
Asher’s Odyssey: The Strongest Awakened

Scarlett, a powerful ability user, crash-lands in Metropolis city after a battle. Injured and unconscious, she's found by Asher, a kind and talkative high schooler with a hidden power of his own. Despite their clashing personalities – Scarlett's cold and bossy, Asher's full of energy and loves fiction – they form an unlikely bond. Now, Scarlett needs to recover while keeping her secret, and Asher discovers there's more to his power than he thought.

AngelicWolf · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 11: Then You Leave Me No Choice

Quinn entered the classroom and immediately spotted Asher sitting in his usual seat. Asher, unfazed by their lack of closeness, offered a cheerful wave. Quinn ignored him, his mind preoccupied with Professor Vance's words from the previous night.

When Quinn reached his seat, which was close to Asher's, the latter leaned in and said excitedly, "You came to school today!"

Quinn remained silent, but the rest of the class buzzed with curiosity.

"I didn't know they were friends..."

"When did they get so close?"

"Quinn hasn't spoken a word since he transferred here. And Asher doesn't interact with anyone."

"Guess even loners find each other eventually."

The teacher arrived, and as the lesson began, Quinn couldn't help but steal glances at Asher in his thoughts.

'Hunters are usually trained professionals,' he thought. 'Did he receive special training too?'

Asher looked like any other student, which only deepened Quinn's confusion.

After school, Asher walked home. On his way, he spotted a charming puppy with dark stripes. He couldn't resist its cuteness and scooped it up. Examining the collar, he saw the name "Pepper" inscribed on it.

"Asher," a voice called out. He looked up to see Quinn approaching him.

"Hey, Quinn," Asher greeted with a smile. Quinn, ever stoic, couldn't help but wonder if Asher's cheerfulness was genuine.

"Where'd you find that puppy?" Quinn asked, his expression unreadable.

"Oh, this isn't mine," Asher replied with a blink. "Just found it wandering around and couldn't resist playing with such a cutie."

"Not that one," Quinn clarified. "The white puppy with the lightning-shaped scar you were carrying last night."

Asher frowned. "Last night? You saw me on my way to the vet?"

"Actually, I'd seen that puppy before," Asher explained. "It vanished, then reappeared later, looking rough. That's why I decided to take care of it for a while."

A tense silence followed before

Asher, brimming with curiosity, asked, "Why are you asking about it?"

"I thought it might be mine," Quinn replied, a hint of emotion flickering in his usually emotionless eyes.

Asher's eyes widened. "You lost a puppy? I can bring it here if you want to check."

Quinn's stoicism faltered for a moment, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. "What? You'd do that?"

"Sure," Asher said, already hurrying towards home. "Wait here. I'll be right back with the puppy."

Quinn stood there, bewildered. "Is Asher not a Hunter?" he thought. "If he were, wouldn't he be more cautious about showing me the 'sample'?" Regardless of his doubts, he decided to wait and see since Asher had offered.

Scarlett lounged on the couch, browsing Asher's anime collection. Just as she decided to check out a series Asher often raved about, she heard the front door creak open.

"I'm home!" Asher called out, entering the house.

Scarlett scrambled to turn off the TV, feigning nonchalance. She noticed him carefully picking up the sleeping puppy.

"What are you doing?" she couldn't help but ask.

"I think I found its owner," Asher replied, gently cradling the puppy.

Scarlett's curiosity piqued. "You found its owner? What do you mean?"

Before she could get an answer, Asher rushed out the door, muttering a hurried, "I'll be home soon, Ms. Scarlett!"

Scarlett watched him leave, a frown etching itself onto her face.

Quinn remained rooted to the spot, anticipation twisting his gut. As Asher burst into view, panting, the puppy in his arms stirred. As though sensing Quinn's gaze, its eyes snapped open, a flicker of recognition flashing within their depths.

"It certainly is," Quinn said, his voice low and tight. Despite his stoic facade, the air crackled with an unseen energy.

A memory flooded the puppy's mind - a stark lab, Professor Vance looming over him with his needles, and a figure in the shadows, watching with an emotionless stare – Quinn.

A panicked bark erupted from the puppy as it lunged towards Quinn, teeth bared. "What's wrong?" Asher asked,confusion etched on his face. "Calm down, boy."

The puppy writhed and twisted in Asher's grasp, desperate to break free. Panic bloomed in Asher's chest. 

"Asher, give me the puppy," Quinn demanded, his voice clipped.

"Huh?" Asher stammered, thrown off guard by the urgency in Quinn's tone.

"Hand him over," Quinn repeated, his eyes hardening into flint. Asher met Quinn's gaze, a flicker of suspicion replacing his earlier cheer. The air grew thick with unspoken accusations.

"Quinn, are you sure this is the puppy you lost?" Asher asked hesitantly.

"Yes," Quinn growled, the word laced with something more than just concern.

"Then why's he acting so scared? I don't understand," Asher pressed. "Are you sure you're his owner?"

Quinn held Asher's gaze, a steely silence stretching between them. "Or are you lying to me?" Asher finally broke the stillness, his voice edged with suspicion. "Why are you trying to take him if it's not your pet?"

Quinn sighed, a hint of frustration flickering across his face. "Asher, just hand him over. You'll only put yourself in danger if you keep him."

"No, I can't!" Asher declared, clutching the puppy tighter.

Quinn's eyes narrowed. "Then you leave me no choice."

In a heartbeat, Quinn vanished. A blur of motion, a whisper in the wind. Before Asher could react, a searing pain lanced through his neck. His vision blurred, the world tilting on its axis.

"You'll just be out for a while," Quinn's voice echoed, laced with a chilling indifference.

Asher crumpled to the ground, unconscious. The puppy, witnessing its protector fall, erupted in a frenzy of barks and whines. It lunged at the air, desperate to fight back against the unseen threat.

But Quinn simply raised his hand. A strange energy crackled around the puppy, lifting it effortlessly into the air. It struggled, whimpering, the ability eerily similar to Professor Vance's own. It was telekinesis, pinning the puppy in a helpless hold.

With a practiced ease, used his own telekinetic power to subdue the struggling creature, rendering it limp in his grasp.

As he secured the puppy, his gaze flickered to the unconscious Asher. He turned to leave, a grim resolve etched on his face.

Just as he turn to leave, a voice pierced the silence.


Quinn whipped around, just to see Asher, to his utter disbelief, stood shakily on his feet.

I DONT KNOW WHY THIS IS HAPPENING ITS REALLY RUINING THIS FOR ME,… well and who ever is reading this book. it’s uploading drafts that were disregarded. I don’t know if it’s a problem my end or on wn. sigh

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