
Chapter 34 Ambush

The demon opened its gaping maw like a beast, a putrid mixture of viscous mucus and blood dripping from the corners of its mouth.

The Massacre Demon, surrounded by Dragon Scale Cultivators rushing in from all directions, let out a roar, its throat spasming and emitting a sound reminiscent of metal scraping together.

"Ignorant mortals!

You'll soon realize—the kind of entity you are making an enemy of!"

Chaos Fog enshrouded the Massacre Demon, chaotic and disorderly mutterings escaping the air holes in its massive demon neck.

Those voices, like swarms of insects that infiltrate everything, burrowed into people's minds, corrupting their souls.

Such were words of desecration!


"Cover your ears! Those sounds again!"

"By Cassius, this is utter profanation! It, it's creating something in my mind!"

Suddenly, the battlefield descended into chaos, the Imperial Soldiers clutching their ears in agony, tightly shutting their eyes, even beginning to thrash about on the ground.