
Chapter Seventy-Three: Set Fire to the Rain Part Three.

Chapter Seventy-Three: Set Fire to the Rain Part Three. 


A mysterious individual swept down the Gotham City streets. Granted, that wasn't a big deal in Gotham City given that there were an abundant number of mysterious shady folks who were up to something. He stood to a stop at a street corner and waited by an office building for his contact.

A couple of homeless men walked by past him, but they decided to keep a swift distance. Mostly they did not approach him because the fact that he wore nice clothes, and he also had that sort of intimidating appearance that they should not approach him under any means.

The weather shifted within the past few minutes after a sudden and unfortunate drop of the temperature. The snow blew down and the wind continued. The type of wind which bit the skin of anyone who dared to get up close and personal with it.

The mysterious individual wore a set of clothes that was more appropriate for the weather. He rubbed his hands together over a metal oil drum, a fire lit over it.

His hands looked pristine, without a blemish on them.

His eyes turned towards the office building that was across the street from the one that he stood. It was almost like he waited impatiently for something to happen, but it wasn't apparent what would happen.

His cell phone rang once and then went dead. After that happened, he slipped a pair of comfortable looking leather gloves from his pocket and onto his hands. Then with one swift motion, he fished his cell phone out of his pocket.

The send button was hit. He waited for the sound of his contact speaking over the phone.

"So, is it done?"

The gruff voice over the phone sounded impatient. The mysterious man answered in affirmation in the calmest voice that he could muster. "The office building is done already. I'm just waiting for it to go off so I can hit the next target."

"Good, Lynns, it's about time you did something right for once, but you should do something right every time," the gruff voice continued to speak.

Garfield Lynns frowned, but his eyes looked at the flicker of fire in the barrel. He watched it, transfixed. He waited for his benefactor to speak, and his voice drew him away from the fire.

"Keep me informed," the man on the other end of the phone responded gruffly.

Lynn shook his head and grunted in affirmation. "I will."

This man paid big bucks to get this job done and allowed Garfield to indulge himself in his nice little hobby, the one that got him off. Fire always excited him. The guy was a little abrasive, but the ends were justified when he got to play.

Then again, that was the price anyone paid when they worked for Black Mask. The ruthless crime lord already made more than a name for himself in Gotham City, and it would be a terrifying ordeal for anyone who would cross him to be sure.

He snapped the phone shut and turned to look up towards the office building. He now noticed smoke coming from the top floor. A wide grin slowly filled his face at the sight of it.

'Beautiful,' he thought anxiously, and his body heated up, deriving pleasure from the wild and untamed fury of the fire.

His greedy eyes watched the fire spread for a moment of two. The sight of the flames caused a tingle to go down to his body. So much power, so much destruction, people were helpless, fire discriminated against nothing. It was nature's ultimate destroyer.

Such power terrified most to the bone, but Garfield decided to grow even more excited by the flames as they consumed the building. He took several minutes to watch the flames do their nasty words.

"Oh, so good," he whispered, and he swore that he got a brief look from one of the homeless men as if he was nuts, before he moved on in the other direction as fast as he could go.

Lynn's voice dropped to a whisper again. "Beautiful."

That being said, as much time as he liked to spend indulging himself in the fruits of his labor, he really needed to get moving. The next target was at hand.

He was being paid big money to burn buildings to the ground. If this didn't describe a person's dream job, he didn't know what was.

He laughed underneath his breath, as the snow storm and the wind kicked up. Thoughts of the warm and loving embrace of fire caused a tingle to spread down his body and kept him totally warm on this chilling winter evening.


Fire didn't care who you were, fire didn't care what status you held. It consumed anything and everyone in its path. It was unrelenting and unforgiveable with what it destroyed.

The fire surrounded the downed body of Batman. Batman took a header into a very sturdy wooden desk thanks to the explosion. While his cowl absorbed a great deal of the impact from the explosion to the face, it still was damaged. That was not saying that he didn't have a very serious concussion.

The concussion wasn't the problem though, at least not the immediate problem. Rather, he had an extremely serious concussion that made him completely and utterly conscious.

