
Ashes And Flames

Arisia always struggled with being different, she loved being smart and intelligent. Finding new ways to impress her mother. But she could never understand why her mother was so strict with her. "But I want to go outside and visit the village." An argument she would always have with her mother, but her mother always stood her ground telling her that leaving the house would be dangerous.nobody must see her. Only her closest friend and son were able to ever meet Arisia, and the safety of both palaces transported by portal. But only so many secrets can stay hidden, eventually what hides must come out. And not everything is good evil bleeds into the kingdom seeking to kill anybody who defies their rules and Arisia is a perfect example.

VelexiCrimson · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Note to reader: I am a girl with severe disabilities and struggle with writing and grammar. I want to showcase my work for all to see but leave my mistakes in. I feel it would be not my work anymore if a professional removed my way of writing and would change much of my work. I hope whoever sees this still enjoys it regardless of my mistakes. Thank you and enjoy :)


Blood flashed in the darkness, crimson drops falling down on nothing ripples spreads into a puddle of blood in the darkness. Frightened I opened my eyes a cool breeze washing past as I looked out to a city. Flames roared all around me as I looked around confused.

"Were, am I?" I watched the flames burn down a random home, screams filling the air somewhere in the distance.

My heart pounded as I slowly walked the stone path into the city, a lump in my throat making me nauseated.

"What's is happening? Where is mommy?" I cried as I moved scared past a crumbling house.


A voice said as a male came from out of nowhere running towards me.

"Get out of here kid its not safe." The man yelled his tarnished clothes swayed in the breeze as he ran down the road past me.


A female's voice said from in the flames. Looking around I spotted a shadow move swiftly across a pillar.


The voice said again as the shadow moved again only the end of the coat swaying.

"Mommy?" I said fearfully as I looked around the flames for the shadow that seemed to call out to me.

I walked a bit forward when gentle arms wrapped around me picking me up from the ground my small feet hanging off the ground.

"Mommy! Mommy." I screamed as I wiggled in their arms. "LET ME GO!" I cried as I squirmed roughly.

"Arisia, Arisia!"

The woman said a bit more worried her grip on me tightening as she rotated me to face her.

"Its me Nyx." Nyx said taking her hood off revealing her long black hair falling out of the hood as it fell over her shoulder. I stopped my legs as I looked to Nyx a worried look on her face as she frowned.

"Thank Goddess, I found you we need to go…like right now." Nyx said flushed as she started to head for the stone wall.

"N-Nyx what is going on? Why is the city on fire?" I asked as I gripped her cloak tight as she put her hand on the white stone. Nyx ignored me as the wall started to crack splitting apart revealing the hidden passage.

"Nyx where is mommy? What is happening."

I begged as she carried me down the long passage. Candles flickering along the walls as it lit the way. I watched as the passage closed leaving the flames to burn outside and the homes to fall to ashes.

"Where is mommy why are the homes burning? And why aren't you talking to me please tell me! I'm getting scared." I said upset as I could feel my heart race in my chest. My attention averting as I could see the flame flicker.

"I'm sorry," Nyx said as she pushed along the corridor her soft violet eyes shining in the light as she pasted each candle. We shoul-" Nyx was about to say when a rumble shook the walls small pebbles falling from random stone slabs.

"Nyx!" I shrieked as I tried to suppress a scream. Stumbling Nyx hurried along the corridors more pebbles falling, the pebbles turning into stones as they fell.

"Nyx!" I cried, tears riming my eyes. Nyx looked at me a soft smile on her face as she looked at me not a hint of fear in her eyes as she moved me freeing her opposite hand.

"Okay Arisia how about we teleport? I know its not like using the big portal that we take you though but it's still safe you're with me, okay?"

Nyx didn't wait for my answer putting up palm up as a small ball of matter formed in her hand. Watching, it grew, her hand vanishing under the black and violet mass.

"Time to go," Nyx said, the ball vanishing from her hand, forming what looked like a portal beside her. "Don't get scared okay I'm here with you." Nyx said reassuring as she carried me though the portal.

Why won't Nyx tell me what's happening?

I thought as I was engulfed by the arrays of violets and electrical waves, flying past me, the wave carrying me though the storm of violet lighting.

Opening my eyes, I could see flames rage around me strange pyre's lining the town as I could barley make out the faint sound of a girls scream.

"HELP! Help." Her screams roaring over the flames the sound of her muffled sobs escaping as she called out for help.

We moved down the road. I looked to Nyx as a painful feeling stabbing me in the heart as I cried Nyx frowned as she put her hands over my ears muffling out the cries.

