After spending a considerable amount of time hugging each other close, they pulled away from each other, smiling shyly due to the new sirens of both Isadora and Nerissa at their side.
"What's the necklace for?" Nerissa asked from the sideline, bringing Blade's mind back on the matter.
"Oh yes." With his smile still on his face, he opened the box once more and took out the necklace.
"This," he lifted it to the eyes of everyone. "Normally, the queen of Elvendel gets the heirloom passed on. However, my mother wanted you to have this, Astrid."
Her eyes glimmered with surprise as to whom owned the jewel before her.
"Her most prized possession, more treasured to her than the heirloom and her apology to you. Also, this shows she is more than willing to accept you into her family."
"Blade, that is so thoughtful of her."