
Asher’s Odyssey: The Strongest Awakened

Scarlett, a powerful ability user, crash-lands in Metropolis city after a battle. Injured and unconscious, she's found by Asher, a kind and talkative high schooler with a hidden power of his own. Despite their clashing personalities – Scarlett's cold and bossy, Asher's full of energy and loves fiction – they form an unlikely bond. Now, Scarlett needs to recover while keeping her secret, and Asher discovers there's more to his power than he thought.

AngelicWolf · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 13: Let's See What Secrets You Hold.

Asher's vision spun. The world tilted on its axis as he tried to scramble away from the Professor's gloved hand. His entire body screamed with exhaustion, the aftereffects of the fight with Quinn leaving him a defenseless puppet.

"Don't be shy," the Professor taunted, his voice dripping with a sadistic amusement. "Let's see what secrets you hold."

Fueled by a primal fear, Asher lunged forward, a pathetic attempt at escape. It was like a fly trying to outrun a speeding car. The Professor's hand connected with a sickening thud, sending Asher sprawling onto the cold concrete. Pain exploded in his head, blinding him momentarily.

Through the haze, he saw the Professor looming over him, a dark silhouette against the pale moonlight. A boot connected with his side, the air whooshing out of his lungs. Each blow was deliberate, punctuated by the Professor's cruel laughter.

Asher tried to fight back, to scream, but his body wouldn't obey. He was a broken doll, tossed around at the Professor's whim. The blows rained down, a symphony of violence echoing in the deserted night.

Back in the hidden lab, Quinn watched the scene unfold on the security monitors with a growing sense of horror. The fight with Asher had left him shaken, but the sight of the Professor's brutal assault on the seemingly harmless boy ignited a spark of rebellion within him.

He couldn't stand by and watch an innocent get tortured. The Professor's coldness, his disregard for life, everything Quinn had been conditioned to accept, began to crumble.

A low growl ripped from his throat. He couldn't explain it, but a fierce protectiveness surged through him, a primal urge to defend the helpless creature on the screen.

Ignoring the throbbing pain in his own body, Quinn scrambled to his feet and rushed towards the hidden door that led outside. He burst through the entrance, the cool night air a shock against his heated skin.

"Stop it!" Quinn roared, his voice hoarse but laced with desperate authority.

Professor Vance turned, a cruel smile twisting his lips. "Ah, Quinn," he drawled, his voice devoid of surprise. "Seems you decided to finally join the party."

He glanced back at the unconscious Asher, then back at Quinn with a chilling amusement. "Took you long enough."

Adrenaline coursed through

Quinn, momentarily erasing the fatigue from his fight. He stood between the Professor and Asher, his stance defensive. "Leave him alone," he commanded.

The Professor's smile widened, revealing a glint of madness in his crimson eyes. "And why should I listen to you,Quinn?" he scoffed. "You're just a pawn in my game."

"He has nothing to do with this!" Quinn argued, his voice tight with a mix of fear and defiance. "Let him go."

The Professor threw his head back and laughed, a harsh, grating sound that echoed in the stillness of the night. "Loyalty is a curious thing, isn't it, Quinn?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "One moment you're following orders, the next you're trying to protect a stray."

Quinn gritted his teeth. He knew arguing wouldn't work. He had to act.

With a surge of telekinetic energy, he launched himself at the Professor. It was a desperate attack, fueled by raw emotion rather than strategy. 


Vance, however, was taken aback by the sudden shift in his usually obedient pawn.

He stumbled back, barely dodging Quinn's telekinetic shove. A flicker of surprise crossed his face, quickly replaced by a cold fury.

"You dare attack me, Quinn?" he roared, his voice laced with betrayal. "You've overstepped your bounds."

The playful demeanor was gone, replaced by a menacing rage. The Professor unleashed a telekinetic blast of his own, far more powerful and precise than anything Quinn had ever experienced.

Quinn was sent flying backward, crashing into a nearby brick wall with a bone-jarring impact. Pain flared through his body, a white-hot agony that stole his breath. His vision blurred, the world spinning around him.

He tasted blood on his lips, a metallic tang coating his tongue. Yet, the physical pain was nothing compared to the turmoil within. 

He had attacked his superior, defying everything he'd been trained for. But the image of Asher's battered form flashed behind his eyelids, fueling a stubborn spark of defiance.

Struggling to his feet, Quinn glared at the Professor, his own eyes blazing with a newfound determination. "He doesn't deserve this!" he rasped, his voice hoarse.

"Deserve?" the Professor scoffed. "This is about progress, Quinn! This boy is an obstacle, a potential leak. And obstacles need to be removed."

He raised his hand, telekinetic energy crackling around it like miniature lightning bolts. "And traitors," he added, his voice dripping with venom, "need to be dealt with."

Quinn knew he was outmatched. The Professor was a seasoned telekinetic, his control far surpassing anything Quinn had yet to master. But the thought of surrendering, of letting Asher be further brutalized, fueled a desperate resolve within him.

Gritting his teeth, Quinn focused all his remaining energy. The world seemed to shrink, the Professor's furious face filling his vision. He pushed, channeling every ounce of his telekinetic power into a single, desperate attack.

A wave of energy surged from Quinn, slamming into the Professor's outstretched hand. The force of the impact was like an explosion, sending shockwaves that rippled through the surrounding area. Dust and debris flew, momentarily obscuring the view.

When the dust settled, Quinn stood teetering on his feet, his entire body screaming in protest. He had poured everything he had into that attack, and the strain was immense. He looked towards the Professor, bracing himself for a devastating counterattack.

But to his surprise, the Professor didn't immediately retaliate. He stood frozen, his hand outstretched, a look of disbelief etched on his face. The crimson glow in his eyes had dimmed, replaced by a flicker of something akin to…fear?

Quinn couldn't understand it. Had his pathetic attack actually hurt the Professor? It seemed impossible. He squinted, trying to make sense of the situation.

Suddenly, a new voice sliced through the tense silence. "You sure are causing a lot of commotion without securing the surroundings, Professor."

The voice was calm, almost casual, yet it sent a shiver down Quinn's spine. He whipped his head around to see Scarlett standing a few feet away, her arms crossed and a a dangerous glint flashed in her yes as she saw Asher on the ground.