
Ascension of Emery

Have you ever had the feeling that strange things are going on in the world? I, like everyone else, ignore them and carry on with my life. This worked perfectly until I was drawn into the strange hidden magical world and discovered I was mated to the most powerful soon-to-be King. I'm Emery Jones and this is my story.

Alexandria_Panagos · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Adrian's Room

The alarm went off, and I awoke to the sound of it. I tried to turn it off, but I was tightly wrapped around a warm chest. I raised my head to see my sleeping Adrian's lovely face. I leaned to reach the alarm on the table and turned it off so as not to disturb Adrian. My hands ached to brush back the hair from his eyes. I gave in to the pull and gently pushed his hair back with my hand. He sighed contentedly at my touch and drew me in closer. That made my lips curl into a smile. I took a look around and realised it was most likely Adrian's room. The room is much larger than mine, with grey-colored walls and a balcony overlooking the mountains.

I slowly drew away from his arms and quietly returned to my room. I changed my clothes and freshened up. I walked downstairs. At the dining table, Jason, Daniel, and Angela were eating. I greeted them with a good morning and sat down to eat. I was in the middle of my meal when Adrian appeared, smiling to himself.

Jason smiled at him and asked teasingly, "You appear to be in a good mood. How was your night?"

Adrian's smile widened as he looked at me. I turned away from him and resumed eating. He sat beside me, filling his plate. He replied, "The best," with a smile.

I blushed at his response and was sipping juice when Angela inquired, "Ry!!!! I stopped by your room last night to talk to you. You were not there. Where were you? Did you go somewhere? " When I heard the question, my eyes widened and I stuttered, "I—I—uh."

"I think you said you went to meet your brother, right?" Adrian smirked, amused by my lack of response.

Jason smirked as he looked between us. "Yes, I went to my brother's," I said to Angela, with a slight hesitant smile.

Angela nodded and didn't ask any further questions. I sighed in relief and planned to tell Angela about what happened yesterday. I strongly think Adrian is hiding something from me and I want to confide in my best friend.

We left for our classes, and Adrian, as usual, is in all of mine. Adrian hasn't left my sight since yesterday, but he's still hanging out with Rebecca, which irritates and saddens me. I thought something had changed between us after yesterday, but I guess not because he hasn't broken up with her yet.

"Ugh!! Why does he act this way? He is loving one moment and ignoring me the next. Make up your damn mind, dude "I wanted to scream in dismay, but I restrained myself. It's not like he's going to respond, is it? I've asked him so many times, but he still doesn't respond. I occasionally want to throw my shoe at him. I huffed angrily.

Rebecca kept staring at me and was flirting with Adrian. She kept whining and begging Adrian to leave so they could spend some alone time together, but Adrian refused.

Angela excitedly discussed a camp trip our school organised at the beginning of each semester for students to bond. "This is our first camp. I'm so excited!! We're leaving tomorrow and will be there for three days. We're going to have a great time ", she exclaimed joyfully, hugging Daniel and me from each hand. I laughed and pulled away from her. Daniel chuckled at her delight and kissed her softly.

"Yes, it's going to be awesome," I exclaimed happily, joining in her excitement. Daniel smiled as he shook his head.

The day passed quickly. I avoided Adrian and Rebecca as much as possible. When we got home, I told Angela everything that had happened the day before. "He said Rebecca jumped on him unexpectedly, correct? Perhaps he is telling the truth "She spoke softly.

"I'm not sure what, Ang. Part of me suspects he's hiding something. But why would he go out with another girl? It doesn't make sense", I told her resigned.

"Well, two can play the same game. Try and appear close to another guy. Perhaps Adrian will recognise his true feelings ", she said, wickedly smiling.

"I can't even imagine it. I despise the idea of being close to anyone other than Adrian ", I said not agreeing to her idea.

Angela smacked my head and exclaimed, "idiot!! I'm not asking you to date another man. Just act"

I rubbed my chin and gave her a frown. "Oh, With who? Who is going to agree to that?"

"Don't worry!! We will find someone. Simply relax and have fun at camp. We'll figure it out later "She consoled me.

I nodded meekly in response to her words, still not convinced by her plan. I practiced a few of the spells we learned in class today after Angela left, so I wouldn't lose control like yesterday. "I should concentrate more on controlling my powers and studying. I'll figure out my soulmate along the way ", I reminded myself.

I tried but couldn't sleep. I fell asleep around 4 a.m. I had only gotten a few hours of sleep and was exhausted, but the prospect of relaxing at the camp energized me for the day. I avoided Adrian and Rebecca because I didn't want to ruin my good mood. After going through hell with all of these new changes in my life, I desperately need this vacation. We arrived at the school and were then driven to the campsite.