
Chapter 10

Uchiha Tsuki's mind was ablaze with the idea of creating a new Ninjutsu.

In today's Hidden Leaf Village, creating a new Ninjutsu could bring immense prestige and recognition. It was a symbol of identity and accomplishment, just like Hatake Kakashi, who became a Jonin and created the Lightning-Style Ninjutsu Raikiri, which garnered attention throughout the Ninja World.

Uchiha Tsuki believed that even at the age of four, he could create a new Ninjutsu that combined Clone Jutsu and Body Substitution Jutsu. This would undoubtedly make him the shining star of Hidden Leaf Village. After all, throughout ninja history, very few four-year-olds had been able to create their own Ninjutsu.

However, Uchiha Tsuki soon realized that creating a new Ninjutsu was not as simple as he had initially thought. It involved not only combining techniques but also mastering the correct hand seals and chakra manipulation. Despite his wealth of theoretical knowledge, the process proved to be challenging.

After a day of intense training, Uchiha Tsuki managed to merge Body Substitution Jutsu and Clone Jutsu, initially creating a new Ninjutsu. It took another day to master the new technique completely, even omitting the hand seal steps. This marked the successful creation of the new Ninjutsu.

Throughout the training, Uchiha Tsuki didn't solely focus on the new Ninjutsu. He also made progress in other areas, such as Chakra control and the climbing tree exercise. His natural spiritual energy and exceptional Chakra manipulation skills made these tasks relatively easy for him. He surpassed even Haruno Sakura from the original work in terms of Chakra control and speed.

In just three days of training, Uchiha Tsuki experienced a significant transformation in his strength. He felt confident that he could now defeat Hatake Dansui with his true abilities.

One day, when Uchiha Tsuki was about to leave the house, Uchiha Obito confronted him, frustrated by his absence. Uchiha Tsuki apologized and changed the topic by asking about Uchiha Obito's activities with Rin in the past few days. Uchiha Obito became bashful and blushed at the mention of Rin. Sensing his friend's discomfort, Uchiha Tsuki stopped teasing him and shifted the conversation.

The two of them headed to the Academy together. Uchiha Tsuki often helped Uchiha Obito with various tasks, but he made sure not to interfere when Uchiha Obito was busy helping the elderly in the village. They shared a good reputation in Hidden Leaf Village, as they were known for their willingness to help others, especially during the war period.

Uchiha Tsuki's popularity extended to the Academy, where he easily made friends with his classmates. His pleasant appearance and kind nature attracted many students, and he happily assisted Uchiha Obito in pursuing a closer relationship with Rin.

During the morning theoretical classes at the Academy, taught by Teacher Sarutobi Shinsuke, Uchiha Tsuki found himself uninterested and instead focused on planning his training sessions. He had access to numerous Ninjutsu Scrolls and considered the theoretical knowledge taught in class to be inferior to what he already knew.

After the morning session, Uchiha Tsuki went out with Uchiha Obito and Rin to have lunch together. Thanks to Uchiha Naraku's position as an Elite Jonin, the Uchiha Tsuki family lived comfortably, and Uchiha Tsuki willingly spent money to help Uchiha Obito and Rin get closer.

However, their lunch plans were interrupted when an unexpected group of individuals appeared in front of them. Uchiha Tsuki immediately sensed that trouble was brewing. Before he could react, Uchiha Obito, annoyed by the group's interference, confronted them. Frustrated by the delay in meeting Rin, Uchiha Obito boldly challenged the group, referring to them as "good dogs."

The leader of the group disregarded Uchiha Obito's remark and turned his attention to Uchiha Tsuki. Hyuga Yan, condescendingly looking down on Uchiha Tsuki, declared that he wanted to prove that the genius of the Hyuga Clan was on par with the Uchiha Clan. He challenged Uchiha Tsuki to accept his offer.