'You see this Batman, you see this, welcome to my world…..welcome to my world, man, the world you created, the world of brimstone,' the distant and strangled voice of Deacon Blackfire echoed through his head. He couldn't shake off these demented echoes from a deranged man. 'It is just like I said, Gotham City will burn in flames thanks to you.'

Batman shrugged off the hallucination, reminding himself that Blackfire was dead, he wasn't here.

'You might ignore my words, but….you know them to be true, you know that to be true,' Blackfire whispered intensely and suddenly something else entirely popped up.

This was something that Batman could not hallucinate because it had been something that he wrestled with for years and years.

'Bruce, you don't have to fight it anymore,' Martha Wayne whispered gently and she reached forward, almost as if helping her son up. Helping him out of this bad situation that was his own creation, like a mother should.

It was an ideal situation, almost too ideal at this point.

'Yes, son, you don't have to be alone any more in this world, join us, join us in the light,' Thomas said. 'It is okay, the world will stand, we will be with you.'

The two angels were threatened to be drowned out by the demon in his mind from the past. Then again, for Batman, they were all demons, flickers of something that he knew in his subconscious that were not real.

'That's it Bruce, it's over, you should be with us, we can be together again. No more pain, the mission is over.'

"No, I made a promise," Batman slurred in a voice.

'And you've kept it, son, to the best of your abilities, but Gotham City is beyond repair…..' Thomas Wayne said, and then Deacon Blackfire stepped next to the Waynes and put his arms around them.

'Have to see the light, my brother, you can't win this battle, I tried to enlighten you, but…just follow the light, step away from this world, before you get consumed by the fire,' Deacon Blackfire whispered.

Batman groaned and he heard his parents voices continue to encourage him to get to the fire.

'Bruce…..Bruce….come with us…..'


The firmer and extremely real voice of Alfred cut in through the communication link. Having served as Bruce's mission support tonight, he noticed his vitals spike erratically. He had been trying for the last few minutes to get a response for him.

After about the fourth attempt, Alfred decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Forgive me, Master Bruce, this will end up hurting me, far more than it hurts you," Alfred said in his most apologetic voice possible.

He utilized the crash cart that's built into his suit to shock him back to wakefulness. It would hurt but leaving him there to burn would hurt more.

That did the trick, Bruce Wayne returned to the real world and Batman along with him. He gave a ragged cough thanks to the smoke in the air. The fire that started spread during the time that he was unconscious and a moment sooner, he really would have been in the light.

"Um, I hacked into the buildings security records," Oracle piped in, after she gave him a moment to recover. When Batman grunted to let her know that she had his full and undivided attention, she pressed on. "There's a cleaning staff still in the building, but they're on the ninth floor."

Batman knew that to be a problem, continue he was three floors above that. He made a mental note of what he needed to do.

He needed to get three floors beneath him, and then track down the cleaning person. This might normally be a problem, but the explosion did a wonderful job in damaging the HUD in his cowl. Not to mention the fire played all kinds of havoc with the thermal imaging aspect of it as well.

He moved quickly, or as quickly as he could. The concussion caused an overwhelming amount of dizziness. To the point where he nearly stumbled and fell over the first time that he stood up. He managed to stand up straight through sheer determination and an insane amount of will power.

After shaking his head, he moved his way quickly. He shielded his face the best that he could from the smoke and burning embers, because he didn't know how much damage had exactly be done.

Batman roughly pried open the elevator and staggered. He plummeted down the shaft to the floor below, just barely grabbing onto something, before he hit bottom with a sickening splat.

He repelled up to the twelfth floor and he gagged. With a great burst of strength, he just managed to pry the door open. Sparks flew everywhere when he settled down and he shook his head.

"She's certainly close," Oracle said to him.

Batman searched the floor and tried to find the cleaning staff. After a couple of minutes of hurried searching he found her.

The larger Hispanic woman pointed at him, eyes widened when he walked out of the flames. To say that she freaked out would be a mild description of what she was doing. Her finger twitched and she screamed at the top of her lungs. "DEMON, DEMON, STAY BACK, STAY BACK!"

Batman didn't have any time to deal with this.

"Come on," Batman growled, and once she didn't response, he grabbed her roughly around the waist and pulled her away.

