
Aslan my beloved

Aslan lived a life of pure tragedy. He witnessed the death of his mother and was taken as a slave to King Harald. He thought life would never get better. That was until he met King Sylas. Would he be the one to break free of Aslan of his ever lasting grief? Who was that warmth? Read more to find out!

Wangxian_202 · LGBT+
1 Chs

Chapter 1: King Sylas

Chapter 1:


The following text contains things that might upset viewers! Please exit if any of the following makes your feel unsafe or uncomfortable

SA, grooming, Pedophilia (only mentioned! Aslan is now 19 and Sylas is 22!), Gore mentioned!

Once again please exit if you are uncomfortable!

As the night passes, distant groaning can be heard. A room separated from the rest. Separated by a long empty hall. The groans held a raspy sobbing voice. The sounds of one suffocating. Servants of the mansion would walk past the room. You would think someone would show concern, but instead they stiffly walked past like it was nothing new. The wailing continued all through the night. It was until the sun rose; would he finally calm down. The warmth he felt on his forehead. It was similar to when his mother caressed him. He knew this warm feeling was unnatural. No light source could ever enter the room. The windows covered with iron bars and wood. Yet he didn't care. All he could think about was the warmth in the hands that held him. Yet every time he woke there was no sign of anyone entering the room.

When he was a young child, he would set up traps in his room. His youthful soul was desperate to catch the person who gave him such warmth. Yet never once did it work. The warm hand that came and caressed him was like a ghost. Years later he came to give up on finding that warm hand. But not once did he act like he didn't long for the warmth. He was desperate as if it were a drug. Little did he know what the future held. Little did he know this warmth would change his path. Little did he know that warmth would be the only thing to keep him living. The only one to stand with him. The only one that would act coldly to him. Little did he know that warmth would act deniable. Little was he to know he would cling onto them and be ever so desperate. What exactly was to await him would come slow yet fast. What limits held onto him. Who was sent to be his soulmate. One who would say "you can do whatever you want to me but please… don't stop loving me. The limits you set are an allusion that separates us. You can do whatever you want... why? Because I love you. Love me to I beg you Aslan."

The sound of birds chirping away could be heard in the distant as the sun rose awakening Aslan. He swiftly stands up and stretches the sore muscles. He grabs the pile of clothing clumped together from the previous day. He awaits at the door tidying himself up. Clicking sounds can be heard slowly coming closer. The clicking sounds stop right in front of the door. The door slowly opens releasing the dust built up from the door not being opened for a few days.

Finally, after the door slowly opened a skinny tall figure can be seen. It was the head maid. The head maid looks down on Aslan. She sighs and in a worn-out tone she says,

"King Harald is awaiting your presence. An important guest from the other night has arrived. Don't make any mistakes and embarrass us once again. Hurry along and keep up, you don't want to be punished once again, do you?"

The head maid walks away in a speedy paste shaking her head and sighing in a depressing tone. Aslan exits the room and quickly follows the head maiden. It was refreshing to feel the cold air against his face. He had been locked away in his room for five days for causing mayhem within the capital.

Six days ago, king Harald held a ball to celebrate the great alliance with a powerful country. Ever since the new king held the crown 2 years ago. The royale family goes way back in history. It was said that their royale blood is the same as a powerful dragon they once defeated and made a contract with.

(Flash back begins)

This new king was none other than king Sylas. Sylas was the 6th son of king Enzo and yet managed to become the one to the throne. He is a man of knowledge and great swordsmanship. He has faced many battles. His presence thickens the air around. Scars covered his body from his battles. Civilians looked highly on him ever since he was young. He gained favour of those easily and made connections. Even at a young age ladies would fawn over him over his handsomeness. He was easily said to be the most handsome man in the empire. His brothers couldn't even compare. Some decided to devote themselves to science and commandment while others grew ill in mind. They tried countless times trying to murder Aslan but failed. In the end they got their heads chopped off for their insanity.

Nobels filled the palace. Gossip was all around looking down on others of lower status. Drinking themselves almost to death. The celebration became lively. King Harald was a man known for sodomy. His castle was filled with all kinds of boys. Parents sold of their children in exchange for a hefty amount of money. The king had a special taste for young blonds. He was an ill hearted man. He raised taxes without question. More commoners fell to homelessness.

