
Ascension Of a Soulsborne Player

Xavier is one of the unluckiest people in the world. He is affected by a disease that has made him bedridden for his whole life. His only salvation was Souls-like games. After spending most of his life in the bed, playing games and making barely enough money from stocks, his life finally gives out in the age of 26. Just when he accepted the fact that he had died, the unimaginable happened... he reincarnated in a fantasy world. But Xavier knows better than to blindly trust strength, because nothing in the world in free, and everything requires a proper compensation. Follow Xavier as he clears dungeons, slays powerful enemies, understands the foreign concept of 'magic' and becomes one hell of a force to reckon with. {COVER PAGE NOT MINE. I GOT IT FROM PINTEREST LOL. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003620716834/}

Daoist9lionL · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Spell Casting And Camping

After gathering all of the mana and creating a circle, I was feeling a little tired. I was thirsty and a little hungry.

"Maybe I can use magic to catch some fish? And even Boil some water?", I thought to myself.

"Query! How do I use Electric Magic?"

[Query Received!]

[Required FP: 50]

[Answer to Query: For a 1st circle mage, electric magic can be used by learning the spell 'Electrocute'. If you want to learn the spell, just say "Learn Spell: Electrocute". Some information will enter your brain. Reflect upon it and create the 'Sigil' of the spell 'Electrocute' and the spell will be casted, provided that you have the Mana for it. To check how much Mana you currently have, say 'Mana Bar'. You can do the same with 'Health Bar'.]

"Learn Spell: Electrocute"

A sudden sharp pain emerged in my head. It didn't stay for long, bust just enough to break my stance.

"ahh... so this is how you cast spells...", I understood how spells were casted. I had to create a 'Sigil', which was very similar to a 'Circuit' from Earth. This 'Sigil' is a 'Circuit' that takes mana and performs the actions necessary to cast the spell. This Electrocute spell creates 2 electrodes with opposite charges and then keeps on adding the charge until sparks are produced. The Sigil itself acts as an insulator, so that the Caster doesn't get hit by the electricity. It works just like a Taser would, but on a bigger scale. The path of the sparks are also determined by super thin wires created by mana, in between the electrodes.

"This is all quite a lot of information...", I said to myself. But I still wasn't done.

"Query! How To Use Earth Magic?"

[Query Received!]

[Required FP: 50]

[Answer: For a 1st circle Mage, Earth magic can be used by learning the spells 'Rock Wall' and 'Pebble Bullet'. If you want to learn the spell, just say "Learn Spell: Rock Wall", "Learn Spell: Pebble Bullet". Some information will enter your brain. Reflect upon it and create the 'Sigil' of the spell and the spell will be casted, provided that you have the Mana for it.]

"It didn't tell me how to check my mana... I see, so it only shows extra information if the question is of a completely new subject. Since this question was of the subject 'spell casting', it didn't repeat the same words."

Anyways, I learnt the spells. Earth Magic seems to be easier to use than Electric Magic. It simply creates a structure out of soil, or mud. There's also a restriction on the spell. You can't use the spell to modify substances above a certain level of hardness and surface tension. Right now, I can only manipulate 'Mud' and 'Loose Soil'. The 'Pebble Bullet' spell is interesting though. This spell creates a small pebble and adds velocity to it, making it go flying and hit a target. The velocity is created by mana. The mana explodes which pushes the pebble and makes it go flying.

It was already getting dark. I quickly gathered some of the wood branches I had broken and gathered them in one place. I then used 'Electrocute' to create some sparks and electrocuted the branches. after 5 seconds of electrocuting, the branches caught fire. I used the spell 'Rock Wall' with only my index finger to make miniature walls of rock. I created 4 walls, to make some kind of container. I then used Rock Wall on the base of the container and then pushed one side of the container a little bit. The container's side popped out of the ground, and I picked it up. I now had a small cauldron in which I could boil some water.

I took the cauldron towards the stream and collected some water. I then went back to the fire, casted some more Rock Walls around the fire to make a little stand, on which I put the cauldron.

I went back to the stream and waited patiently for a fish to come close enough to electrocute and catch. After a few minutes, I was able to catch one fish. I made sure not to electrocute it too much, or else it would burn, and not be edible.

I caught 2 fish and roasted them on the fire. It tasted very bad. It was like eating a piece of carbon. there was also a strong side taste. I think it was ozone... Electrocuted fish tastes really, really bad.

The water was done boiling, so I picked up the Cauldron and put in on the ground. The water was still very hot.

[Difficult Task Accomplished!]

[Task Level: 5]

[Reward: 50 FP]

[Total FP: 60]

"Seriously? Eating Electrocuted Fish was a difficult task?.... I won't complain about the free FP though...", I said to myself.

"Maybe I can use some ice magic to cool this water down?"

"Query! How can I use Ice Magic?"

[Query Received!]

[Required FP: 50]

[Answer: Learn the spell 'Icicle Shot', to cast basic 1st circle ice magic.]

"Learn Spell: 'Icicle Shot'", and then I learned the spell. This spell collects water vapor in the surrounding atmosphere and cools it down below its freezing point by reducing the kinetic energy of each molecule. As a result of this, A sharp piece of ice is created in front of the sigil. This also has velocity added to it in the same way as 'Pebble Bullet'.

I cast Icicle Shot with just my index finger and dropped some small icicles into the hot water in the cauldron.

The water cooled down enough to drink. The water tasted extremely bland. There were probably next to no minerals and salt in the water because I diluted it with the Ice.

Here's the start of the Magic System. If you liked my idea of magic, don't forget to comment about it! And if you didn't, then tell me what you would like to add. I want to make this story as immersive as possible, and I can't do it alone. Thanks for reading!

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