
An akward dinner


Theo was the last to the table even though his room was the closest. Every one was already seated and that meant the Lady Astrid as well. Noticing that Astrid was placed on the Kings left and on Carstons right, Theo took his normal spot aside his mom. Food was brought soon after his arrival. Carston received a whole chicken and that was it. Astrid was dressed in a bright blue dress that hugged her top half, slimming her down. She had a nice figure. Theo tried not to stare, as he knew he would catch hell from his brothers if he was caught.

Astrid had requested some fruit and veggies only. Once Theo had sat down every one started eating, even Carston who hadn't taken his eyes off of Astrid since Theo entered the room. Carston, seeing Astrid's plate, gawked and made an ass of himself. "Aren't you supposed to be a great hunter? You need meat to be a strong warrior." He then proceeded to cut his chicken in half and place it on her plate. All the men except Theo were nodding and all missed the quick look of disgust that filled her face for half a second before she was back to her graceful self.

She coughed before speaking. "Thank you Carston, how..." She paused for a second. "Thoughtful of you." She stopped eating and tried to tolerate the dinner conversations. They were all bland but she put in a lot of effort to look encouraging. Carston had been practicing sword work, and Peter had been working on smithing. Once they got to Malikai he proudly said he'd been working on Archery. Knowing full well this would get her attention, despite being a complete lie, he rolled with it.

"Prince Malikai, you say you have been working on archery?"

"Yes" he responded " and I would love some tips." Seeing that this got a different response than all the other topics the other two boys joined in on the topic. Both stating that their archery skills would put the greats to shame.

"Well then maybe a little contest is in order." She smiled wickedly "If you win, You may ask any one thing from me. If I win, though, I may ask each of you to do one thing."

They all think about this, then ask; "Can this favor be cashed in at any time, or must it be immediately?"

Astrid thought about this for a moment. "Any time."

All three boys smiled at this and agreed. Astrid continued to think for a second then spoke again. "My king, we have our meeting tomorrow. Would it be ok if we had this contest the day after?"

The king, excited for one of his sons to win, waved a hand "I will have everything set up tomorrow, ready for the contest the next day."

Dinner had ended and quickly afterwards Carston grabbed Astrid's hand and said; "Do not forget my Lady, I am to give you a tour if you are up for it."

Not wanting to hang around, Theo decided he would go walk around out side while Carston gave the tour inside. Noticing this, Carston sent his brothers to follow him so that he would have her all to herself.

They followed Theo as he tried to avoid the everyone, both his brothers, Astrid and Carston. Theo just walked around the castle. it took a long enough time that his brothers left and went back to the main gate. They knew Carston would come and find them after dropping Astrid off at her room. They would then beat the crap out of their half brother and go merrily to bed.

And so it came to be, Astrid was left in her room, and Carston found his brothers. Asking where Theo was, they said he should be arriving at the gate in a little while. It was more than half an hour before he showed up.

Getting frustrated, they siezed him rougher than usual. But before Carston could land his fist in Theos Gut, a black hooded figure appeared in front of Theo, and flicked Carstons fist off to the right like he was swatting a fly. Sweeping around behind Theo, the ninja hit the two boys causing them to release Theo. Shoving them away from him the vigilante sent a guiding hand around Theo, moving him behind himself. Theo stunned watched as he and the ninja were backed into a wall. The ninja looked around at all three boys and then grabbed something with both hands from behind his back. It was a pair of daggers.

The boys laughed, until they realized that they had left their weapons inside. The two younger boys looked at their leader for help. He wasn't any. He just growled and walked inside without his good night beating. His brothers following sluggishly behind, glancing uneasily behind them at the scary figure.

"I wish you wouldn't have done that." Theo said to the ninja. Silent, the ninja walked away towards the stables. Theo decided to follow, "They are just going to beat me up twice as hard when I walk back inside... Are you going to walk me to my room?"Thinking about it he kept going." Tonight's beating was probably going to be gentler, seeing as things went well for Carston with Astrid."

In the stables, the hooded figure looked back at him and gave a huge sigh. Finding a large black horse he hopped up onto it bare back and started to trot out. Holding a hand out to him as he passed. Theo just stared at him for a second, "I cant leave my mom here."

The hand didnt waiver, and the person even looked a little impatient "Are we coming back?" A nod was his response. "A strole might be nice and as long as we are coming back."

As long as they were coming back, Theo didn't mind leaving for a bit. He needed to thank this person even though he really wished he hadn't saved him. They rode for 5 miles out of the city and to the camp that Theo always stares at. A great white wolf joins them two miles away from the camp. As they entered the camp they strode over to a royal purple tent with black markings all over it. Hopping off the horse the ninja entered the tent and came out with a bow, some arrows, and an apple.

Theo, not paying attention to the person, was staring at the tapestry in front of him. The pictures told the story of a young girl. He couldn't make out most of the images in the dark, but from what he could see she was a blue flame who had been living in the red castle for many years. *Not living this picture meant sadness and pain, it was not a happy picture.* In this section the white wolf was missing, and the blue flame was dim and small. Every day in the red castle the flame would be snuffed out, then rekindled. This seemed to go on for ever... One day one of the guards had had a change of heart and freed her. That's when a little yellow sun joined the flame, then a Silver needle, and at last a tiny knife accompanied by the white wolf. Time had passed with all of these beings and as the story continued more and more objects were added to the blue flame.

The vigilante noticed what he as doing, abruptly stopped him and shoved him onto the horse. He then hopped onto the white wolf and they rode back to the city where the ninja joined him on the horse and sent the wolf back. Arriving back in the stables, Theo was quiet. Thinking this ninja just stole a bow from someone, he didn't have much to say. He watched as the figure put the horse back, pet it kindly and then look at the bow like he had been reunited with an old lover. Theo walked back into the castle.

Strangely,the ninja followed. They walked through the stable and into an old servants quarters. Reaching the kitchen, the ninja grabbed an apple and walked through the door to the throne room almost like he knew the castle.

Theo Ignored the man and went into his room. Laying on his bed he anticipated the beating he would have tomorrow. "Maybe there wont be one since Astrid is here." He thought about the way she looked when he entered the dinning hall. Siting next to his dad, Her hair was slick and had a slight curl to it. Her dress was slim fitting on the top, hugging her figure. Feeling his face turn red and heat up, he took a breath.

"No!" He mentally shouted. "I will not like her, the only thing that liking her will get me is a beating from Carston." He was resolute to not like her. Drifting off to sleep, determination was the only thing on his mind.

No dreams came to him tonight, sweet sweet nothingness surrounded him. Giving his mind a chance to rest, and heal.

My Editor has cleaned up the first few chapters, and the Prologue. Huge shout out to him!!!!!

Sydney_8099creators' thoughts