

I was writing my chapter for the day and different scenarios appeared in my mind. So now I'm asking everyone who is reading's opinion to better help me decide which I'll write.

1:Yuri meets Bell helps him to join Hestia but she doesn't act so over the top with him as in the anime.

2: Yuri meets Bell and convinces Hephaestus to start a battle-oriented group to help her famillia grow.

3: Yuri meets Bell and helps him join the Loki famillia but he won't get anyone I'm planning on being close to my Mc to notice him.

4: Yuri meets Bell and helps him join Hestia only he is not he but she. (Genderbent bell)

Please comment on your favorite choice to help me make a choice. Fair warning just because one gets the most doesn't mean that it is the one I'll go with. The poll will only be to help me see which options I need to give more thought to. If I give more thought and decide that the option hinders the future development of the story I will not use it. However, so far I can think up to 20 chapters ahead for each choice.