
Asura the eternal god

In ancient era, the asura god was betrayed by his friends, loved ones; he was besieged and was killed. In present era there is a teenage boy name xiuluo who is blind and get crippled. He gets the remants of the asura god and ask to take revenge for them . What destiny awaits for the boy, will he take revenge for them, will he be against the fate?

Xiuluo · ตะวันออก
37 Chs

Interrogating like a demon

Its the evening time, Xiu Luo came to the nearest town went towards the inn, the inn is filled with cultivators as they were drinking tea and eating food. Xiu Luo reduced his sense range as it wil consume too much spiritual qi and its not good if some powerhouses came into his sense range as it wil backlash him. So he sat at the corner table and order some food. The waiter brought the food and Xiu Luo start eating but before he start eating he heard a noice.

A young teenage came as he kicked the door of the entrance he is wearing white nyon cloth and is holding white tuanshan which showed that he is weathy, behind him there are two person who look robust and they look like the servants. The teenage look around to see an empty seat but he saw Xiu Luo who is wearing ordinary black cloths and blindfold. Then teenage sneered and went towards Xiu Luo and banged the table. 

Xiu Luo look upward he didn't know who did it and activate spirit sense then he spotted three people near him. Xiu Luo didn't show any displeasure on his face just showed surprise expression.

"A blind person is not allowed in this inn did you not see the board outside." The boy shouted while sneering , he said loudly as he want to make fun of Xiu Luo in front of everyone.

"Oh ha, i forgot you can't see the outside board." The boy laughed while sneering. After listening to the conversation the remaining crowd also start laughing. 

"Hey waiter did you not say him that the disable people aren't allowed inside the inn." The boy scolded the waiter. 

"Forgive me young master Xu, I didn't inform him, sorry I will send him back." The waiter knows there's no such things like that but he agreed as he can't afford to mess with the front person. Then waiter went towards Xiu Luo. Before he could say Xiu Luo repied. 

"Ah I am sorry, before coming here I didn't ask you about the rules I will go out but these many people didn't say to me about the board, were they also blind." Xiu Luo asked while innocently looking around him. Suddenly the whole crowd shut. 

"And please can you pack these food." Xiu Luo asked the waiter. Then he took the food and stored in storage bag and went out. The crowd are looking ferociously towards the young master Xu. But the latter just coldly snorted. Then he whispered something in one of his servant and the servant went out.

Xiu Luo activated sense range and walking fast towards where the wind is coming. Then he came near the forest and stretched his hands and feet and turn back and said. 

"What is the origin of your young master?" He asked staring front as he knows who is present in front of him.

"How do you know that I am here." This person is the servant, he was sent by his young master to deal him. He just simply followed the latter and conceal himself as he guessed that the latter can't see him so there is no need. 

"I asked what is the origin of your young master." Xiu Luo showed seriousness as his usual playfulness gone. 

"You arrogant, I thought you are blind so I will give swift death but now I have to torture you." The man laughed playfully like he is looking at the idiot. 

Xiu Luo didn't say anything this time he is slowly taking step back with a frown expression, seeing this man slowly approached Xiu Luo the distance between them is only a meter and he is thinking how to torture Xiu Luo.

Blazing palm

Then suddenly Xiu Luo right hand glowed golden colour and he strike the latters dantian region with full force as he applied the golden flame around his palm and strike it. The latter rolled back on the ground and spat out the blood, before he could get up Xiu Luo charged toward him with his sword and slash toward his neck but the man can't avoid the strike so he brought his hand to block the sword . His move saved his life but his right hand was cut from below the elbow. And he rolled back but this time he circulated the qi and got up quick seeing this Xiu Luo didn't charged forward but kept his sense range and observing the movement of the man while maintaining his posture as he point his sword vertical edge towards the man and one foot forth and one foot back, the foots were at a distance of half meter

The men's hand was bleeding but his bloodshot eyes were staring toward Xiu Luo, he has cultivation base of third rank of foundation establishment realm and latter was at fourth rank of Spirit gathering realm on top of that he is a blind teenage. The man charged forward towards Xiu Luo at fast speed and attack to Xiu Luo. 

Xiu Luo is observing him at full focus he is not losing the man single action while the latter hand glow red and he charged toward him but his posture is imbalance slightly due to the his cut below elbow which can be said negligence.

And Xiu Luo avoided his pam strike at a close margin and turn left and slash horizontally. Then again hemove towards him and swiftly stab the sword in the man's back and removed the sword in a different angle which result serious injury.

After removing the sword Xiu Luo kicked the man while the latter rolled on the ground and fell on his back then Xiu Luo put his foot on the man's other hand and put the sword on neck.

"Now tell me what is the the origin of your young master." He interrogated him strictly while man seeing Xiu Luo with an horrified expression. He was petrified and he wasn't able to speak.

Xiu Luo thought latter died because he didn't hear anything so he checked with sense range and the man is still alive

"Basterd, you want me to consume too much spirit qi ha." Xiu Luo punched the man's face with other fist and the guy had an ugly expression. 

"What did. I d did th that makes yo you consumes spirit qi" . The man is like on a verge of cry because he was just horrified from him and can't speak but he doesn't know the spirit sense method of Xiu Luo. But Xiu Luo again and agian punched him. 

"You asked me." He punched again 

"Who should i ask." He punched again and his punches were heavy.

"Just say what you were ask or else i will beat you again and again, that you will beg me to kill you but i won't kill you but beat you again. I will heal and again beat you. Now tell me ." he punched again and threatened the man, the man face was distorted and face was swollen because of beating he was horrified by Xiu Luo and is crying.

"Now tell me your young master origin." Xiu Luo interrogated the man and the man answered him every question. The young master name is Xu Yuan and his cultivation is peak of spirit gathering realm. He is from the Xu clan on the outskirts and the highest strength is of their patriarch who is in the peak of core formation realm. And he learn about the location of the Xu clan from the man. 

"Ah it will be headache now to kill your young master, well I should first increase my cultivation then I will come back to take your young master life." After learning Xiu Luo thought for a moment because other party has powerful backer and he is just in the spirit gathering realm.

"Well , we will see it later." He changed his expression from seriousness to playfull as he was thinking. 

"What should I do with you then." Xiu Luo asked the man like he is asking for the man's opinion.

"Well you should repent for your action and don't repeat mistake." Xiu Luo innocently said to him the man became happy may be he could live but next moment his expression turn back horrified as he listened to Xiu Luo.

"And you should repent your action with your life." He said while licking his lip he looks like a crazy murderer .

"Y ou you .. demon...kukh..." before he could finish his sentence the blood gushed out from his neck as Xiu Luo slash the man's neck.

"I didn't even tortured you and give you a chance for repenting your life but you were telling me a demon. What a cruel person I should not have given him chance for repentance." Xiu Luo looked at the body and said nnocently. If the man is alive he would really want to kill Xiu Luo. Then Xiu Luo took his storage bag and stored it away. Then the golden flame came out from his body and it burned down the body and didn't even leave the drop of blood. Then Xiu Luo moved away from this location. 

After sometime the other servant of the young master came as the man took too much time to come back to his young master so he came searching for him but he didn't find anything and he didn't check his surrounding or ground may be he could have thought that a battle had happened here. But he checked if there is man or not after finding that he is not preset he went back.

"Young master I didn't find both of them." The othe servant told Xu Yuan nervously

"Hmm...lets go, I will remember you blindboy. If you are alive i I will kill you myself." Xu Yuan said as he spread his tuanshan and left like he didn't care about his dead servant.