
ASOIAF : The Freedom Empire.

Attention! : Even though this isn't the God gives 3 wishes Stark/North wank fanfic, it is pretty d*mn close. My Naruto fan fiction is me trying to not make the MC too overpowered, this is the total opposite. I'm using this fanfic to just express all the cringe, wish-fulfillment fantasy ideas that I'm suppressing in my other fiction. Actual Synopsis : Guess what ? Turns out that earth is the farming place for Otherworldly Gods ! Since our world is like a leaking faucet of souls, Gods can send in stray souls with ideas about other worlds that they can put into writing (I see you George R.R Martin, you outsider !), and any soul that leaks out who happens to also be a fan of those worlds gets to go to one of its iterations to "Spread the word of God !", or a god at least. And gets to be blessed with some outrageous powers. So follow me, Kaiser Jentys, into an adventure of magic, kingdoms, war, and politics, never forget the politics.

PrinceOfNilfheim · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
7 Chs

Post-apolyptic tourism is great.

*7 B.L/ 283 A.C*

The Lands of the Long Summer is a region located in the southern part of central Essos. To the north-west is the Sea of Sighs. Directly to the north lie the city Mantarys and the Valyrian demon road. To the south is the Smoking Sea and the ruined Valyrian peninsula. A Valyrian road runs through the Lands of the Long Summer, running south from Mantarys to the ruined city of Oros, from where it runs westward along the coast past another ruined city back to the demon road.

The Lands of the Long Summer were once part of the fabled Valyrian Freehold. All Free Cities, except for Braavos, looked to the Lands of the Long Summer for leadership in times of crisis. In the centuries after the fall of the Old Empire of Ghis, the adventurers, exiles, and traders from the Freehold of Valyria began to expand beyond the Lands of the Long Summer, towards the lands of the Rhoynar.

But whatever caused the Doom had its toll on the once most fertile lands in Essos. The once green earth is now scorched, drowned and blighted. The moderate weather became a never-ending searing summer. And while Kaiser could mitigate the heat through his air bending, the leftover heat is still severe. Oh how he misses AC !

Kaiser flies over the smoking sea, rumors say that it is a sea filled with Krakens and fire demons who prey on the foolish or suicidal enough to attempt to cross it. But Kaiser's blessing only shows that it's just too hot, the smoke is simply steam, evaporating the sea along with volcanic ash, which kills people if they breathe too much of it.

As Kaiser flies over Tyria, he notices some dwellers living there, each one of them sporting familiar stone like scales on their skin. It seems that even mindless people have sexual instincts. More importantly, Volcanic Ash reacts with Grayscale to produce breathable oxygen. They should send the stone men here, not at the sorrows.

Ruined cities over the smoking sea are covered in dried lava, Valyria most of all. But that did almost nothing to detract on how breathtaking it is, their Obsidian topless towers are still standing even after more than 300 years of misuse, they were strangely overly fond of sphinxes, which had statues of their likeness on the side of most towers.

Important buildings were thankfully sky-high, suspended by pillars of black obsidian as high as their towers, most of them similarly without ceilings.

The middle building/platform is a big meeting room, presumably reserved for the Dragon lords. Kaiser lands there, ignoring the decomposing skulls of seated members. His attention however, is completely taken in by steel, Valyrian steel. Swords, axes, ornaments, even cups !

His Knowledge Blessing is put to work immediately, informing him of the mechanics of the renowned metal. The way the unmatched sharpness, the strength, and the inability to rust works is what you would expect. The key is to sacrifice humans on the flames as the iron is getting processed into steel, then you simply word out your desired effects as things are going, again and again and again in both mind and speech. And voilà ! there you have it, Valyrian steel.

Now the inconvenient thing about this is the 'you have to kill a human every time you try to make it' part, having interrupted thoughts and words about how your iron is going to turn smokey and invincible as you slowly burn a human being (or several) can be kind of hard. So most Valyrian Steel crafters took numerous tries to succeed even once.

But Kaiser believes he has a solution. In the whole hierarchy of sacrifices there is a ladder. It goes like this : Insects<Plants<Animals<Normal Humans< Humans whom people believe have precious blood. Which obviously explains Melisandre's obsession with royal blood in the show.

Magic is an Equivalent exchange, and every magical process goes like this :

Step 1 : Offer a sacrifice.

