
Assistant Hero

Death was always close to me, and death only proved to be the beginning as I awakened to a reality far more sinister than the one I left behind. Assigned the title of the 'Assistant Hero', my destiny is bound to a chosen savior, a hero who does not have knowledge of my existence. My purpose? To serve the selfless role of helping him from the shadows while he's oblivious to my existence. I must aid them from the shadows, ensuring their success while remaining hidden, for revealing my existence would make me a target, just like the hero. ***** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. ***** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · แฟนตาซี
66 Chs

Chapter 9: Eyes

Perseus POV

"So, does this poison resistance thing mean that I'm immune from poison?"

[A: Poison immunity is indeed a potent defense. However, for now, you possess resistance rather than full immunity. This means you can endure certain doses or types of poison more effectively, but complete immunity would render you impervious to all forms of poison.]

"So, how do I get full immunity to poison."

[A: First you must be exposed to or intake many kinds of poison or a really large dose of one deadly one and survive to level it up to 'Enhanced Poison resistance', you'll need to continue exposing yourself to various poisons or endure even larger doses of deadly ones.]

[A: Over time, your body will adapt further, gradually increasing your resistance until you reach the pinnacle: full poison immunity.]

"Another thing I've noticed is that those of the whale team, whose bodies are trained to resist these deep underwater pressure...does the pressure of the water help temper our bodies? Even the whip of the guards responsible for our team seems to be deadlier?"

[A: Yes, you would have developed denser bones and stronger muscles to withstand the pressure exerted by the water and even circulatory systems that could regulate blood flow and prevent pressure-related conditions.]


Eventually enough, I managed to cast the storage spell and placed my glimmerite pieces in there, and in my head, I can see what's in there, it's sort of like a daydream in my head as I sorted it out.


[Level up!]

[Level 5]

[New Ability Unlocked!]

['Eye of Horus' unlocked.]

['Eye of Ra' unlocked.]

Eyes of what? 

As I blink, the world around me suddenly sharpens into focus. It's as though a veil has been lifted, revealing details I never noticed before.

My surroundings seem more vibrant and sharper. It's a sensation both exhilarating and disorienting, like stepping out of a foggy cave into the sunny outsides.

My gaze falls upon a glimmerite in my arms as I swim up, and as I focus on it, details I've never noticed before emerge with startling clarity. The texture of its surface and its details...it's all so vivid now as if I'm seeing it again for the first time.

"Quick, are my eyes glowing weirdly or something?"

[A: Yes, one is glowing gold, and the other is silver.]

"How do I turn this off?"

[A: To deactivate the glow, you may need to focus your intent, perhaps by concentrating on a specific thought or feeling associated with normal vision. Your visions are still enhanced compared to before, but not as potent as when they're glowing.]

"Is it off now?"

[A: No. It might take some practice to control this aspect of your newfound ability effectively.]

"Tell me when it is."

I felt a slight pang of panic as I realized the implications of my glowing eyes. As a slave, any hint of powers beyond their control could spell my doom. The guards wouldn't hesitate to whisk me away and execute me.

Frantically, I search for a solution, my mind racing with fear and desperation. I can't afford to be caught with this, not when my life hangs by a thread. I closed my eyes and swam toward the direction of a cave with glimmerite in my arm and hid there for a bit.



After I turned it off, I swam up and submitted my load of glimmerite for the day into these baskets and then gave them to the guards, who just yanked it away from my arm.

For now, I need to go somewhere quiet with no one around to test and study about what this is, it could be useful in getting me out of here. But to unlock 2 abilities just like that...

I'm assuming that having my body toughened up by the ocean pressure is what caused me to level up, or at least gathering the glimmerite, or both, but either way, this is good, I won't just be rotting away in this camp or mine or whatever the hell this place is called.


3rd Person POV

In a secluded corner of the camp, away from prying eyes and the ever-watchful gaze of the guards, a meeting was underway. Four male figures, one was Harold, huddled together, their voices hushed as they discussed their plans for rebellion.

"We can't keep living like this," A young man said in an exhausted tone, "We need to fight back, to take back control of our lives from those bastards, we've already suffered enough to make up for Wyatt's mistake, we should be free."

"That's why we're here, Yurd." Harold responded, "But we can't just fight, even though we acquired enough resources in secret, we need to use them quickly, the duchess' arrival would mean thorough inspection, and that would mean death."

The others nodded in agreement, their faces set in grim determination. They knew the risks of defying their oppressors, of challenging the status quo that had kept them shackled for so long.

But the thought of continuing to live as nothing more than slaves was a fate they refused to accept.

"I heard that the Duchess' visit is going to be delayed." an older man chimed in, "Her son has found a suitable engagement partner and she's prioritizing that."

"When did you hear that, Cato?" Harold asked

"Today. Young Torrin here can vouch for me." Cato pointed to the other middle-aged man in the meeting

"By the way, should we really trust Zenis? I know that she used to love your brother, but she's still..." Torrin then hesitated when he saw the expression on Harold's face, "...she's still one of them...if she leaks this for forgiveness...no one would blame her..."

"I get that, it's not like we treated her well when she first arrived...if Harold wasn't there..." Cato trailed off

"Let's just get back on topic." Harold sighs, "The Duchess' visit is definitely our best chance of breaking out of here, especially if we hold the Duchess or any of her family members hostage."

"What if they call the Archmage here?" Yurd asked

"Then we do we have to lose?"