
Asher’s Odyssey: The Strongest Awakened

Scarlett, a powerful ability user, crash-lands in Metropolis city after a battle. Injured and unconscious, she's found by Asher, a kind and talkative high schooler with a hidden power of his own. Despite their clashing personalities – Scarlett's cold and bossy, Asher's full of energy and loves fiction – they form an unlikely bond. Now, Scarlett needs to recover while keeping her secret, and Asher discovers there's more to his power than he thought.

AngelicWolf · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 1: I, The Great Scarlett…

The neon lights of New Metropolis blurred as a streak of crimson tore across the night sky. It wasn't a shooting star, but a woman with fiery red hair, her body battered and bruised, plummeting towards a deserted alley. Smoke clung to her tattered clothes, the metallic tang of blood heavy in the air.

"Ugh," she grunted, coughing as she impacted the ground. "Figures they'd all gang up on me."

Wincing, she forced herself into a sitting position. Every breath was a struggle. Healing would take time, but staying put was a risk.

"Damn," she muttered, frustration lacing her voice. "'I'll hide and that time to heal recover, of course if I keep running I won't recover… and by then it s matter before I'm caught."

With a heavy sigh, she closed her eyes, focusing her energy. Sparks danced around her fingertips, igniting a swirling vortex of shadow that engulfed her whole. A moment later, she was gone.


Inside a brightly lit store, Asher, a young man with bright blue eyes and a shock of white hair, browsed the shelves overflowing with manga. To him, these weren't just books, they were portals to fantastical worlds. Picking them up, his fingers traced the vibrant covers, a childlike excitement bubbling within him.

"Finally!" he exclaimed, spotting a rare volume that completed a set. It was a steal at this price. Resisting the urge to grab everything in sight, he settled for just one, a satisfied smile gracing his lips.

Stepping out onto the bustling street, Asher crossed the road, his gaze flitting between towering buildings and the endless stream of vehicles. Suddenly, a child darted into traffic, a red ball bouncing ahead, oblivious to the approaching car.

A screech tore through the air as a car swerved to avoid the child. In a blur of motion, Asher appeared beside the boy, whisking him away just before impact. He reappeared on the opposite sidewalk, his chest heaving.

The child blinked, confused. "Are you alright?" Asher asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Y-yes," stammered the child. "Thank you."

A crowd gathered, murmuring amongst themselves. "Did you see that? The kid just vanished!"

"It looked like someone saved him..."

Asher winced. Attention was the last thing he needed. "Gotta go!" he muttered, disappearing before anyone could react.

"Max!" a woman's voice called.

The child turned towards the familiar sound. "Mom?"

Relief washed over Asher as the woman embraced her child tightly. "Are you hurt? I was so scared! How did you avoid getting hit?"

"I don't know," the boy said, pointing vaguely towards where Asher had been. "I think that guy saved me."

The woman looked puzzled. "Guy? There's no one there," she said, searching the crowd.

Asher, now lost in the throng of people, couldn't help but replay the scene. He'd used his power again, but it was the right thing to do. Relief mingled with a tremor of fear. Exposing his abilities could have disastrous consequences.

As he continued his journey, a strange sensation prickled at his senses. He glanced down, noticing a faint twitching in his shadow. Curiosity piqued, he followed its lead, drawn towards a deserted alley.

The air hung heavy in the darkness. He approached cautiously, his eyes scanning the gloom. Then, he saw her – a crimson-haired beauty, shoot outa the ground unconscious and floating mid-air. Her body was shrouded in a faint, swirling aura.

Intrigued, Asher reached out and caught her just before she hit the ground. He noticed the absence of a normal shadow beneath her. Instead, a shimmering energy outline enveloped her form. Was she like him? Possessing powers he couldn't comprehend?

Unable to resist, he decided to take her home. Her peaceful expression as she slept she look pretty cute. Back in his apartment, he laid her on the couch, his initial worry replaced by awe.

He checked on her injuries, surprised to find them completely healed. The only evidence of her ordeal were the bloodstains on her clothes. He considered tending to them, but a sense of propriety held him back.

Finally, he settled her in a spare room, leaving her to rest.

A half-hour later, the woman's eyes snapped open. Disoriented, she sat up, memories flooding back in a painful rush.

"Did I...pass out?" she muttered, her voice rough. Surveying her surroundings, she realized she was no longer in the alley. Panic flared, replaced by a cold fury as she remembered the events leading to her unconsciousness.

Just then, the door creaked open and the boy – Asher, she recalled – peeked in cautiously. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Huh! You're awake!" he exclaimed, a nervous tremor in his voice. "I was worried. You were bleeding and… well, unconscious when I found you."

The sight of him, wide-eyed and rambling, did little to calm her simmering anger. She remained silent, scrutinizing him with a steely glint in her crimson eyes.

Asher, oblivious to her iciness, continued, "You look much better now, though." He nervously scratched the back of his head. "Ow, you don't have to be so on edge."

He misinterpreted her silence, attributing it to fear.

Internally, she scoffed. 'Who is this doofus?' she thought, a flicker of annoyance crossing her features. 'Did this boy really bring me here while I was unconscious?'

As if on cue, Asher reappeared, this time holding two steaming plates. The savory aroma filled the small room, momentarily distracting her.

"Sorry that took so long," he apologized, setting the plates down on the nightstand beside her. "I was getting something for you to eat." He fidgeted, babbling again.

"Why were you passed out? You didn't seem wounded or anything. I figured you'd have had one since you were bleeding and all."

His constant chatter started to grate on her nerves. 'This one's talkative,' she thought dryly. 'He's been at it non-stop.'

"Here," he said, gesturing to the food. "You must be hungry. Eat. It'll help you heal faster."

She eyed the food with disdain. 'How dare he…' she started to fume internally, 'He wants the Scarlett to eat such common food.'

Just then, her stomach growled loudly, betraying her. Embarrassment tinged her cheeks. 'I should eat to recover quickly,' she conceded mentally. She picked up a fork and took a hesitant bite.

To her surprise, it wasn't bad. 'Well, not bad compared to what I'm used to,' she amended.

Suddenly, Asher's hand darted out, reaching for her wrist. "Let me just check…" he began, his voice a hushed whisper.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She snapped, her voice cold and laced with dangerous power.

The air crackled with a surge of energy.

Asher froze, wide-eyed and pale. He hadn't expected such a ferocious reaction.

"Let go. Can't you hear? Want me to punch another hole in your head? Huh?" Her voice was a low growl, a threat barely veiled.

Asher stumbled back, tripping over his own feet and landing with a thud. He looked at her, fear replacing his earlier nervousness.

The atmosphere in the room shifted. The air itself seemed to hum with unseen energy.

"Alright, alright," Asher stammered, his voice barely a squeak. "I apologize. I didn't…"

He wasn't sure how to finish the sentence, but it didn't matter. The woman was already speaking.

"Hey," she said, her voice calmer now but still firm. "What's your name?"

Asher, momentarily speechless, managed a shaky, "A-Asher."

The woman narrowed her eyes, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her face.  "Asher," she repeated, testing the name on her tongue. "You should remember what I say..."

"If you say a word about me to anyone else..." she started, her voice hardening again, "...you're dead."

Asher gulped, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. "Y-yes ma'am," he stammered, regretting his impulsive decision to bring her home.

Suddenly, she let out a sharp gasp, her body trembling slightly. She squeezed her eyes shut, muttering something under her breath Asher didn't catch.

"I, the great Scarlett..."

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