Step 2: Declare your intentions both in mind and in speech to the world, so if you want a valyrian steel you just repeat stuff like "I want this steel to never lose its sharpness, to be strong, and to never rust." Until the process is over. Using foreign, unknown languages for this is preffered since it allows you to concentrate enough to not be intterupted.

Step 3: The sacrifice gets consumed in exchange for the desired effect. And if it isn't enough, then something else gets taken too.

And that's it, now that YOU know the steps, you can do it too.

But with humans being more valuable sacrifices, the issue becomes how to leverage quantity, and to make the time of whatever process you want to affect stop mattering.

Solution ? Make sacrifice batteries.

Sacrifice a huge amount of animals/plants/insects in exchange while you're processing a gemstone, and magically turn that gemstone into one that stores the power of sacrifices. And from there on, make every butcher you can kill their animals on top of that gemstone. And then you can use that to do magic while bypassing the 2nd Step. I believe Melisandre's Ruby necklace works in the same way.

Kaiser also checked their knowledge repositories/Libraries, but everything got burned. The glass candles turned out to be powered by their Gods, the Fourteen Flames, so they will never work again. I guess that's where R'hllor gets his Clairvoyance stuff from.

His bending works on Valyrian steel too, which means that Kaiser can just fuse the whole stuff into a giant ball, and transport them into a sufficiently secure hiding spot before he gets in need of it. Not before making himself a very intricate gold encrusted spear made entirely from the black smokey magic metal. And a gold encrusted Valyrian armor, that could be fancy enough, no ?

After getting sick from the silent, hot, and gloomy city of Valyria, Kaiser proceeds to head back to his palace at full speed while carrying enough Valyrian steel to equip a hundred men with swords and armors. Due to him flying at night, no one noticed the giant mass of magic steel flying far away.

After a good nights sleep on a hard marble floor, Kaiser continues his adventure, sick at the lack of social interaction, he flies straight at the Demon Road, heading towards Meereen to catch a ship back to any of the western Free coastal cities but Volantis.


*Six Months Later*

It has been a relaxing six months for Kaiser, he spent sometime relaxing in the sea, boarding on Braavos after two consecutive trips from Meereen to Lys, and from Lys to the Bastard of Valyria. He also got taller, now standing at an impressive 6'0".

The past six months were very anticlimactic for Kaiser compared to, well, the rest of his life. He also realized that the 4 months of social isolation were actually bad for his mental health, who would have thought ?

On another note, no, the Titan of Braavos doesn't have balls, and when they were saying that he had islands for legs ? They weren't kidding. That thing is huge ! Way more than that tiny depiction on the TV series.

Braavos is a very beautiful city, with its countless islands linked together by small stone bridges spanning the many canals throughout the city. There are also no trees to be found within the city (except in the courts and gardens of the mighty) making Braavos a flat city of stone architecture and granite monuments. The streets are lined with houses made of gray stone, built so close that they lean upon one another. Some houses are built above waterways. They are usually slim buildings with peaked tile roofs, raised four to five stories tall.

Braavos is also known for their countless religions. All gods are honored in Braavos, and therefore, there are many temples and shrines to be found in the city. Most of the temples are located on the Isle of the Gods in the center of the city. Amongst them is the Temple of the Moonsingers, who led the original Braavosi refugees to the islands. Theirs is the biggest temple, built of white marble capped with a silvered dome, milk glass windows showing all the phases of the moon, and a pair of marble maidens flanks its gates. Other temples of note are the temple of the Father of Waters, which is rebuilt whenever he takes a new bride, the Temple of the Lord of Light, and the Sept-Beyond-the-Sea, where only Westerosi come to pray. Homage is done to the Many-Faced God at the House of Black and White, the home of the secretive Faceless Men. And also Kaiser's first destination.

The religion of the Many-faced God is a peculiar one. Most religions in this world try to expand aggressively, but the Faceless men don't particularly care due to their belief that their god is death itself, disguising itself as other gods aspect of death. Which makes Kaiser believe that the domains of this God are not only Death, but Stealth or Disguise as well.

Which begs the question, is their ability to disguise themselves a blessing from their god ? Or is it just a magical sacrifice that allows them to wear the faces of those they kill ? We'll find out after the knock.


The door opens, showing a chubby old white woman with gray hair and blurry eyes. The woman lifts her eyebrow in surprise, not expecting Kaiser at the door.

"What brings the free man here ?"

"You know what I am ?!"

"The Many-Faced God sees much, but only shows little. A man was told of a free mans coming, but not who the free man is."

"Well, that is interesting but not why I'm here."

