
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · แฟนตาซี
107 Chs


The city was immense. Rothox felt his senses become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people. A plethora of smells from the unwashed citizens to the sulfuric singe coming from the volcano, one of which got stronger the further into the city. He flipped the cowl back over his head, there were too many eyes, even if they weren't staring they still made him feel uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, they had to dismount when they entered the city and there was no separation from the hundreds of people brushing past. Only the Golden Brand, the city guard, were allowed to ride horses inside the walls. The Golden Brand, unlike the Embers, were only located in the capital. The Golden Brand is essentially the big brother to the Embers. Both outposts are based in the city. The Brand acts as the city guard, as well as the royal guard. The Embers are the main bulk of the military, in the event of a war, and act as the city guards outside the capital.

Erigos began to break down the city as they walked, after all, he was the only one with prior knowledge of the city. The architecture of the city was similar to the rest of the Empire but with a larger emphasis on the use of stone the yellow stone. The lower tiers of the city had shorter buildings with large estates and villas looming from the elevated top tiers. Made up of four districts that make a circle around the crater connecting to the mountain that the palace stands on. Each district is higher up the mountain than the first. The outer ring of the city is the poor district, just called the Fourth. The third ring, the Trispector, is the merchant and military district. The second district is the religious center or the Holy Ring and the final district, right up against the volcano crater is the wealthy district. Where the heads of the empire reside and the extremely rich. It is known by some as the Champion District but officially called The Cratertop District. At the top of it, all sits the Gazaer Palace. It overlooks the entire city from a plateau, accessible only by a gondola that travels directly over the volcano's mouth.

While Erigos continued to explain the layout of the city Garrok noticed a group of people walking through the crowds. Everyone gave them a wide berth, parting to the side allowing them to pass easily. Four of them wore white robes with blue trim and a blue symbol on their chest. In the middle of them was a large being, dawning an ornate armor similar color to the robes. The armored figure carried a massive greatsword that rested on his shoulder. His helmet in the shape of a minotaur's head stood out above everything else about him. At the same time, it gave off awe and terror. Everyone stopped to let the quintet walk by. Garrok felt the eyes of the heavily armored creature find him for that brief moment as they crossed in front of the Sect. He felt chills. He kept his eyes trained on the back of the minotaur helm. Erigos snapped him out of his trance.

"Garrok! You'd be best to leave the Bearers be, especially the large one. He is known as the Executioner. Not someone whose attention you should draw. Let's keep moving, much to see yet."

Garrok stopped leering and continued to follow Erigos into the next district.

The Trispector wasn't nearly as busy, nor as large as the outer Fourth ring. Although, a lot more people gave the travelers, mostly Garrok and the hooded Rothox, looks. At this point, they left the Ember guards from Xesa as they were to take the prisoner to The Hall of Judgement in the Holy Ring District. Unsure of where to find Tilamonka's connection, the Sect ventured into the Trispector to find a place to stay.

Standing in the middle of the street they were unsure of which way to go, it was overwhelming.

"Erigos?" A woman's voice came from behind them, the direction of the next district.

A tall slender elf followed closely by her two personal guards, approached. She wore an elegant red gown, her dark hair was tied up in an intricate pattern revealing her sharply pointed ears. Her green eyes were accented by a brooch on her chest.

"How long has it been, nephew!"

'Nephew?' Rothox thought. He and Garrok shared a look.

"Hello, Aunt Trixia," he bowed. The elven lady had caught Erigos out in a lie.

"I was elated to hear from Tilamonka that you were coming. It has been too long. I'm sorry, where are my manners," she turned her attention to the others. "I am Ambassador Trixia Qas'otamon."

"Ambassador?" Garrok asked.

"Yes, I represent the King of Viviar here in Zarcum. Who might you all be?" she asked. She paused on Alissa.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Trixia, I am Alissa," she bowed. Trixia offered a similar bow back, Her formal greeting showed she had spent time in or around the palace in Avent, although Alissa had never met Trixia before. Garrok and Rothox introduced themselves as well, although with less formality.

"Where are you staying while in the city?"

"We were actually about to look for a place," Erigos said.

"Nonsense, you shall stay with me. I have an entire estate to myself, please I insist. It will be a nice change to have people around."

"We would love to," Alissa said before anyone could object.

"Wonderful," she clapped her hands together. "Shall we?"

Erigos sighed, "Lead on."

Their host spun around gracefully and began to head towards the gates between the Trispector and the Holy Ring.

When she was out of earshot Garrok whispered to Erigos, "Thought you didn't know her?"

Erigos cocked his head to look back at him, "I didn't want to give everything away, plus she married into the family. Her late husband was my uncle. I hardly see her since she lives here. I haven't seen her in a decade, so in a way, I don't really know her."

