
Breakfast 2


Staring out of his small window, Theo could see a large plain in the distance with tiny tents sprawled across it. The castle he lived in wasn't huge but it was definitely a lot bigger than one of those. "A plus side to a tent, its only you on the inside." he thought. His home consisted of the entire royal family, himself and all of the servants. "Cramped" he thought to himself. When it came down to it though he would rather live in the castle than in a tiny tent. Even if his room was the smallest room the king could find.

As he kept staring at the rainbow across the plain, he recalled his dream. In it a young girl sat in a tree watching a huge wolf eat an elk. From the bottom of the tree he could see her relax against the thinning trunk. The wolf effortlessly ran in carrying a 6 point buck, half the hide missing, and blood trickling down its beautiful white coat. Every once in a while a squirrel would pop up and the dog would chase it like a puppy. As the dream faded they walked side by side seeming to have a conversation. Not talking, but just moving their heads from side to side every now and then. The dream faded as they walked towards some very uniform Stalagmites.

As he was finishing up his remembrance, his mother, the Queen, walked in. "Mom" He bowed to her.

"Feeling extra spiteful today?" She looked at Theo with sad eyes. Usually he would give her a hug and she would tell him the events of the day.

He shrugged off the comment and walked over to where she sat on the bed. Pulling a chair in front of her he studied her face. There was a new bruise... Rage filled his entire being and he stood up. Before he could walk out and do what he was thinking his mother placed her hand on his.

"Just sit with me, that is all I need. Then we can go to breakfast together and continue on with our day." He thought about how perfect his mom was as She looked around. Still boiling he listened to her and sat back down. "I notice your servant is not around. It took a lot out of me to get him for you."

"I know mom." He sighed and continued "I just feel so bad for him, I sent him to the library. He prefers to read, and I prefer to do things my self." Most of this was true, the only lie was that the boy was not in fact in the library but in Theo's closet. He had been caught today and had to return to Theo with the book that Theo "requested". The book was called "Thramos and the Goddess." It was a love story about a carpenter who loved the last Goddess. It told about how they met, fell in love, and lived in the woods until the king (the very king who hit Theos mom) showed up and killed her and drank her blood. Thramos had apparently written it but he disappeared or died, or something. Maybe the king drank his blood too. Theo hadn't actually finished the book realizing that the king was his step dad.

The Queen still thinking about how her son taught a servant to read slowly nodded her head, and allowed a small smile to grace his room. " Well, shall we join the king and your half brothers for breakfast?" She stands and Theo follows her to the door, where she stopped. "Don't let the king catch that boy in the library. If he finds out you taught him to read he will have both of your heads." Theo chuckled at the fact that his mom also worried for the boy, and that she had no idea that the boy was hiding in his closet.

As they walk out Theos door into the main kitchen 4 guards join the Queen. Theo noted that there was a new guard and rolled his eyes. Knowing his father he added the guard after he was finished blacking out and noticed she had been hit BY SOME ONE. Sarcasm over flowing in that statement. He remembered the first time he saw the King hit his mom, and then come out of the "haze".


"Oh no, my queen why are you on the floor. Who could have hit you, let me see! Is it bad?" The King picked up his wife and took her to the infirmary. The doc patched her up and gave her some pain killers. She refused, knowing that this would be a life long battle and if she accepted the drugs now she would never get off of them.

What had caused this first "episode"? Theo of course. The little boy was playing with his wooden sword his mother had said that he would grow out of his abyss black hair. The boy was now 5 years old and his hair got even darker. Both the king and his mother have blond hair, meaning she was not faithful.

Theo not understanding what had happened followed his mom to the doctor. She smiled at him as the king was talking to the doc about the meds. "Do not worry my sweet boy, I will always be here for you."


Snapping back to reality Theo had sat next to his mom on her right side. The king had sat at the head and noticed the bastard, but didn't make any eye contact. He did, however, look at his wife. He took her head in his hands and kissed her forehead, just above the bruise. Theos three brothers sat across from him; all of them tall, blond and "handsome". All glaring at him for being their mothers favorite. The king cleared his throat and breakfast was served. Eggs over easy, with a side of toast and this new way of eating apples, called apple sauce. Looking over at his brothers plates he noticed that his mother ordered this for him. The three boys' plates were stacked tall with ham, bacon, sausage, chicken, and a steak. Noticing it was all meat he thanked his mother silently and placed the eggs on his toast, careful not to pop the yoke.

The eldest brother, noticing Theos plate, spoke with his mouth full of bacon. "Where are you going to get proteins, you will never be as strong as us if you eat girl food."

"Carsten!" The Queen snapped.

"Sorry mom no offence to you.." he glared at Theo but avoided looking at his mom.

"You could share, you pig." Theo said this way too fast on purpose hoping his brother would not hear what he actually said. It worked...

"What did you say to me?"

"You could share your pig. I like sausage. " Carsten Glared and shoved all the sausage into his huge mouth causing the conversation to die.

The king rolling his eyes took over the conversation. "I sent a messenger to Astrid. I invited her here." He was cut short by all three boys.

"She is so hot." Carsten blushed and closed his eyes being the perv he is.

"Can we propose to her." Malikai was always a step behind his elder brother.

"Her army would be a grand addition to our army and we could wipe out our competing kingdom." Peter was actually smart and knew the plan way before anything needed said.

The king lost his temper and slammed his fist on the table. Causing the queen to flinch and every one to shut up. "The point of her coming is to ensure she is aligned to our kingdom. Usually she will stay out of personal squabbles between kingdoms, but I want to make sure when the time comes to wipe out our enemy she sides with us. She could tip the war in their favor if she were to align with them. Any way I have not received a reply, the dumb boy should have a response soon, her camp is just outside our city."

Theo just ate his breakfast quietly and ignored the rest of the conversation because it went back to "how hot she is and how powerful blah blah blah."

The queen tried to include him in the conversation by nudging him "She would make a fine queen dont you think?"

Theo slowly nodded and continued to eat his food. Noticing he didn't want to be apart of the conversation she turned to her husband " Do you know how long she will be staying?"

He responded with "Once she arrives I will present that she stay a few days with us."

The three boys were beyond ecstatic. Gobbling up their food fast to hurry and work out, polish their trophy's, or something else that would "impress her". Theo chuckled to himself knowing that no one had any idea when she would be arriving so doing anything now was just foolish. That didn't even cross their minds. They had love on the brain and it would last till she got here and then left again.

Theo had never seen her, so he didn't care if some rich lady with a good army was coming or not. He actually didn't even know what she was, or why she was so special, but he still didn't care.

That concluded breakfast. They all dispersed and did their own thing after that. Theo ran up to his room to make sure that the servant boy was okay.

He was! Don't worry.

Let me know if anything is wrong, leave a comment!

Sydney_8099creators' thoughts