
Ash Of The Black Phoenix

At the age of eight Kale Scarlet had a very strange encounter that changed his life.

Joshua_Brock · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


I Slowly walked into the small cave. The caves entrance had been covered up by hanging moss that had grown down from the ceiling. Walking further into the cave I noticed that it seemed to have been inhabited by someone else before me but had long since been abandoned. The cave wasn't very deep and it didn't take me long to reach the end of the cave. Standing at the back of the cave I sat the girl down on a patch of moss that had conveniently grown to the same length of her height. Leaving the girl lying there I went back towards the entrance of the cave to find something to make a fire with. Walking outside the cave I managed to find a handful of dried out leaves that had fallen of their trees and a Large tree branch about three times my size. I grabbed the leaves a tucked them into my pockets then walked over to where the branch was. At first I tried to one hand drag it but once I started trying to move I realized that the branch was much to heavy for me to drag like that. Next I grasped it with both hands and started to tug. The branch moved slightly forward. I started to get frustrated with the branch so I dug my heels into the ground and started to run backwards tugging the branch behind me as I go. Making it back to where I left the girl I looked at her lying there in the same position as when I left. "Ahh" falling to the ground face first I let out a groan. "Come on where are you now weird magical healing power?" Getting back up from the ground after wallowing in self pity I walked over to the end of the branch and cut off a few small twigs with the dagger I took from the bandit. After carrying the twigs too a spot near the girl I dropped them and went back to the branch. Looking up and down on the branch for a suitable twig to use as a bow one finally catches my eye. After cutting off the twig I walk back towards where I left the other twigs. Getting ready to start the fire I pull all the leaves out of my pockets then take of my shirt. I take the dagger out of its sheathe I cut the bottom Seam of my shirt after cutting it I then cut the circle of fabric into a string of fabric. Taking the twig I cut last, it was about the size of my arm. I then tied one end of the string to each end of the twig forming a bow shape after that I cut off a forearm size stick from the bottom of the branch then split it have and cut a gash in the side of the piece of wood. I put the leave pieces in the gash then took another stick along with the bow shaped stick then put the other stick on its side to the string then twisted the string around the stick. Putting the end of the stick on the stick with a gash in it I put my left hand I top of the stick and with my right hand moved the bow back and forth creating friction. Once the wood was hot enough I caught the leaves on fire. Throwing a few twigs on the flames I slowly build a small fire. After a little while the small fire grew into the size of a regular camp fire. Looking at the girl (I wonder when she'll wake up) I look back at the fire (I wonder) I slowly put my in the fire. I wince in anticipation of the pain but nothing happened I opened my eyes and looked at my hand and on it there wasn't even a single singed hair. (What the heck?) I bring my hand out of the fire. Turing my wrist looking at both sides there are no visible spots that show injury. (What the heck is this.) whilst I was in amazement of my hand being fire proof I heard something rustling beside me. "Huh" a groan came from the girl lying on the bed of moss. "Where am I?" "Oh your finally awake" the girl slowly turned her head and looked at me "who are yo" she stopped talking. Her eyes got wide then she started to panic and scream while trying to run away "Get away from me!!" Getting up quickly I put my hand over her mouth. She kept trying to scream while kicking and clawing at me. "Shut up do you want to attract the attention of every monster in the forest." Hearing me speak she calmed down a bit and put her hands down and stoped kicking. Taking my hand off her mouth I looked into her eyes and slowly said "Listen I'm not going to hurt you." She nodded her head. "Ok now can you tell me your name." She shook her head. "Then can you tell me where your from?" She shook her head again. "Alright then." Standing up i start to walk towards the exit "I'm gonna try to find something to eat." /wa gak kull flagaw\ I stop moving as soon as I heard the strange sounds coming from the entrance of the cave. Running back to the back of the cave I grab the old longbow I took from the bandit. Taking an arrow from the quiver that remained on my back I placed it on the string. (Crap! Did something hear her scream?) as the sounds get closer the girl becomes aware that there is something in the cave with us and begins to panic. With tears coming out both of her eyes she begins to weep rather loudly. Running over to her with the bow in my left hand I then covered her mouth with my right hand once again. "Shhh" "don't make to much noise I know your scared but if you keep on making noise like that then we're both in trouble. /Kra Jok Li shi Nee\ the sounds get closer. Letting go of her mouth I crouch in front of her and place my right hand on the string of the bow. (I've never shot a bow before, I'm not even sure if I can pull back the string let alone aim it) the sound of footsteps ring loudly in my ears growing ever closer. I slowly start drawing the string on the bow. (Holy crap how am I supposed to shoot this thing) pulling back with all my might I manage to pull the string back to my cheek but it never got easier to hold it kept trying to pull my arm back in (why is the so hard!) the foot steps got louder and louder then something walked around the corner of the cave. It had a small stature almost like that of a child but it's skin was green and covered in warts. Trying to aim I hear the girls whimpering voice speak very shakily "g g goblin." The small green creature appeared to have heard her and turn towards us /KRA KRAE CLE NO WOMEN\ it started rushing towards us. I panicked and released the string and the arrow flew right past the charging green monster. Hurriedly I strung another arrow and pulled back on the sting as hard as I could. Once the string was all the way back the monster had already gotten within four feet of me, but instead of attacking me it seemed as through he was going to pass me. (THE GIRL!) the creature was going after girl and not me. Quickly pointing the bow in front of the creature I released the string. This time instead of missing this time the arrow hit the creature in the face knocking it off its feet. It's body now lying on the ground continued to twitch. The look on the girls face had grown pale as she sat there looking at the punctured head of the small figure. She stood there in shock. The blood from the goblins head had splattered onto my face making it hard to see but it wasn't hard for me to tell that the creature was no longer alive. I turn around to see that the girl had started to throw up. (I guess she's never seen something killed before) dropping the bow I walk slowly over to her and hold back her hair. Her hair was black so I doubt that you would have been able to see it if some got in it but still it must be hard for someone to experience all the things this girl alone has been through in these past two days, more so if there the same age as her. After about a minute she stopped throwing up and stood up from the ground. She turned and faced me "thank you" she said bowing slightly. "It's okay you don't have to do that." (Now that this cave has been found by something there's bound to be more monsters coming to check out what happened.) I start to walk away "Alice" I stop "what" walking in front of me the girl stopped and held out her hand "you asked for my name earlier, it's Alice, Alice VonTreseeae" I then put my hand next to hers "My name is Kale Scarlet nice to meet ya." "Kale that's a weird name." I walked passed the girl "we have to get going, since one thing found is the. More things are bound to come looking." "But we just started talking" the girl said Turning around to look at me "we can talk later"…. After gathering up all of the stuff I made for starting a fire I went back to where the creature was laying. Grabbing the arrow with my right hand I yanked it out then put it back in my quiver. "Is that even sanitary." The girl said looking at me "no no it is not but I need all the arrows I can get." Leaving the shelter of the cave I knew that things where only going to get harder from here.