

A general war between the dark and light church, power based affinity users and Gods who dont show themselves until they deem a user worthy. The world was put in a lie, and only he knows; why? He doesnt know much, but what he does know is he needs to grow, and grow so much more powerful than he was because the world didnt know what was to come. Starting from the beginning with memories transferred from a somewhat different timeline with the same events or so he thinks, he will take back and create what he wants and he will be the one on top, no one, and absolutely no one, will stand in his way. At my worst, a web novel I just thought about to distill my own ideas, nature and mind state in. Enjoy.

Damien_Cane · เกม
9 Chs

Chapter 3

I know I felt something, that energy as though it would cripple anyone and everything, an ultimate sin; as I reach the place where the energy was last felt I see two dark spots as if ashes had been poured here, the odd thing is that there were signs of a fight. Just who could have done something like this and could they be a threat to the school or are they in the school already.

"Alot of unanswered questions, the church and the dark church have their differences but would they really fight in a school ? No, I doubt that. They would have cleared it up". I can not understand this so I clear it up and get back to school quickly for the announcement. When the time is right, I will call a meeting with the teachers to know if one of them had forgotten to report this and when I think about it properly, none of the teachers have any powers to completely turn a corpse down to nothing like this.

As I near the school gate, I slow down and walk into the school and towards the assembly grounds, every student here was smart, but none of them look to be killers at such an age. I stand and clear my mind to give the speech and announcement,

" As we all know, the school comes with certain rules on what needs to be done and what shouldn't be. The school has come up with a solution, since you all are so proud of your abilities to damage the school, in three years from today, there will be an outer school competition, with a school most known for its combat prowess. It goes without saying how much this competition is important to the school, all machineries have been set. Go about your day and prepare." The faces of the children in front of me were clear, confusion, some amazed, others happy and others extremely disappointed. Those twins that joined us two years ago, Marcellus and Caesar, dark and light affinity users. Marcellus was the only dark affinity user in the school and Caesar is the only light affinity user that has a different variety of light related powers. Marcellus, more than anything always goes to the ITF, to train? But a dark affinity user is shunned in more parts of the world than is accepted. He would have to learn how to use his head but more importantly control the immediate assertive use of his powers when influenced by his emotions.

I leave the grounds and take a walk back to the office, somethings are better said than done.


Three years left huh, the competition is nothing but a means to an end for my time in this school, I have found what I was looking for but it comes with a lot of thought, the school teaches every student based off their powers and abilities. The classes are all theoretical and proven based on how to control your powers and what you can use them for, but for a dark affinity user like myself and the only one in the school; I was the teacher and the student but that doesn't matter with my experience.

I get into my class and take a seat while waiting for the next teacher to come in knowing full well that this teacher hates dark affinity users. I wait for about ten minutes when a woman walks in, she had a slim fit dress with a cut from one of the ends to her knee section; Miss devoire. A highly skilled fire affinity user, her parents were killed by dark affinity users when in a war against a part of the continent back when dark and light affinity users couldn't get along.

She knew who I was, and I already knew what she was going to ask, I paid no mind to her, I was thinking of ways to get myself disowned and expelled at the same time and there she was, my one chance to leave here and grow with no eyes on me.

She turns to me and throws something at me, it wasn't anything power based so I just caught it with my hands and looked at her, its begun already.

I get up from my seat and head towards her, although I was a kid to her, she still braced herself like she was fighting against a professional, that's what made her a hard opponent but there's something she has that I want. I WANT HER LIFE.

You could say it's a delusion to fight against someone who's almost an elite with another that's barely even a beginner, she put out her hand to receive the short stick she had thrown and I dropped it on the ground, hence a slap on the face with a glove if you put it out differently.

The rage in her eyes were almost entirely the same as her absurd lack of uncontrollable flames, if not for the shield I had put around us, these kids would have been charred. I mouthed the life and death ring to her and she immediately calmed down, and looked at me both angry and confused, she pulled it off nicely too.

"You want to have a life and death match with me?! " she said with a grin on her face, forgetting the fact that I just stopped her fire...now I know she's completely lost it.

I nodded.

Everyone in the class had heard that since I removed the shield as soon as she undid her flames. To them, I that saved their lives was nothing more than a suicidal maniac and to be honest, if not for the recent skills I've gotten I wouldn't dare go up against her of all people but if I'm being honest; her flames are what I need and if she doesn't die I cannot get it, in the near future she takes the risk of almost killing me, cant let that happen again.

I walked out of the class, my mind dwelling on the rules of the life and death ring. It may sound like that but it's an arena for students or teachers with a grudge to axe out, the rules are simple, no external help, weapons and skills, Any means to win is allowed on the ring, and death of the opponent isn't charged by anyone as the parents of students have already signed a contract and teachers can make their own decisions, you can place bets on yourself but not on the opponent, that's just insane. And the most important, equipment or drops from the opponent are yours to claim.

Something hit me and bounced back on the ground, I looked down to see her, the angel, if it was me from my previous life I would've freaked out but this time, I was just wondering why I was so deep in thought that I couldn't sense my surroundings; if she was an enemy, my head would've been rolling.

"I'm sorry, here," I stretch out my hand for hers to hold on to but she just uses her powers on herself to get back up,

"No need, I guess. Bye" I walk off, she might've been an angel to me but I shouldn't be mistaken, she's a demon too. She mumbles something which I didn't hear but didn't care to, my fight was just the beginning of my problems, if she joins in, things could get a whole lot worse.