He was used to dealing with people who might not want to go with him, because of his appearance. He had to admit that this woman put up quite the fight in her attempt not to be taken by "the demon."

More good news, the fire spread throughout the building and blocked the exit of the floor. The cleaning lady watched the fire with widened eyes, and it was almost like if she wondered that more demons would spawn from it.

He had to escape through the window, and thankfully, there was another rooftop beneath them where he could drop down easily.

The problem was that he had to hold onto the cleaning woman, and he couldn't really fire his grapnel in time so he could break his fall. He decided to do the best that he could with the situation.

He managed to break the fall and slammed hard onto the wall back first, breaking the woman's fall.

The wind got knocked out of him, but the fact that he felt pain showed that he was alive.

'Great,' Batman thought and he felt the roof crumble underneath him.

The roof completely disintegrated and landed them in the abandoned apartment below. Thankfully they managed to land in the pool and not splatter their bodies on the concrete.

It allowed a shock to hit Batman's system, and he shook himself back away. He pulled himself out of the water, and then did the same to the unconscious cleaning lady.

With is mission done, now he allowed himself a moment to collapse on the deck and slowly, but surely catch his breath. That was extremely close, too close, as far as he was concerned.


Lynns hoisted a fire ax over his hand and slammed it into the door. He busted his way through the door, to the point where he could place his hand through the wooden part, and unlock the door from the inside.

He broke into the building, what once was a club, although the building was abandoned for quite some time. He shook his head and saw the tarps that covered the furniture all over the club and smiled when he walked forward.

Taking in the atmosphere of the club, he saw a huge dance floor and stage. This club once featured live music. His eyes narrowed, when he saw the poster of what appeared to be the last live singer here at the club, Cassidy.

That being said, he was going to renew his love with an old flame, the oldest flame, that being fire. A flame who always was there for him when he needed it.

'The fuse box should be around here some place,' Garfield thought and he felt anxious, like he was going through withdrawel symptoms of some sort. Never the less, the man pulled himself together, just in time to locate what he needed to find. 'Found it.'

There was the fuse box, it waited for him, and the images of fire danced through his mind. He lifted the fire ax that he used to bust his way through the building and smashed it into the fuse box and busted open the lock with one fluid motion.

Reaching behind him, he removed the backpack from his back. After he rummaged through it for a moment, he found what he needed. A brick of what appeared to be semi-clear gel. He used it to shape his explosive charge.

He removed another item from his back pack in the form of a gas canister. He proceeded to form a trail from the fuse box to the front entrance of the club.

His grin got extremely wicked and more prominent the moment that he was done. He stood at the front edge of the club and savored the moment.

Then he lit a match and dropped it into the liquid.

Garfield walked off to a safe distance, where he could savor the pleasure of a long hard night's work. He watched the fire spread and spread quickly. The entire building resembled the match that he dropped into the liquid and it went up hard and fast.

He gave a full body shudder.

"So good, so good, so good," he whispered and he looked at the flame. "Oh, you never know how to disappoint me, see this….this this! Oh burn baby, burn. Yes, yes, yes!"

His moans got more prominent when the fire consumed more of the club. The loving embrace of the flames was a harsh mistress and something that he was willing to submit to. He shuddered again and stepped back slowly with a smile on his face. It was explosive and intense, just the way that he liked it.

His laughter was unsettling when he watched it burn and it burned badly. The embers danced out of the corner of his eye and he continued to give that long and unsettling laugh that would terrify.

It was better than sex. Much better than sex.


After leaving Sarah alone to get some sleep, given the fact that her next shift took place in a couple of hours, Harry headed out as Nightwing to get some work done.

'So what do you expect to see?' Diana asked, acting as mission control because she got up early.

The wind and the snow would have caused most to get knocked off guard, but Nightwing really wasn't someone who was bothered too much by that.

'Hopefully the criminals will be smart enough to fuck off because of the storm, I don't fancy their chances out in this,' Harry thought, and he shook his head.

'Well, I think most of us want to slap the weatherman today, because he promised a clear night,' Jaime thought crossly.

'That's why I always go for the foolproof weather forecast of sticking your head outside the window and seeing what's happening,' Lily answered dryly.

It was a foolproof method that many would have to agree with.