"Tilamonka could tell you were lying. I saw it in his eyes. Might not have been the best idea to lie to someone so powerful."

"What's done is done." Trixia was starting to lose them now. "We better catch up." He tugged the reins of his horse and proceeded to follow his aunt. Once they were through the gates to the Cratertop District the personal guards stayed behind no longer needed in the safer parts of the city. Garrok couldn't help but stare into the crowd they were leaving, searching for the large armored figure. He didn't see him.

Trixia's home was a large estate, nestled in the corner of the Cratortop District. A three-story building with two wings that extended to the back of the property. It was made of the same materials as the rest of the city, however with the added darkwood accents. Off to the one side were her personal stables where they were able to leave the horses. A young lad began to take care of them. The door to the estate opened and her steward, a cleanly dressed halfing, greeted them.

"My lady, welcome home." He bowed, deeply. His short brown hair was slicked back covering a bald spot.

"Thank you, Richter. These are our guests for as long as they are in the city." The four Sect members entered the antechamber of the home. It smelt of lavender, a strong smell to help mask out the stronger smell of sulfur that loomed throughout the city.

"Welcome to The Sweetbrier Estate," Richter said.

"Richter, if you could show them to their rooms, I am going to do some work in my study before dinner." Trixia was left alone.

The halfing addressed them, "Please allow me to escort you to your rooms."

He took them through a large hall filled with portraits of what they could assume were the previous ambassadors, various elven males, and females, all beautiful and elegant. Richter took them to a staircase that split halfway up in a 'Y' shape. Taking the right side he led them down a long hallway filled with antiques and vases. He stopped at the first set of doors on either side.

"Here are two rooms and similarly further down you'll find two more rooms. The ones to the left have views of the private garden and the other the front courtyard. Please choose whichever is to your liking. Dinner will be ready in an hour." He took a whiff and wrinkled his nose. "This estate is equipped with a bath, located directly below your rooms. He tried to be subtle about their stench. There is another staircase at the end of this hallway so you don't have to walk through the main hall to access it. The rooms in the west wing are off-limits to guests, they are lady Trixia's private chambers. There are sitting rooms available on the main floor for guests." He gave them another deep bow. "If there is anything you need, please don't be afraid to ask."

Richter left and the Sect chose their rooms. They were by far the nicest rooms the majority of them had seen. After dropping off their gear they went to find the baths. Just as Richter had said there was a large bath in the basement of the house. The water was hot, very hot. Rothox stripped off his robe that he had found in his room and sank right in, something about his demon side loved the heat. The others worked up to the heat by dipping their toes in first, eventually joining him.

"Must be heated by the proximity to the volcano," Garrok stated. He curiously investigated a hole where the water seemed to be coming from. As he did Rothox noticed a bunch of scars along Garrok's back and chest. One stood out, it appeared to be bite marks on his shoulder. Garrok turned back around and Rothox avoided his gaze.

"Who cares, just enjoy it." Rothox stretched his arms across the cool marble, settling into a comfortable position, flicking his tail in the water, splashing Alissa. She laughed and playfully splashed back.

None of them wore anything, but having been on the road for over a week together, there weren't many secrets between them. Even Alissa being the only female didn't care, as was her free-spirited nature;

"Remember, we aren't here to relax, we have a job to do," Garrok said, his eyes falling on Rothox.

"What...I know, but we can have a moment of relaxation. Even in Xesa, we ended up working, and may I remind you that we didn't even get paid."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the warm waters until Richter appeared in the bath entrance.

"Dinner will be served momentarily if you could please make your way to the dining room." He bowed again and waited for them to leave the baths. Once they were all out he thanked them and left.

"Weird guy," Rothox said.

"I like him," Alissa said.

"You like everyone," said Erigos.

They all found fresh clothes laid out on their beds. Elegant outfits, made for the wealthy. Garrok felt silly wearing it, but it was cleaner than his current clothes, which had gone missing.

The four went down to the dining room together. A table easily large enough for twenty people had been set for the five current residents of the estate. Richter waited at the entrance to the room.

"Where are my clothes?" Garrok asked. He didn't appreciate his things being taken.

"I've taken the liberty to have all your outfits washed. I do hope that is acceptable."

Garrok grunted but he knew it would be nice to have clean clothes.

"Please sit." Trixia entered the room wearing a fresh gown. She looked real in the dark blue fabric. She sat at the head of the large table, the others sat two on either side of her. They used only a quarter of the large dining table.

"Now I believe you have something important to tell me." Her eyes pierced them all.

'Straight to business then' Garrok thought.