With my mind thinking up strategies I could use to win, a four eyed kid named Caleb got in my way, no, he appeared in my way, he was one of those kids on the bottom status of school, the ones being bullied. The losers.

"Don't go, you'll be killed by her", he said with his hands all stretched out, but I was curious, I bent down to his ear,

"Who says I'm the one getting killed?" then looked back at him and smiled.

"S-stop it, she's a well known teacher who's abilities are almost able to go against the principals. You're defin-" I lay a finger on this lips, for a loser, he talks too much.

"What ability did you just use?" I ask, removing my finger.

" I-I can teleport to places I've been or seen with my eyes ." He stammered but if I'm going to be honest, with an ability like that, he's meant to be loved in this school. Why was he-

"Hey four eyes, " I turn to see a jock from the basketball team walk down the stairs, I really need to know people in the school.

"Take me to the cafeteria."

Ah, I understand it now, use by oppression. The fact that his abilities are rare doesn't change the fact that he's a loser, if he had been dropped in just the right crowd, he would've soared with his abilities but here, he's just a centre for mobility. He doesn't have a life.

The smile I had slyly turned to a smirk as I had an idea. Why don't I free him? I put my hands on his shoulders,

"Thanks for worrying four eyes, also, come stand in front, let me show you how I win and still have my prize."

He wasn't completely convinced so I guess I had to use force on him, almost shattering his collarbone; he agreed. I walk away towards the sounds of people cheering and betting on her, by the time I reached there, the odds for her and I were 50 : 1, a major deal that would turn the money I had into something for my immediate survival. After I bet, all bets are closed; I put in ten thousand on myself and the bets on myself had been closed and a half grabbed my shoulders.

" Put this on yourself too," he handed me a large amount, wondered where I'm going to be keeping all this money after I've gotten it. I added it to mine and walked away after looking back at him, both of us sure that she's the one that's going to die.

I walk up to the large sized base that was of the ground, about 20 by 50 meters. She stood about 25 meters away from me, I could see it, her energy leaking out; even though I know she hates dark affinity users, to take it out on a kid too shows how she's unfit to be a teacher which adds to a secondary reason to have her dead.

I didn't realize when she had already brought her flames out to accelerate her speed towards me, I immediately brought up darkness in more than half the ring, and added my flames everywhere. No matter where she was I would see her, a flaming punch to the face hit but was intercepted with my flames turned shield.

I grabbed her neck and increased the darkness around her head to flow down into her system, which immediately took a bad turn. She breathed fire from her mouth, making me lose my grip on her, her hair, clothes, body, has turned into a being with fire, she almost resembled the dwarves Goddess.

She brought forth flames that filled the whole arena, clapping them towards me, my flames stationed, immediately turned into humanoid form each with devour, shield and agility with reflexes as I blocked most of her fiery attacks. Six of my formless flames had gone after her, the burn marks on my body were easily healed by the much acquired life force.

I let out a little flame that left the arena to search for that kid, Caleb. I focused back on my fight, and brought out a flame, shaped it into a spear, and threw it at a blind spot she had from one of the flames blocking her. It hit her flaming armour and I made another one and threw, this time supplementing it with more life force, cracking her armour.

The flames were looking for a chance to devour her when I threw the third one, with more than half of the life force acquired, successfully cracking her armour in the torso. They fused and went straight at it quickly as she tried to regenerate but too late, she started to burn up but since she was a fire ability user and a strong one at that she ran straight at me even while burning up and showers me with an endless amount of hell fire, its flames would scorch a cow straight to ash.

I shrouded myself in darkness, then with shield, coupled with my fire on top. I used up the remaining life force to accelerate her death and my protection when something happened, I felt it, life force from my flame, it successfully brought me that ability. I immediately went to work, creating a new flame after the other had dispersed. Giving it my abilities and the new one, I let out a smile, Teleportation.

It turned into a passable version of me and teleported straight in front of her as she was about to break through my shield, grabbing her head while she was in shock, the time was now; I burned her, and devoured her already damaged life force and ability. This was the end of Devoire.

As I dispersed my flames to calm myself down, I felt the pain in my head, and body like a jolt of electricity had surged through me, as soon as I tried to get back up from the ground, messages started popping up in front of me, a pop up message with my name on it. I immediately pushed them aside and wanted to leave here first without getting any suspicions. The teachers and students in awe and shock and also in panic because of the four eyes that just died. No one around him saw what burned him since her and I both used flames so they didn't put the lights on me, but I knew that was different for the staff members of the school.

They needed someone to blame and why not a dark affinity user who happens to have won his fight with a fire ability user at her peak. I would be getting expelled, having assassins after me and let's just say my family isnt too fond of my ability as a dark user.

But for now, I think I'm safe. I walk down the stairs and leave the scenes, people die everyday, how they die doesnt matter, what they died for does. If something happens and someone in my life dies from another person, and the reason for their death doesnt appease my nature, its particularly obvious what I would do to them.

At the corner of my eye, there he stood, The principal, studying me, it's not as if he could, it's just, he cant. I've gone through countless of battles, been tortured and interrogated with my mind at the brink of succumbing to just anything to get me out of such pain, you may have a resistance but to get rid of such pain, is impossible...I've done as much as I can to get expelled, its up to them now...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Damien_Canecreators' thoughts