

This story is about a boy who was chosen to lead the world by the world. His powers were stolen from him before he was born but he was still born with amazing skills. Read as he adventures to reclaim his title

Daze_tales · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 8: Pieces Of Shit(shits)

The next morning

All the student of the elite class were on their private training field.

They formed a rectangle of 4 row and 5 columns (or the other way around it depends on your imagination). In front of this wannabe mages is their teacher Ms aramide.

" As I have told you yesterday I teacher mainly through physical activity (not what you're thinking) so I'll like all of you to channel the energy through you in the lightest way possible this is to teach you control and unlike all of you are thinking you don't need fire power for now. We're in class not a battle field. So fire mages create a flame the size of a candle light, mater mages create a vortex of water the same size( what you get when you spin water in your water bottle), air mages a tornado the same size, the rest of you follow the same idea now START!"

And so it began. The torment, the pain, the failure. Most of this student have never really thought about controlling their powers. Not simple controlling, the main control. Most of them just use what ever their bodies gives them which is not meant to be since they are meant to be in control of their body. So now that the have to control the ouput it's torture(think of it like trying to find a tune to a radio with no marks and you have to keep rolling to memorize which side gives which output.



After a day of torment

" So put of all of you only ayo, eri, ini, Abby, and mojisola the rest of you are a pile of shit not clay to be sculpted, literal shit. Go read your text books and practice in your alone time or you're going to the class below. Class dismissed the five mentioned should wait behind.

After all the pieces of "shit"(or shits) left ahe started talking.

"I want to chose a class repre

sentative amongst you five and....yes eri"

"So what are the criteria and who has the most potential for it?" He asked winking irritalbly.

"Well if you didn't interrupt me like the piece of shit you are I would have told you not go and join the other pieces of shit and get lost"me aramide answered with a gaze that seems to pieces through eri's being.

After eri left she continues."now that all the pieces of shit are gone I'll continue"she sighs muttering "I'm not paid enough for this" she looks back at them and starts.

"The first candidate is ini then mojisola and I third place is you both."

Ayo and Abby look at each other with only one word coming to their minds 'bitch'.

"So congratulations you're the new cla..."

Ini cuts in "I'm not interested."

All the women look at him in shock, because being a class representative is a big deal. It literally guarantees you a good future and fame and he isn't interested. This just adds a lot of mystery to the already mysterious guy.

Regaining her composure she continues looking at mojisola" you interested? "

Due to being shocked by ini's word she couldn't think about the opportunity she just got and just said"hmm hmm " like it's normal but understandimg her state ms aramide just turns saying "dismissed.

After the all left

A boy and a girl wereseeing walking to theirs dorms. The boy turns to the girl and asks " aren't you prohibited from coming to a boys dorm ?"

She just gives a small smile and replies" oh ini, naive little ini ( that's weird coming from a girl talking to a boy bulkier than her) it doesn't apply here, two we're not kids and three ever since humanity has being on the face of extinction against magical beasts adult hood was dropped to 15, meaning the expect us to do this and that (not me talking its her i didn't do this) also they literally encourage us to bear childeen like they

advertise saying the govenment would take care of the childs basic need, and above all who cares" she says the last part whispering into his ear. As they get to ini's door she pushes him into the room( just to be clear he is stronger than her but we all know boys tend to get weak during SPECIFIC situations just saying facts don't point at me)

she locks the door behind them then she kisses him the ...,...


....and she......

(Go sleep give them some privacy)

I'm sorry for posting this late I had a busy day. also thanks you guys I hit 3k yesterday I'm expecting 5k, that's the next goal

pls rate this story, it breaks my heart not seeing any rating

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