Harry did keep in mind that he had a business meeting to attend to in the morning, an actually honest to god business meeting with Veronica in the morning. There was some charity work that she wanted to discuss with him. Also some talk was on the table to see if they could aligned their foundation's goals to work together.

'You know, it's extremely feasible,' Rose said and as the current chair of the SLF, she would know. 'Kathy is going to be there as well.'

'Makes sense considering that she does a lot of the work in the same area,' Harry replied swiftly when he stood on a gargoyle. If he didn't have such balance, he might have slipped.

Then again, someone who didn't have balance wouldn't and shouldn't be standing on a gargoyle.

The sounds of gunfire jerked him out of his thoughts, and slowly, he turned his head. Before he could investigate the sounds of the gunfire, it suddenly and extremely abruptly cut off.

Then it was followed by some terrified screams. That just got from odd, to extremely and completely weird and Nightwing propelled himself carefully across the city. He didn't want to take any chances. He might need to. Nightwing needed to investigate the source of the disturbance to see what was going on.

He landed with a thud, and he saw a lot of dead bodies strewn across the ground. They stained the ground they landed on with snow. Upon closer inspection, they were the bodies of various members of the Black Mask's gang, along with the Penguin's. That thing might not seem so odd, but what did seem odd was what Harry saw upon closer inspection.

'Judging by the ways the bodies are laid, the two groups are working together.'

Jaime popped in on the link and shook her head. 'You know I thought…..'

'That they had pretty much been at each other's throats over the past couple of months and they don't know who knows it,' Diana thought, and she could see the carnage and the bloodshed through Harry's eyes.

The news that Black Mask and Penguin or at least their gang members worked together paled in comparison to the next discovery Nightwing found.

'In most cases, the gang members have been killed with a blade of some sort,' Harry thought and he paused and amended that statement. 'One or two might have been caught in the crossfire, used as a human shield most likely.'

'But most have been stabbed,' Diana thought and she was visited by the same thought. 'Do you think that it was the same woman you caught a glimpse of a while back?'

'Could be, or it could be a member of League like Shiva,' Harry thought, but his contact within the League was off the line. Therefore he could not verify that, and there was a lot of splintering within the League, so it might be someone doing the attacks off of the clocks.

Or it might not be a member of the League of Shadows involved at all, Harry was not going to discount that thought. They could be someone who had their own style.

Diana viewed the grisly images through Harry's eyes and came to her own obvious conclusion. Given that she knew all about weapons thanks to her training. 'Well, I can tell you that the wounds that they have indicates that there's some piercing weapon of some sort that has been used.'

Harry had to agree with Diana's assessment and he mulled over a few options that he had in his mind.

'Could track the person down who is responsible for this,' Harry thought and he frowned. 'But that might be a moot point, because they're long gone. Even if I use the thermal imaging in my HUD to track them down, using their foot prints, the winter weather will cause the trail to go extremely cold before too long.'

The snow could be a cover, but it could also be a hindrance. Especially when Harry wanted to track down certain people in it, but he came so close yet so far.

'Time to pack in and call it a night.'


"Gentlemen, regardless of what, I won't mince word, this has not been a favorable year for any of you, myself included."

Lionel Luthor sat in his elegant office at LuthorCorp in Metropolis and leaned back. He was in the midst of a conversation with Phillip Kane, William Earle, and Ronald Daggett, who recently established Daggett Industries after being shown the door from GothCorp.

"We've just had a bad year, I'm sure that we can rebound…"

Lionel said, this passed far beyond bad years for all of them. Things really hadn't been able to hold tight for their plans and their respective companies, along with a part of their reputation for some of them. Mentally, he decided to count the ways.

The first major thing was the establishment of RAO and Lionel recalled how that tied into many of their problems, through RAO and their management. In particular, Harry and Alexandra Potter and the fact that they swooped in and merged with STARR labs, that was something that Lionel was after for years. Then they snuck in the back door and took control of things.

Then Harry, Bruce Wayne, and Lucius Fox managed to outmaneuver Luthor, Kane, and Earle in their bid to take control of Wayne Enterprises and as a bonus, they ousted Earle in the process. Kane just managed to get control of enough stock to keep his place on the Board, although it was a tenacious grip as always.

