
Assassins Break During Zombie apocalypse

Becoming someone who hidden from the world and yet feared by many, that's what I become right now. Vincent Stellar, was one of the most feared assassin in the world. If someone want to hire him, it's not gonna be easy. Even the president of a big country needed to fulfilled some procedure in order to meet him. Using code name 'Luna' he killed every single target without fail. But one thing was obvious from him, he only kill during full moon. That's the first very reason people call him 'Luna' Lived alone inside big mansion in the mountain, and went hiding from the world. Aside from his strong and mysterious appearance, he had one big weaknesses. That is he easily believed superstition. One day he meet a mysterious old man he saved in the forrest and one thing the old man said to him. "6 Month from now on, zombie apocalypse will begin, survive as much as you can" "mysterious old man words that appear from nowhere in the mountain is always right, i need to stock up preparing for the apocalypse"

Fallen_immortality · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

Chapter 2 : Preparation

I arrived at my mansion after a few minutes walk. My mansion could considered as big, more than big. Not only that, my outer gate had face lock device. Food, weapon, shelter... there's a lot to prepare.

Inside my outer gate contain a big garden with big water fountain as the center. the distance between My outer gates and my masion door is around 30 metres or more.

My mansion door uses card lock, so the safety is guaranteed. My mansion were 3 floor tall with a pool on the first floor. I drop my bag on the floor and lay down on my couch.

"Haaaaa.... There's a lot to prepare"

I take out my phone and called Jerry.

"Hey jerry, i need your help"

A few weeks later, a few helicopter flew above my house brought a lot of wooden boxes. That boxes contain food, weapon, ammo, and the other daily necessities. I have a unused basement. I store food and weapon there. I even brought a lot of fridge and selves to store my food in basement.

I have an empty yard behind my mansion. I panned to use it as a farm. I even planned to build simple chicken coop and cowshed there.

The first time I tell jerry about this, he yelled at me for hours.


"Hey jerry, i need your help"

"What is it?"

"Can you help me order several things?"

"what do you want me to order? new gun?"

"Yes, at least two container full of weapon and three container full of ammo"

Jerry went silent for a few second before answering me.

"Sorry can you repeat? I couldn't hear you clearly"

"I said i need two container full of weapon and three container full of ammo"


"No need to yell at me like that, let me explain... after i part ways with you guys earlier, i meet an old man....."

I explained what happened to Jerry when i meet the old man. Also the old man words about zombie apocalypse and when the old man suddenly disappeared before i could ask him what does he meant.

"Let me get this straight... you meet an old man in the mountain and you help him. After that he said that zombie apocalypse will break 6 months later. You didn't manage to ask that old man a question because he suddenly disappeared?"

"That's right, it seems like he's a hidden god or something, or maybe he can even saw the future"

I could hear jerry depressed and stressed sigh from the phone.

"Vincent, Vincent, don't believe something like that easily.... that old man might scam you or anything"

"That doesn't explain why he suddenly disappear without any clue, and he went down that time, if he went hiding, i could still hear his footstep or bustling sound from the grass"

"Well he might fall down the mountain"

"There's no trace from him if he fall down the mountain"

"Even so, you don't need to take a extreme step like this, ordering weapon is not that easy, and you asked about 5 container of weapon?"

"You can order it by cargo and send it through ship"

"Not that easy damn it!"

I could hear his groan and sigh from the phone again. He seems really bothered by this request.

"Alright i will try... anything else?"

"please don't order gun for all of my order. add some close range weapon as well, oh and also please order 6 container of food, food that can be keeped for a long time"

"I might believed if you say that you change your job from assassin to a shut in, anything else?"

"Do you have an acquaintance that work on construction site or something like that?"

"I have some acquaintance who work on construction site, why do you ask?"

"I want to do some renovation with my mansion, renovate the gate, I want to build solar panel, and i also want to build farm, chicken coop and cowsheed on my empty yard behind my mansion"

"Alright i give up.... something like that might cost million or even billion you know"

"Don't worry, i have more than 20 billion in my account"

"Alright... don't ended up regretting later okay, i only do what you say"

"Thankyou jerry you are the best"

It's been 5 weeks since that day, i have been purchasing a lot of things. One day i went to electronic shop and buy all of the fridge, from the normal fridge to frozen food fridge.

I even bought all of the storage cabinets. sometimes i bought a lot of spare clothes and some instant food on the way home.

"It's so good to have a break sometimes~ I don't need to build up strategies or even collecting information~"

This is the first time i could spend my time freely without thinking a bit about work. This time i went out to buy some ice cream and enjoying my break time.

"Living alone in that mansion for a long time isn't good for my health, maybe i will buy a pet or two"

I went to the pet store after that. Everything seems normal, this shop is the biggest pet shop around here. The shop is decorated with a lot of animals painting.

"Excuse me, i want to adopt a pet or two"

"Sure sir, follow me"

There's a lot animals inside there from aquatic pet to swamp animals. After circling around the pet shop, i decided to buy two huskies and two cat. I buy male and female in pair so one day they might have baby.

"Please send it to this address, two hour from now on"

"Thank you for your purchase"

"Can i also buy animals toy and animals food for them?"

"sure how much do you want sir?"

"10 sacks of food for huskies food and 10 sacks of food for the cats, and also i will buy their toy as many as possible"

"pardon? that much?"

"yes, what's wrong?"

"No sir, we will prepare it right away, and we will send it to your address"

I went to the supermarket to buy animal soap and animal brush after that. It seems i stocked so many items in just 5 weeks huh? but with this much preparation, i could survive for at least two years without doing anything.