyone?"

"They are in the caves on the other side of those rocks. We were looking for Justine, we thought maybe she went into the caves to hide like you and your sister did."

"Jaden has her, they were heading to the palace. Jaden was hurt on the head, but Justine is fine. Jaden and the others will be here shortly. Justine will stay at the palace with Ambiens parents."

"Thank the Gods. I was so worried about my little girl. I should have known my brother wouldn't have let anything happen to her."

"No, he sure wouldn't. Is everyone here alright? Rozelle, Ambien?"

"They are fine. Do you recognize these people?" He said gesturing towards the fallen men and women.

"No, well yes. I'm not sure. The crest on the shields looks really familiar, but I cannot place where I have seen it before."

"Look at your ring." Ambien said climbing down the rocks.

"Your alright. I was worried sick, frantic that I might lose you." She said running to him and hugging him.

"Yes, darling, I'm fine. I'm sure my parents are just as worried since your riding mothers horse."

"Yes, but that's a long story, I'll tell you about it on the way back."

"We aren't going back we are going forward. We have to get them home."

"Justine is with your parents. Jaden seen someone riding off with her and went after them and got her back. He then took her to the palace where she would be safe and he could get more help for here."

"Well, I guess we are going back."

"What did you mean she should look at her ring, Ambien?" Jeremiah said as he picked up some of the supplies that had been jolted off the wagons.

"That crest is the same as the ring you wear Atona. These people belong to your fathers' kingdom."

"I found out some interesting information about my fathers kingdom. I will have to tell you later."

"Atona, are you alright you are covered in blood? Is Justine alright I heard you say Jaden has her" Rozelle said climbing down the same rocks Ambien just came down.

"Yes, I'm fine. The blood isn't mine. It's Ridales and Andrianna's." When she finished she watched as Ambiens face went white and he raced towards a horse.

"Ambien wait. She's fine. Just small cuts, and bruises. You have to help me get my sister back to the palace." He stopped before he had jumped onto the horse. Turned and looked at Atona to see if she was telling the truth or just saying that to make him feel better. He must have liked what he seen in her eyes, because he walked back to her pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

"Don't scare me like that again. It was bad enough when you said you were in a battle, but you inform me that my sister was too. I can see clearly that you all won. Are the babies safe?"

"Yes, they are with the dwarves. If we don't get back soon they will be drinking ale instead of milk, and learning to cuss."

"You are right." He said as he bent down and kissed her nose. "Let's get these wagons hitched up and these people properly buried. We need to try to get back to the palace by dark." He shouted to the men who had started to prepare the bodies for burial. As they were burying the dead, and fixing the wagons, the dwarves and elves arrived ready for battle. When they noticed there was no battle they pitched in and got the work done. Once everything was done they all headed back to the palace.