They had been unable to get their foothold with RAO, due to its status as a private company. Kane's attempt to get it as part of a distribution deal was unsuccessful.

He also considered the newest member of their little business syndicate, Roland Daggett. Formally the acting CEO of GothCorp, the board of directors drummed him out of the company in fairly disgraceful fashion. Lionel was civil with the man, mostly because they had business dealings in the past. And Lionel Luthor was always what was best for business, despite the fact that personal vendettas could get in the way for some.

Daggett approached Lionel, and after the initial meeting went well, several subsequent meetings led to Daggett industries being established. Daggett provided the majority of the capital to get it up and running, whilst Lionel provided enough capital to purchase a thirty-five percent share of the company. The two of them were majority shareolders in the new company.

"So, how exactly are things going overall, Roland?" Kane asked.

"It's going well enough," Daggett replied, optimism brimming in his voice.

The truth was with a fairly new company who established a focus on Pharmaceuticals which had a lot of business, both for clean reasons and for dirty reasons.

"The problem is, your reputation precedes yourself, so we're going to have to rebuild that," Lionel said and it wasn't a criticism, well for the most part. Although the way that Lionel framed it, it might as well have been one. "There are more established companies on the market and with the scandal, you have your work cut out for you."

"I'll build it, we'll build it, I'm down, but not out," Daggett said.

"And how do you expect to get back into the game?" Earle asked in his usual charming way, which wasn't too charming at all.

"We're going to have a press campaign to erase some of the bad press and replace it with good press," Daggett said and he smiled. "I've got a project in the works that will help revolutionize the makeup industry, but it's a year or two where we can test it on humans."

"Let us know if you need any subjects," Earle said crisply.

"I do have a question, Lionel," Kane said and Lionel grunted to ensure that Kane knew that his attention was fully on him. "What exactly happened to the plan to buy on Queen Industries Stock in the wake of investors losing confidence due to Oliver's recent actions."

Lionel's response was crisp and to the point. "That should be obvious, someone beat us to the punch yet again. But that doesn't matter, we were able to acquire some stock, just not all that we wanted to."

Lionel paused and he added.

"Given the rate that Oliver Queen continues to build up his reputation, it won't be too long before we have another opportunity. He's only barely hanging onto the position that he is and with him at the helm, it's a matter of time."

"We seem to be in a holding pattern right now," Earle said. "And Wayne Industries stocks are holding high, especially with the sale of the Red Sun."

"No one is going to be selling Wayne Industries stock any time soon," Kane added.

"Yes, I'm well aware of the success that they're having," Lionel said and if he sounded impressed, that was because he was. "RAO remains a private company, so it's going to be a challenge to get ahold of that."

"We could try and get someone on the inside," Earle said.

Lionel shot that idea around. "The idea might have merit, but it's near impossible given how heavily they look into a person's background before they even give them an interview."

"I think that we'll have a better year ahead, next time around, gentlemen," Roland said and excitement danced in his voice. "My company will edge out Janus Cosmetics in the near future based on our projections."

"We'll see where we are this time next month, and come back to it, unless something else breaks that needs our immediate attention before then," Lionel said and they all disappeared from the call.

Lionel turned out to the window, and took a moment to look at Metropolis which all blanked with snow. He was pulled out of his gaze by the sound of slow clapping. It was almost mocking in its cadence and rhythm.

The businessman turned around and looked for who entered his office without asking his permission first. He should have known.

Alexandria walked across the office, dressed to kill, and made herself at home in front of the chair. She acted like she owned the office.

"May I help you?" Lionel asked his daughter calmly.

"Well, actually I think that I can help you, if you listen to what I have to say," Alexa said and she looked at Lionel. "If you want to actually achieve your goal by establishing a presence on the East Coast within the next five years, you should give me control of that branch of the company."

Lionel looked bemused at how bold that she was. His eyes narrowed and eyebrow was arched when he replied. "And why should I do that?"

"Well, there are a few reasons," she promptly answered. "The first reason is that unlike most of the idiots you work with, I am capable of actually getting things done. And I actually have a good relationship with Harry, so he's more inclined to work with me instead of against me."

Alexa placed her hands on the desk and smiled.

