
Chapter 44: War (VIII)

The commander of the allied forces, Count Robert, nervously watched the battle in the sky.

The adjutant quietly suggested, "My lord, should we use the Dragon-Slaying Ballista to support the Northwind Eagle Guards? Those wyverns shouldn't be able to withstand our bolts."

"No, maintain vigilance."

Robert's tone was somewhat grave.

Although the Northwind Eagle Guards were his most important asset, his mind was plagued with doubts: Where was that Red Dragon, the leader of the Ashen Nest? It had not appeared since the start of the war!

It only took a little thought to realize that a force capable of cultivating such a legion couldn't possibly be an ordinary young Red Dragon.

Robert could only secretly pray, hoping the gods would bless his Dragon-Slaying Ballista to be effective against that Red Dragon.

"We must wait for that Red Dragon to appear."

Sweat dripped from Robert's forehead. At some point, the air in the Triel Valley had become stiflingly hot, unlike its usual freshness.