"Nyx, we need to help her what if she's injured or lost." I pleaded my voice louder as I tried to make sure I was loud enough. A light shined around me as Nyx's eyes burned a deep violet, Nyx's mouth moved as she looked at me but no sound came out in fact, I couldn't hear anything I looked around not even the flames that burned a house down made noise.


I yelled as I tried to hear my own tone but nothing came out.

"Why can't I hear? Nyx!" I said as I tried to get her to notice.

Nyx guided me a little out of the city a small archway leading to the back of the castle. looking I could almost make out a silhouette tied to a pyre when we passed a girl her body burned as the flames blanketed her. Our eye meeting as I looked into her fear filled eyes.

Why does she feel familiar?

I watched in horror her body burned up silent screams ringing in my mind as I imagined her weak screams. Nauseated I looked at Nyx as I tried not to throw up, the smell of ash filling the air and the putrid outer of burned flesh made its way up my nose.

Getting to the arch I stared at the door the white lily's looking oddly bright as we moved up the stairs.

"Shit!" Nyx Said her voice audible again as she looked threw the small window.

A guard pacing up and down the hall as he waited for any suspicion. Moving back Nyx put me down an old looking cloth swaying around me as she put me on the ground.

What the heck am I wearing? Why are my shoes so tarnished? I looked down at my shoes, the tattered wool feeling oddly thin then before.

"We need another way the guard is blocking us." Nyx whispered. Looking up I could see Nyx talking in a small bracelet her eyes glancing at the window as she waited for the other person on the other end.

Seriously what's happening? as a voice boke the silence as it came from the came from the bracelet.

"The passage is free hurry we can't keep the exit open," The voice said through a bunch of static. "Make sure you guys move under the lights we can't stop the guards from doing the shifts."

Nyx looked at me then glanced at the window, I looked at her confused as I moved to the door trying to peak at the window having to go as high on my tiptoes to try an see the guard.

"Let's go." Nyx whispered as she grabbed my hand a small giggle escaping her mouth as she guided me away from the window.

Confused I followed Nyx down over a small slope, mud making it hard to catch friction, sliding Nyx griped my arm as she slowed my decent down the slope.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I walked slowly behind Nyx my shoes getting stuck in the mud making me have to walk funny to get out the mud.

"We need to get in the secret passage before it closes." Nyx said as she marched a head of me her dress trailing behind her as mud clung to the hem of her dress. "But why what's happening

Where is grandfather?" I asked as I moved a bit faster. Nyx said nothing as she moved.

Looking past her, I could see a small light flickering as he neared.

"Good we were getting worried," A man said as he moved near Nyx gesturing us to the cave. "Fira and the others are on the other side waiting," he said urgently.

"Mommy?" I said as I looked to Nyx the man stopping when Nyx stopped to look at me. Hearing that my mama was on the other side made my heart flutter as tears streamed down my eyes as all my fear pooled out of me as I started to cry like I hadn't cried in years.

"We're almost there dear, your mom is waiting for you I promise." Nyx said picking me up burying my face in her shoulder as I cried.

Nyx continued to move the sound of her footsteps crunching as she stepped.

"Nyx!" shooting my head up I looked to my mom her worried look more noticeable from the torch.

"Mommy!" I said as I put my hands out to her, her eyes veering to me as she smiled. "Mommy, mommy." I said as she grabbed me from Nyx. The reassurance of my mama hugging me soothed me as I hugged her like I haven't seen her in a long time.

"Daris put guard up everywhere even if we wanted to get in the castle, we won't be able to now." Nyx said as she moved as far as she could away from the cave the smoke from the city visible from here. "Our only option is to flee to the woods and hope to be able to get to him." My mama said as she turned away from the smoke.

I looked at mama my heart curdling in my chest as mama's face started to melt and her grip on me lessened until I dropped.


I cried as I tried to reach out to her as she walked away from me as if she never saw me or that I fell.

"Mommy. Mommy!"

I screamed my heart crushing as I fell into the darkness, my hood falling off as my fiery hair whipped around me as I was force to succumb to the gravity that dragged down.


A voice said, a rainbow of colors engulfed me gently bringing me to the ground as a white light rained down before exploding into a ball of energy in front of me.

"Arisia you must help us… we need your help."

The voice said harmonically looking around I couldn't see anything just blackness.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The light as I looked down, a clear bottom revealing a strange and snow-white town.

"I cannot say…take this it is the key to your problem." The voice said as a small box floated to me from the center of the orb. The box was soft like velvet a circle with a star in the middle, a crystal with its own color in each corner, a soft blue on the left a grass green on the top a gentle white on the top right, a burning fire red on the bottom right in the middle a deep purple.

"But what-" A white light engulfed me an odd energy ripping me away from the light as I start to vanish.