"Let's face it, Harry, Wayne, or really any number of businesses might reject anything if you send one of your usual cronies to do the job," Alexa whispered to him calmly. "They don't like the way that Earle or Daggert or whoever does business. They'll do something stupid that will set back LuthorCorp's future and where would that leave you?"

Lionel was intrigued. Her look towards him was cold and collected and she laid down the facts without sugarcoating them just because he was Lionel Luthor. Just because she thought that he wanted to hear something.

The stone cold truth, that was something that Lionel appreciated grudgingly.

"What happens to your schooling if you move to the East Coast?" Lionel asked.

Alexa gave a calculating smile. "Well, Harvard isn't that far away from Gotham. And besides, I'm between subjects at the moment and can transfer to GCU."

If it was good enough for Harry, then it was good enough for her. She wondered if Lionel even saw her true intentions or if he was so blinded by other obsessions that he overlooked what agenda she might have.

Lionel remained silent and built up anticipation in her mind.

"What exactly do you need?"


The meeting between Harry, Veronica, and Kathy Kane went admirable and fairly well, at least that's what he thought.

In the aftermath of that meeting, Harry, Veronica, Rose, and Kara, who served as Harry's personal assistant due to Tamara being unavailable because of some unexpected business, sat in the room, making some light talk. Kathy already had to dash to go shopping with Bette. She left with her apologies.

Presently, Harry removed his suit jacket and tie because the heat in the building was cranked up a little bit too much. Of course, one could argue that things were about to get a bit steamy in here to begin with.

Veronica slipped off her jacket and her shoes kicked off, and the first couple of buttons of her blouse was already undone.

Kara sat dressed completely in smart business attire and she perched on the arm of the chair next to Harry. Rose decided to sit with her legs folded over each other on the conference table.

"So, I thought that the meeting went pretty well all things considered," Rose concluded.

Veronica nodded in agreement. "We caught all of the standard areas I think….."

Kara chimed in and checked them off. "Women, Education, the Environment, and Children….."

"And not to mention that Kathy and I champion a few causes that are specific to Gotham City," Veronica said and she sighed. "That was an area that was overlooked for too often, for too long. We should sponsor a couple of shelters, I mean, deranged nutcase, or not, Deacon Blackfire did try and make a difference."

'It was just the way that he went on about it, that left a lot to be desired,' Harry thought.

Veronica, never one to stay on the same topic for too long, and mostly because she was bored, switched over to something else. "So, Christmas and New Year's are coming up, so I'm curious if we have anything planned?"

Subtle to be honest, although maybe not. That being said, Kara jumped in, extremely excited and prepared to enlighten her on what they had planned. "We usually go on vacation in the Carribean, since Harry owns an island out there."

Rose piped in with clarification. "We usually leave the day after school gets out for the Winter holidays and return the day before New Years Eve."

Veronica's face fell in a bit of disappointment. "Oh."

She tried not to show it, since she hoped that they would do Christmas and New Year's Day together. Perhaps they could have a joint party as well since it was kind of expected of them as the Gotham City Elite who just recently started dating over the past year.

Not that she was going to say anything, because she didn't want to feel like an ass who dashed some well-planned plans on Harry's part.

She felt Harry's hand clasp around hers. "So, what's wrong?"

Veronica sighed in response; there was honestly no use in hiding if he already figured out something. "Well, I thought that we might do a join Christmas and New Year's Eve party this year…but…"

"I figured as much," Harry told Veronica and she suddenly looked at him. She looked to be completely caught off guard, like the wind had been knocked out of her. "I've went over things with a couple of the girls, and we've decided that we can afford to push things back a week."

"So, we'll be leaving after the New Year this year?"

Veronica beamed at him with response, and leaned in towards him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. The kiss was returned.

The two of them tangled their tongues against each other and indulged themselves into each other for a good long moment. They felt the passionate and the excitement built up with them.

Veronica broke and seconds later, Kara swopped in for the kill. She wanted a peace of the redhead heiress as well.

Not that she complained, and she felt Kara's talented tongue jam into her mouth. The blonde's fingers ran down the back of her head, and pulled her deeper into the kiss.