The old woman steps back, leaving the door open, and walks further into the House.

"Who does the free man wish to give gift ?" She says.

"Not for that either, I'm here to find out how much someone has to pay to give Me the gift."

The woman poses and turns her face around slowly. But instead of the old decrepit face, she has the face of a young man, with a thin mustache and no beard.

Kaiser pauses in surprise.

"So that first one was your own face ! And it is a blessing from your god, fascinating."

An eyebrow raises in response.

"A man cannot demand payment without the request. Is a free man offering the gift to himself ?"

"No, I'm just going to do something in the close future that is going to anger a lot of people. And I want to know how much they would have to pay to kill me."

They stop walking next to the pool of poison, where people come to die without feeling any pain.

"A man only asks the price after giving the gift. A man cannot say until you join the Many-Faced God."

"That makes it even easier ! I heard you only receive recompensation from the one who personally asks for the assassination ?"

"Yes, only the man who comes into the Many-Faced God's temple can repay him for his gift."

"Then I ask that you kill anyone who comes here for my head, you can come to me for the price after you do it."

"A man cannot give to whom asks for a gift in this House, a man has to refuse."

"Then do it after they leave, but before you attempt to kill me. I assure you, you'd rather try to kill him than me, your disguises don't work on me anyways."

".... A man will accept your request, any who ask to give you the gift may receive it themselves, at a price."

"Good. It was nice meeting you, no one."


In the busy great hall of a mighty grey building sits a wizened old receptionist, writing in a comically large parchement.

As Kaiser walks up to the man, he gets ignored in favor for whatever the man is writing, after a few minutes of nothing but the sound of footsteps, the old man raises his head, one eyebrow raising from surprise. That seems to be a common reaction these days, is it the exotic looks or does he just recognize Kaiser ? Who knows.

"How can I help you ?"

"My name is Kaiser Jentys, I'm here to meet one Nocho Otherys."

"Are you daft boy ? A keyholder is not someone you can meet as you please ! Come back to whatever ditch you came from."

"My last name is Jentys, my foster father was one of Keyholder Otherys' closest friends, tell him I only wish for a meeting, he will answer."

"And if he doesn't ? You do know that if Keyholder Otherys doesn't appreciate your request, I may be reprimanded."

"Then I will give you 1000 iron coins, that should assuage your worries, no ?"

*Sigh*"Alright, you may follow me."

The man leads Kaiser to a spacious, empty office. The chair behind the tables were at a higher position than the guest's seat, obviously a negotiation tactic. Kaiser then proceeds to sit without any fanfare.

He didn't have to wait long before the doors opened, showing an aging portly man dressed in purple robes, a ceremonial key on hanging from his neck, followed by a small retinue of guards.

"Kaiser ! That must be you ! Vyren mentioned you a lot in his letters, and I bet no one can fake the eyes, eh ?"

Kaiser stands up in response.

"Hello, Keyholder Otherys, Uncle Vyren always mentioned you in a good light, too." He responds.

"Just Nocho, please. Any kin of Vyren doesn't have to adress me by my title. Sit, sit, tell me, what brings you to Braavos today."

"Nothing other than making you rich, of course." Replies Kaiser with a mischievious smirk.

"Haha ! And how would you accomplish such a feat ?" Replies Nocho, a glint shining in his eyes.

"My father always mentioned how grateful he was due to your help, so I thought it would be according to his wishes to repay you, with this." Kaiser reaches into his bag, pulling out a holstered sword. As he puts his hand on the scabbard, each of the guard pull out their respective swords, causing him to pause.

"No worries, I'm just handing him the sword." He puts the sword on the table.

After some sceptical looks, Nocho grabs the plain longsword and pulls it out, showing its smokey ripples.

"This is..."

"A sword of valyrian steel, and I want to sell it to the Iron Bank."

Otherys lets out a deep, shaky breath, calming himself.

"I see... And why us, why not someone else who could as well pay more for it than us ?"

"Well, my father always regretted not paying you back, so I thought I'd do that for him."

"Right..." He puts the sword back on its scabbard.

"And what do you want in return ?"

"The recompense is food, enough to feed 70 thousand people for a year, to be delivered at a time between 6 months and a year, in a location yet to be disclosed."

"You want to feed an army ?"

"No, I'm going to feed former slaves."

At that, Nocho just agreed to finish the contract in a jovial mood. After a cheerful farewell, Kaiser headed straight to the docks, getting passage to Westeros, his destination ?

White Harbor.