

1. Is a standard indentation and layout format used consistently?

2. Are the Java class libraries used where and when appropriate?

3. Utilized the use of comments consistently for readability purposes

4. The codes are easy to debug, read and understand.

5. Follows naming convention in defining classes and methods in the program

6. Are descriptive variable and constant names used following naming conventions?

7. Are all variables properly defined with meaningful, consistent, and clear names?

8. Are parentheses used to avoid ambiguity in the expressions, calculations, and evaluations?

9. Are there any blocks of repeated code that could be condensed into a single method?

10. Are all loop control structures terminated properly to avoid infinite executions?

11. Are arrays large enough to store as much data or information needed in the program?

12. Are object and array references set to null once the object or array is no longer needed?

13. Have all files been opened before use and closed after use?

14. Are there spelling or grammatical errors in any text printed or displayed?

15. Does the program provide correct prompts/messages for validation and error notifications?


1. Has basic knowledge of the relationships of a Java package, class, object, and method

2. Has a clear understanding of what jdk, jre, and jvm means to the Java language

3. Able to distinguish the difference between .java and .class extensions

4. Can name a few of the Java keywords, special characters, and their importance.

5. Able to explain the importance of Syntax and Semantics in a Java program

6. Can enumerate different Java comments and able to expound their significance

7. Has a clear understanding of the difference between local and global variables

8. Able to explain how the main method works in every Java program


9. Knows the importance of datatypes in Programming

10. Can name/enumerate three different primitive datatypes in Java

11. Able to discriminate different primitive datatypes and give an example of each data type

12. Has a basic idea of how to reference datatypes work in Java

13. Explain the difference between primitive datatypes and Reference datatypes


14. Able to expound on the idea and importance of identifiers in Java programming

15. Knows and explains the rules in naming identifiers (class, variable, methods, etc.)

16. Able to describe the significance of variables in Java programming

17. Knows how to declare a variable and initialize it

18. Can explain the idea of constant variables (using the final keyword)


19. Able to explain input/output statements (System.in and System.out)

20. Describe how print(), println(), and printf() methods work in the program

21. Able to explain the purpose of Scanner Class in the program

22. Explain the difference between .nextInt(), nextDouble(), next(), nextLine(), and so on..

23. Able to write a simple program using input/output statements and Scanner class.

24. Explain and describe how JOptionPane Class works in the program

25. Differentiate .showInputDialog() from .showMessageDialog()

26. Able to write a simple program using the JOptionPane class

27. Knows the idea of typecasting and parsing a value and its importance to Java programming


28. Can name relational/equality operators and able to evaluate their expressions

29. Can name the three logical operators and evaluate their expressions

30. Explain the importance of control structures (selection) in the program

31. Write sample codes to perform conditional statement (? : )

32. Explain the four selection structures: one-way, two-way, compound, and multiple

33. Able to write a sample code using a one-way selection structure (Single-If

Able to write a sample code using a two-way selection structure (If-else)

35. Write a sample code using a compound selection structure (If-else with multiple statements)

36. Able to write a sample code using multiple selection structure (Nested-if)

37. Describe the idea of switch structure and write a sample code of it


38. Able to clearly explain what an iteration is and its importance in every program

39. Enumerate the four different looping mechanisms

40. Describe and write a sample application of a counter-controlled loop

41. Describe and write a sample application of a sentinel-controlled loop

42. Describe and write a sample application of a flag-controlled loop

43. Explain and write a sample code using a while loop

44. Explain and write a sample code using a do-while loop

45. Explain and write a sample code using for loop

46. Know the difference between break and continue


47. Has a deep understanding of what method is and how important it is in software development

48. Can explain the relationship between a class and a method in a program

49. Able to define what is a predefined method and name a few of them

50. Explain clearly what a user-defined method is and what its significance is in software development.

51. Able to explain the difference between formal and actual parameters

52. Explain how the non-value returning(void), the non-parameterized method works and be able to write sample codes

53. Explain how the non-value returning(void), the parameterized method works and be able to write sample codes

54. Explain how value returning, the non-parameterized method works and be able to write sample codes

55. Explain how value returning parameterized method works and be able to write sample codes


56. Explain the importance of Arrays and Dynamic Arrays

57. Utilized arrays in the program to manage and maintain the data properly

58. Knows how to manipulate records in an array

59. Able to differentiate arrays and dynamic arrays

60. Use arrays properly in the program 


61. The use of the file is fully implemented in maintaining the data

62. Able to create multiple text files for data organization and record-keeping

63. Has exceptional knowledge regarding how to properly handle files to keep all the records secure, stable, consistent, 

and well-managed

64. Knows when to use File, FileReader, and FileWriter classes in the program

65. Create multiple file structures that are logically related to enforcing data integrity and security of the data


66. Can define and explain the importance of Encapsulation

67. Able to describe each component of a class Encapsulated (property and behavior)

68. Evaluate the difference between private, public, and protected modifiers of a class

69. Able to recommend the use of static and non-static field members of a class

70. Has sufficient understanding of the importance of a constructor

71. Able to name different types of constructors and explain each

72. Explain the idea of mutators(setters) and accessors (getters) of a certain class

73. Able to create single or multiple instances of an encapsulated class

74. Knows how to call or access the property and behavior of a class using an Object and a Class itself

75. Has a deeper understanding of how instance variables and class variables are created


76. Has an explicit understanding of the concept of code-reuse and code-recycle through derivation 

77. Able to describe how an is-A relationship works and the purpose of the extends keyword in such a concept

78. Has sufficient knowledge of the underlying terms, which are superclass and subclass {Parent and child, based and 

derived class}

79. Able to describe each Inheritance type and its hierarchy (i.e. single, hierarchical, multiple, etc.)

80. Knowledgeable in extending other user-defined and built-in classes


81. Has explicit knowledge of Polymorphism as an OOP concept

82. Can explain the difference between method overriding and method overloading

83. Able to expound the ideas of the essential terms as follows: Static Binding versus Dynamic Binding, Compile time versus 

Runtime Polymorphism

84. Able to explain the key terms extends super, and instanceOf

85. Knows the idea of typecasting: upcasting and downcasting an instance of a class


86. Can name different components containing Java swing components

87. Able to apply swing components lay-outing in designing the application properly

88. Knowledgeable in applying how OOP underlying concepts are successfully used to each of these swing components

89. Able to create and implement an event to a specific swing component

90. Has sufficient knowledge in designing GUI through wide and healthy collections of Objects in Java