
Chapter 45

Chapter 45

<Stannis Baratheon>

Every single thing about the boy was different that Jon Arryn. There was no sign of blind trust in people who are supposed to be allies to his father, and that made the Master of Ships, respect the boy a little.

However, the whole shown that the boy prepared for them, made Stannis feel unease, after all one doesn't bring such a military force to great someone without a secondary motive. Yet, no matter how hard he thought, there was no reason why Konrad Arryn would want to make an enemy of the Iron Throne.

Not even if the father of his betrothed were to stand beside him and help, the boy didn't had the resources to take over Westeros. No, there was something else, something that Stannis hadn't noticed yet.

By the time, they reached the Mansion, Stannis had his best man, Ser Davos Seaworth fish out some information from the men loyal to the boy. Hopefully that would at least give him a clue about what he had just walked into.

Once all of their men had been asked to follow the boy's men to their temporary residence, Stannis, Tyron, Konrad, Tyrek and four of the knights that were always behind the boy walked inside what Stannis could only describe as a meeting room.

He had to admit, that until now, Stannis hadn't found anything that would make him believe the boy was a foolish puppet for the Lannisters or worse for some rich Volantene merchant.

The meeting room was spacious and well-furnished, with a large oak table in the center and a fireplace on one wall. Stannis noticed several paintings and tapestries that looked like something a noble house from Westeros might have, as well as a few exotic items that must have come from all over Essos.

At some point, a servant brought them some refreshments, which consisted of wine, cheese, bread, and fruit. Stannis declined the wine, preferring to keep his wits sharp. Tyrion, on the other hand, accepted a cup with a grin and a quip. Their hosts on the other hands hadn't touched the wine, and only Konrad ate some bread and cheese, while the ex-kingsguard and the knights hadn't touched anything, almost as if they didn't want to lower their guard around them.

Stannis observed the boy closely, trying to read his expression behind the silver mask that covered his entire face. It was a pellicular sight, after all from what little he had heard about the boy, he didn't seem to have cared all that much about his appearance before. However, he would not blame the boy for wanting to hide how he looks from strangers.

For a good few minutes, the boy did not say much, except for some polite words and formalities. He seemed calm and confident, but at the same time somewhat distant and aloof. He did not look at anyone directly, but rather scanned both him and Tyrion, as if he was searching for something, making Stannis feel he was being watched by a predator.

In the end, Baratheon decided to break the silence and get to the point, otherwise they would be in here for a long time.

"Lord Konrad, we are here to discuss the matter of your betrothal as well as your return to Westeros. As you know, King Robert has graciously agreed to Lord Hand, your father proposal of brining you back home, in exchange for a marriage between you and the crown princess."

Konrad and Tyrek exchanged a brief glance, noticing the slight hesitation and displeasure in Stannis' voice as he spoke. They knew that the Baratheon was a man of honor and duty, who did not approve of such schemes and bargains. But at the same time, Stannis was loyal to his brother, the king, and would not openly defy his wishes. But they could sense that he was not happy with the situation, and that he might even sympathize with them to some extent.

Tyrion, on the other hand, looked more pained than annoyed. It was clear from how he was glaring at Stannis that he had a fondness for his niece. In all honesty, Konrad knew that the girl deserved better than to be used as a pawn in a political game, and that she would not be happy with a stranger, yet at the same time, from what Tyrek was willing to share about his uncle, Lord Tywin would more than likely push forward such a proposal, after all it would only strengthen the Iron Throne and in turn House Lannister.

However, despite Stannis saying that, Konrad knew that this was not the man's idea, but rather his father's, who had orchestrated this whole affair behind his back. A small part of him felt betrayed and angry, but he also felt powerless, after all his father, Jon Arryn was only doing what he thinks was the best for him, and being a prince was probably the best thing he could achieve in his life.

"Lord Stannis, I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to discuss this matter with me. I understand that you are acting on behalf of the king, and that you have no personal stake in this. However, I must ask you to understand my position as well. I am already betrothed to Lady Talisa Maegyr, the daughter of Malaquo Maegyr, The Triarch of Volantis. This is not a mere arrangement, but an engagement that had already started to become more than a duty. I cannot and will not break it, for any reason. I hope you can respect that, and convey it to the king."

Surprisingly enough, Stannis nodded in response, as if he understood and respected Konrad's decision. He did not try to persuade him otherwise, or threaten him with any consequences. "I see. Well, I cannot say that I am pleased with your choice, Lord Konrad, but I can appreciate your honesty and your loyalty to your betrothed. I will inform the king of your refusal, and hope that he will be as reasonable as you are. But knowing my brother, he will most likely laugh it off. Lord Hand on the other hand…"

Meanwhile Tyrion, could not hide the smile that appeared on his face, as he witnessed the boy's resolve. Frankly, he admired the boy for standing up to his father and the king, and for choosing love over power. Not to mention that he also felt a little bit sad, knowing that his niece would not have to marry a yet, but surely, she would be sold to another, most likely not even remotely as good as Konrad Arryn. But that's for his future self to worry about, right now, he thought to himself that Konrad was not someone hungry for more power, like a certain sister of his, who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.

Seven hells protect, when his sister would hear about this, she would go mad from rage, after all no one other than their father has the power to refuse anything.

"Well, this is certainly an unexpected outcome. I must say, Lord Konrad, you have impressed me today, and let me tell you that's not something easy achievable. I hope you and Lady Talisa will be very happy together, wherever you may settle. Now, as we are done with this subject, would you humor a dwarf in some business deals between Volantis and the Westerlands?"

Tyrion said with a smile on his face while winking at his older cousin, who was looking at him with the same look Jaime did when he was proud of him.

"Lord Tyrion, I might be Lord Maegyr son-in-law, but I'm not in any power to promise any deals."

"Please, there's no need to call me a lord, my father would not like it too much. As for you not having the power to make such deals, I have to argue, my lord. I might not have The Spider's spy network, but I know you are the real power behind this city's change as of late. No matter how I looked at it, there was no way, Maegyr could have took over the city without thousands of people dying on both sides. You on the other hand, did it almost too cleanly and that comes from someone with little to no military experience. So I will ask you again, my lord. Are you willing to discuss this matter?"

For the first time since they started talking, Stannis saw the boy sigh before leaning back in his chair. "What do you expect to gain Lord Tyrion? Lord Stannis?"

Stannis had to admit, he didn't expect the boy to ask him too, but this might be for the best. The Stormlands were not a wealthy kingdom and this trade with Volantis might prove beneficial."

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