Rose folded her arms and Harry saw that she felt left out. He smiled and pulled himself up next to her and then pulled her onto his lap.

Their kiss got extremely passionate as well, and Rose explored her nephew's fit body with her hands, and roamed over every last inch of him.

'So, are you ready to make a redhead sandwich?' Kara asked and she eased her hand up Veronica's skirt and slowly felt the fabric underneath her roaming hand. It was extremely intense the heat that she felt.

Harry smiled, there was only one answer to that. He slowly stripped his aunt's clothing off and kissed her, which Rose returned the favor.

Then it was off to the races.

Rose closed her eyes tightly and felt Harry's mouth kiss down the side of her neck. He struck her pulse point hard and slowly kissed his way down even further. Harry's hands continued to explore every inch of her body.

Harry smiled and felt the area between her legs. Slowly he teased and taunted his aunt with a smile.

"Harry, I'm so wet," Rose whispered and Harry pushed his finger into her, and then switched tactics.

He tasted her heavenly nectar with his tongue and Rose thought that she would die with his tongue pushing deep into her smoking hot twat. She needed more, she wanted more.

Harry flipped her over after he gave her pussy the taste test and lined himself up with her, ready to penetrate her and hard.

Veronica closed her eyes and arched herself back and allowed Kara's mouth to play with her hotly. The blonde removed her blouse and her bra came up next. Kara's hot mouth teased her a little bit more.

Kara's little tongue scraped against the redhead's pussy.

"Always wanted to have a taste of you," Kara said and she spread Veronica's thighs and pushed her tongue deep into her and scrapped it against her inner walls.

Veronica felt her talented tongue brush deep into her and Kara vibrated her tongue into her. She didn't know where she learned such a talented trick but bless her for that because Veronica felt extremely faint. There was one thing that was for certain. She needed more of that tongue inside her pussy.

Harry grabbed onto Rose's hips and slammed into her hard. He felt his aunt's tight snatch clench around him and he roamed all over her body.

"I think that you've been waiting for this all day, haven't you?" Harry asked and Rose nodded in response.

"Yes, Harry, I've been waiting for this all day, fuck me, and fuck me hard," Rose whispered to him and Harry smiled when he ran his hands all over her breasts.

Her nipples ached with desire and she wanted his hands all over her. There was no question about it, she lived for moments like this, and that was the bottom life. He pumped his large hard prick between her smoldering hot thighs.

"Yes, oh yes, oh take me," Rose begged him, her body sucked his manhood deep between her legs and he made an extremely powerful attempt to take her.

"You know what you want, and why would I be one to deny it?"

Veronica found herself on her hands and knees and Kara's pussy rubbed against hers briefly from behind. That type of super powered friction caused her excitement to hit a boiling that she couldn't even imagine.

The blonde's fingers brushed against her thigh and pumped in and out of her at super speed. Then she reached into her back and pulled on a strap on.

Veronica closed her eyes, and felt it penetrate her body. Her thighs pushed apart and they hungrily gobbled up the toy. That being said, the sensations overwhelmed her. Kara's hands were everywhere. On her face, her breasts, her hips, her stomach, her ass, each and every inch. She always kept her kissing and drove her wild.

Kara rammed herself into Veronica, the nerve impulses of the strap on causing her to feel the tightness of her pussy. The blonde closed her eyes and the juices that Veronica gushed out stained the table.

Easing the redhead vixen closer, Kara pressed Veronica into Rose.

Veronica went face to face with Rose up close, and could see Harry pound her from behind. Her pussy leaked even more cum if possible.

"Time to make that sandwich you promised me, Har," Kara whispered and she gave Veronica a seductive little lick behind her earlobe and that caused even more pleasure to explode from her loins.

Rose and Veronica met in the middle with a deep and passionate kiss, and their respective partners fucked them and fucked them hard.

Harry grunted, this was a hot erotic sight. The hottest part of it was one of his Alphas exerting her dominance over Veronica.

It was just as well, he would exert his dominance over her later, and she could take that one to the bank.

Kara groaned and felt Veronica's tightness grip her. She could tell that the woman was still with her, so she had no choice, but to continue to fuck her. Which she did, all of her nerve endings exploded with pleasure.

