
Return to the Archean Divinity

นักแปล: Henyee Translations บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Loulan Feng and Loulan Haisen concealed their auras and stood by one of the store's corners. The customers passing by didn't realize they were awe-inspiring Ascendants.

"This store…"

The longer they observed, the more shocked they became. They felt that they were somehow being suppressed while standing inside the store, as if something was gazing at them from above, bringing them an invisible pressure.

"Have a seat. Make yourselves at home," said Su Ping.

The two of them looked at each other, and Loulan Feng shook his head. "We feel reassured now that an Ascendant is looking after you, Mr. Su. We'll be taking our leave as there's another business we must attend to."

"Don't hesitate to inform us if you need any help," said Loulan Haisen. He changed his attitude towards Su Ping, dropping all his contempt.

"All right." Su Ping didn't insist on having them stay. He nodded; he also had other things to do.