Aslan and his mother was homeless taking mini jobs whenever they could. That was until King Harald happened to pass by. He instantly took a liking to Aslan. He tried to bribe Aslan's mother into selling him off but his mother refused. The king became impatience. He ordered his guards to hold Aslan's mother down. He grabbed his sword and slowly hacked her head off. A crowd came too. Aslan sat in silence. His face showed true despair. His eyes wide open, he stared at his mother head on the ground. He couldn't scream, he couldn't cry. The king grabbed Aslan and pulled him into the carriage. Aslan sat still; King Harald slowly came closer. He grabbed his face and pulled him closer to him. a grin appeared on his face. The king laughed at the sorrow on his face. Spit fell onto Aslan's face. The air around became foggy. His heartbeat slowly became louder until it was quiet.

King Harald walked into the hall until he came upon Aslan's room. He grabbed the key and unlocked his door. He grabbed Aslan and carried him back to where the celebration was being held.

Aslan freaked out and tried to escape the king's tight grip. The king ignored his struggles and continued dragging him along until they reached the throne. The king sat down and placed Aslan on this lap. The Nobel men look enticed. The king seemed to have forgotten about his guest of honor! He started to rip of Aslan's clothing in front of the crowd. The other guests began to crowd. They gathered as if it was some kind of circus performance. Aslan struggled more, desperate to stop the king from ripping off his clothing. The laughing in the background made him nauseous. His head rung. Tears began to form in his eye sockets. He wailed and screamed for help, but they all just continued laughing! What did he do to deserve this he thought. The king took the wine that a servant had brought up. He took the glass of wine and opened Aslan's mouth forcefully. He poured the wine down his throat. The wine spilled down and dirtied his what's left clothing. His vision slowly became blurred. The agony he felt. His body felt hot and yet cold. He felt shivers across his body. Sweat dripped down. The crowd that had come started spinning in a circle. He felt something hard from behind. His face became pale and tried once more to escape but it was no use. His body wasn't his own anymore. The king slowly unbuckled Aslan's pants but before he could he was stopped.

"I don't think this is very appropriate King Harald. I understand that your known for sodomy but to do this in front of a crowd…How disgraceful."

It was the king of Maril! He walked behind the throne and whispered into the kings' ears. The king scoffed and let go of Aslan.

The important guest lifted Aslan and carried him back to his esteemed room where they slept for the night. The bed was much comfier than his 'bed'. It was obvious it was of high quality. The guest filled a glass of water and mouth fed it to Aslan. Aslan hated this feeling. The feeling of someone feeling pity. It hurt his pride, but what could he do he was nothing more but a slave. He became tired and dozed off for the night.

After the ball ended. Aslan was punished and sent to his room for five days. For those five days no one was to give him food besides a cup of water in a worn-out cup.

5 days later. (continuation of the beginning)

They enter the throne room inside the main palace. The throne room was surprisingly more empty than usual. The atmosphere was unshakably cold. Goose bumps became present on Aslan's rough rugged skin with noticeable blemishes and bruises still not healed completely.

King Harald sat on the throne. The man from last night stood next to the king. The king of Maril also known as king Sylas. Aslan became very confused as to why he was here. The head maid pushed Aslan onto the ground and walked to the side.

"Here by now you are now the slave of King Sylas. King Sylas stepped up and grabbed out a piece of paper. King Harald signed the paper. That is all to be discussed. Sylas stepped down the steps and grabbed Aslan off the ground. They exited the castle and set off to travel back to the kingdom Maril. Sylas wrapped Aslan in a blanket and told him to get some rest. Its been a while since Aslan felt such kindness. He bit his lip. What was he thinking he thought? He was nothing more but a slave. Such kindness would only last a day. He should not dare to expect such kindness from someone so high.

They continued their travels. It took 18 days to reach the kingdom Maril, and oh was it the most beautiful sight Aslan had ever seen.

Too be continued.

Hi everyone!

Thankyou for reading! I never realised how hard it is to actually write a novel. I appreiacte all your support and would love to hear your thoughts on this story! Chapters might be a little slow but please be understanding. I will try my best to continue serialising this and keeping it interesting! Please spread news to others about this story as it would help amazing! Once again thankyou for all your support!

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