Her hands combed every single inch of her body and she squeezed her tit with pleasure. Veronica's superhot pussy closed down around her and Kara groaned.

Harry's manhood prepared to bust, his nuts grew extremely heavy with his juices. All he needed was one more intense push and he would have Rose right where he wanted to. His hands cupped underneath her tits and he used the leverage that was needed to push into her. He pushed his balls deep into her tight and fit core.

Rose closed her eyes and savored the moment, while her tongue tangled with Veronica's. The two of them felt the heat and the burn.

Her nephew's cum splattered inside her pussy. Shot after shot coated her inner walls and he groaned when he filled up every inch of her.

Pulling out, Harry smiled with satisfaction brimming in his eyes, and he watched Kara finish up.

Boy did Kara ever finish up, she channeled her girl cum through the dildo and splattered it into Veronica. The redhead sized up in pleasure.

Harry walked over towards Veronica and tasted his Alpha from her pussy. Kara did the same and tasted Harry's gift from Rose's.

This did the trick of getting both of them hot and horny and ready to go once again. Kara grinned and tried to be the one to catch Harry off guard this time.

She threw herself at her, but Harry caught her with one swift and elegant movement. She felt a tremor go down her body when he pushed her back against the wall.

He spread her lips and sank his throbbing cock hard between her legs. Kara closed her eyes and tightened her grip around his shoulder.

Harry made sure to really push himself into her, and then he slowed down the attacks for a little bit. Kara's legs wrapped around him and he kissed his way down her neck and nuzzled his face in the valley between her breasts.

"Oh yes," Kara moaned hungrily, and he pulled almost all the way out of her. His tip rubbed against her. "Harry….."

Her pleading of him by screaming his name didn't even get finished, when Harry held onto her hips and pounded her against the wall hard. His manhood sunk deep between her hot thighs when he hammered into her.

Kara closed her eyes tight, his thick slab of meat drilled into her over and over again. He pushed her up and held her in tightly to her.

Harry groaned when her tightness wrapped around him. Her super heated Kryptonian pussy milked him again, and he smiled when Rose and Veronica decided to indulge themselves in each other.

"That's so hot," Harry grunted, and he ran one finger down Kara's leg.

She shivered in response, and lifted him up, using her legs. She rested on her back in the air, floating gently.

Harry held onto her hips and maintained leverage when he hammered into her. Her wet pussy clenched him tightly. It tugged at him and really worked his manhood over when he kept working over her.

"Yes, oh yes," Harry groaned.

"Yes, fuck me, fuck me in the air, there's nothing better," Kara said, and she balanced Harry, keeping him locked between her legs. Both to keep him from falling and also because she didn't want that nice piece of meat to sway from her dripping pussy any time soon.

Harry ran his hands all over her body and leaned forward, licking her collarbone. He slammed himself into her and her wetness coated his cock.

This allowed for him to continue his path into her nice and heavily. His finger pushed between her anus region and he pumped into her from behind.

"Yes, oh yes, fuck me hard," Kara moaned, and she rocked her hips up. She sucked Harry in, her hungry pussy lips couldn't have anything more than that piece of cock that went between her legs.

Harry speared his rod into her sheath. The blonde's hips rolled up in response and her pussy enhanced with the pleasure when she pushed him deep into her.

"So close, need more, need it all," Kara whispered and she grabbed his forearm and squeezed him, to encourage him to bury himself deeply into her.

Hot thighs clenched down onto him and Harry felt her, he was so close he could feel it.

Harry pushed her towards the ground and rammed her hard down. Kara squealed in delight, when he bend her legs back and really used the leverage that he had.

"That's what someone like you gets off on, don't you?" Harry groaned and Kara nodded eagerly, lust flashed through her eyes.

Her pussy sucked his rod deep between her thighs, and Rose and Veronica played with each other in the distance.

They would have to join them for another round in a moment, right now, Harry closed his eyes, and his balls grew heavy with cum.

He shot his load deep into her waiting and eager pussy. He fired several hot shots into her and coated her inner walls with his spunk.

Kara sighed and leaned back, makings sure to milk every last drop from his aching balls and she rolled him over, and pulled him into a kiss.

"Don't worry ladies, we'll join you momentarily."