
Ascension of the Worthless (OLD)

Adonis Lock is an untalented boy. Given to the Green Valley sect by his family, he is faced with constant bullying and harassment by other disciples. One day, while contemplating taking his life he falls asleep, only to be met with his ancestor that gives him a chance to change his life around. *Author note: This is my first story, so if there is any mistake or something is not good, please tell me in the comments or reviews. **Also I am doing this as a hobby, so the schedule of uploads may be all over the place plus the chance that I may drop the story. ***Art is made by Yodayo AI art

CrimsonHelix · แฟนตาซี
76 Chs

Loss/New Way

Adonis calmed down from the fight that he had with his Demon. He realized he was lost and didn't know the way back due to his trail being destroyed.

'Well...shit, what do I do know?'

Adonis looked around to see if he could find some way back. He looked in the direction of the tree that reaches toward the sky and despite how far away it was, he could still see a faint violet light hit him again. Immediately, Adonis felt a massive sense of urgency.

"Wait!! Crap!!!" Adonis tried to prepare himself for another fight, but it was too late when he saw a static claw piercing his chest.

The Demon had formed again and smiled elatedly at the sight of Adonis's shocked face; they pulled out their claw, and Adonis fell onto his knees.

Adonis looked at his chest and saw that there was no hole in it at all. He even touched the area but didn't find any injury. He was bewildered but felt a sense of loss: as if some of his strength was taken away. He looked at his Demon and saw a yellow orb with lightning crackling around it in the Demon's hand.

"You...WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" Adonis yelled, fearing the worst.

"Simple~. I took your lightning element away~. It's one of my special powers~."

Adonis felt disbelief; he wanted to deny what his Demon just said but knew he couldn't. Those words grew louder and louder in his mind, to the point where it was almost head-splitting.

"C'mon, get up. Don't worry, I will make better use of this element than you ever would~."

Adonis slowly got up, and when he was fully up, he charged right at his Demon with his right arm engulfed in flames. But the Demon turned formless and passed Adonis, after that, they opened their mouth and gulped down Adonis's lightning element.

Adonis felt a fury that could scorch a planet in him, he formed Ifrit's Sword and Inferno, but the Demon was now faster. The Demon had purple lighting crackling around it while a purple glow appeared on its chest, they covered themselves with lightning and leaped to Adonis. The Demon became one with the lightning and became a spear that pierced Adonis's chest.

The purple lightning spread violently around Adonis and he could only yell in pain.

A few minutes later,

The Sect Leader was in the forest again cause they had to now search for Adonis after the male disciples said Adonis wasn't there.

The Sect Leader really wanted sleep already, but prioritized the disciple's safety over her sleep.

The Sect Leader walked through the forest calmly with their slit pupils glowing white. The fog moved out of her way and eventually, she saw a figure kneeling on the ground with its head sunk low.

"Adonis, what're doing out here so late?"

The figure was Adonis, and he slowly got up, when he fully got up, he turned his head to look at the Sect Leader with a twisted smile, and his irises were purple. The Sect Leader had no reaction to this and continued to walk toward him, Adonis leaped at her with purple lightning around him. The Sect Leader's hand started to create purple flames.




Adonis woke up with his entire body sore.

"Uuuugh, what...where am I?"

He looked around and saw that he was in his tent with all the other males sleeping. He felt confused but didn't know why.

He was able to get up out of his bed despite the soreness in his body, he decided to walk out and get some fresh air. There, he saw the Sect Leader sitting on a chair that she brought in her spatial bag, she turned toward Adonis and greeted him.

"Good morning, Adonis. Are you doing okay?"

"Uhm, I feel sore for some reason."

"Ah, that must be because of last night."

"Wait, what happened last night-" That was when he had a surge of memories about what had happened.

Sect Leader saw Adonis's face grow paler than it usually was as he looked at his trembling hand, in that hand, purple lightning crackled around it. Adonis had a despairing look on his face and gritted his teeth in frustration. The Sect Leader decided to not pry into what he saw or what happened to him last night.

Eventually, Adonis calmed down and went in front of the Sect Leader to bow to her.

"Thank you, Sect Leader. For saving me..."

"Don't worry, I'm just watching for my disciple's safety, that's all."

"Still, thank you."

Adonis then sat next to the Sect Leader and lamented over what to do now.

'What do I do know? I lost my lighting element to that Demon...How am I supposed to make up for it?'

Adonis thought of what he could do with his remaining time to make up for his lost element. He could train his fire element more rigorously, but he doesn't have much time left and he recently felt a block in the growth of his affinity. He could try to evolve his ki into 3-Star now, but that would only make up for some of the losses. Then, there was his Anima. Adonis didn't know how to control or utilize his Anima in a significant way that wasn't his Existence Vision, he didn't know how to progress it further.

That's when he had an idea, 'I keep on thinking about how to improve my powers individually, what if I use them together?'

Adonis immediately began meditating and was able to take two slivers of Anima from his core; he started to experiment with his Anima, elements, and his ki.

He was able to find something miraculous threw this experimentation.

'If I can use this effectively, I can not only make up for the loss of my element. I could be able to take a step into the next level.'

Adonis felt relief and elation at his discovery, so much that he smiled twistingly.