
Ascending Realms: Chronicles of the Twin Marauders

Title: "Ascending Realms: Chronicles of the Twin Marauders" In the sprawling digital playground of "Infinite Realms," twin brothers Ryder and Vance lead distinctly different lives. Ryder, the warrior, thrives in the chaos of battle, while Vance, the tech wizard, prefers to decode the mysteries hidden in the game’s algorithms. However, their lives take an unexpected turn when the death of a top-ranked player, Atlas, in real life is linked to the game. The game’s creator, Greyson Locke, delivers a cryptic message from Atlas to the twins – "Climb the tower." This sparks a dangerous journey up the Ascendant Spire, a colossal tower within the game. Each level brings new challenges, from deadly labyrinths to deceptive alliances and monstrous creatures, pushing them to their limits. Yet, the brothers press on, driven by the need to unveil the truth behind Atlas's death and the sinister secrets of Infinite Realms. As they navigate the blurred lines between the virtual and the real, they must rely on their skills, tenacity, and the strength of their bond. It’s a race against time in a world where the game is no longer a game, and the stakes are terrifyingly real. "Ascending Realms: Chronicles of the Twin Marauders" is a thrilling journey through the vibrant and dangerous world of Infinite Realms. It is a tale of intrigue, survival, brotherhood, and the relentless pursuit of truth. Will the brothers reach the top of the tower and uncover the mystery, or will the tower claim them just as it claimed Atlas? Only time will tell.

Kelivin · เกม
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Tragedy

The sun was setting over the cluttered skyline of Neo-Seoul, casting long shadows that danced with the promise of another hectic night. The neon lights were slowly waking up, bathing the city in a riot of colors. Yet in a certain corner, in a nondescript apartment, two twin brothers sat engrossed in an entirely different world.

"Man, this game is a riot!" said the taller twin, Ryder, a lopsided grin on his face. His avatar, an imposing warrior, was cleaving through a horde of snarling orcs on the virtual screen. "You should've joined, Vance."

Vance, the more somber of the two, shrugged nonchalantly, flipping through a thick tome of code lines. He had always been more inclined toward the technical aspect of things. "You know I'm more into designing games than playing them, Ry."

Ryder merely snorted, his eyes not leaving the screen. Their friendly banter was cut short as an urgent knock echoed through the apartment.

The man at the door was a known figure in the gaming world, someone both brothers looked up to - Greyson Locke, the founder of "Infinite Realms," the game Ryder was currently engrossed in. Yet, the news he brought was not pleasant.

"Ryder," he began, his voice grim, "There has been an incident. A player...has died in the game. Not just the avatar, the player."

The color drained from Ryder's face, the joy from earlier now a distant memory. "Wait...that's impossible. Right?"

Greyson sighed, running a hand through his graying hair. "It shouldn't be...but it is. And the victim... was one of our top rankers."

The room was silent. Vance slowly closed his laptop, the click of the latch echoing in the room. "Who was it, Greyson?"

The older man looked at the brothers, his face ashen. "It was Atlas."

The name hit Ryder like a punch to the gut. Atlas, the legendary ranker, who'd stood at the top of the leaderboards since the inception of Infinite Realms. Atlas, the one gamer Ryder had always looked up to.

"He had a message for you," Greyson continued, "He said... 'Climb the tower'."

The words were cryptic and sparked a multitude of questions. Yet, there was something in Greyson's tone that told Ryder he should take the message seriously.

"Climb the tower?" Ryder muttered, the words tasting strange on his tongue.

"And keep your wits about you," Greyson added, his eyes meeting Ryder's. "I don't know what's happening, but whatever it is, it's beyond the game. It's real."

With those ominous words, Greyson left, leaving behind a world of intrigue and mystery for the twins to navigate. As the door closed, Ryder looked at his brother, determination lighting his face.

"Let's do this, Vance. For Atlas."

Vance nodded, a hard glint in his eyes. "We'll unravel this mystery, Ry. Together."

With the promise of a dangerous journey ahead, the brothers prepared to delve deeper into Infinite Realms than they ever had before.

As soon as Greyson was out of sight, Ryder was back in front of the screen, his avatar ready to face the game's dangers. Vance wasn't far behind. The code wizard had created a game persona ages ago but seldom used it. Tonight, the studious sorcerer - as his avatar was known - was in play.

"Let's see what old Atlas was trying to tell us," Ryder muttered, directing his character towards the towering structure known as the Ascendant Spire in the center of the virtual city. Vance followed, his avatar in a shimmering cloak that fluttered as they moved through the neon-lit streets.

Every step they took was heavy with anticipation. Infinite Realms was known for its surprises, but the shadow of Atlas' death hung over them, adding a new layer of tension. As they approached the entrance of the Spire, a system notification popped up.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Ascend, for ascend you must."

Ryder raised an eyebrow at the cryptic message. "Now the game's spitting out rhymes. Nice."

Vance, however, was silent, his eyes scanning the message. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust," he repeated, "It's part of a funeral rite, but what does it mean in this context?"

Before Ryder could ponder on his brother's question, their avatars were swept up in a gust of digital wind. The game's environment changed around them. They were no longer at the foot of the Spire, but inside its first floor - a vast arena filled with grotesque creatures.

"Welcome to the Tower of Ascendance," boomed a voice, echoing throughout the arena. "Survive and ascend. Fail and perish."

"Well, shit," Ryder muttered as the first wave of creatures lunged at them. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, Vance."

Vance merely nodded, a serious expression on his face as he started weaving a barrier spell. "Let's survive this, Ry."

As they battled side by side, the brothers couldn't shake off the eerie reality of their situation. The line between the game and reality seemed to blur more with each passing moment. But one thing was clear - they had to climb the tower, not just for Atlas, but to uncover the sinister truth lurking beneath Infinite Realms.

They fought their way through the first floor, their attacks synchronizing in a deadly dance of sword and sorcery. As the final beast fell, the room brightened, and a staircase spiraling upwards materialized before them.

"Guess that's our cue to ascend," Ryder said, wiping nonexistent sweat off his avatar's forehead.

Vance nodded in agreement, directing his character up the winding staircase. But before they could make it halfway, another system notification popped up.

"From friend to foe, trust no one. The second floor awaits."

The twins shared a glance, a silent agreement passing between them. Trust was something they had in abundance - for each other. The rest of the game, however, was a different story.

The second floor of the Ascendant Spire was a labyrinth. The walls were lined with sparkling gemstones emitting a faint glow, the only source of light in the dark maze. Yet, the real challenge wasn't the lack of light or the complicated layout. It was the other players.

As they stepped onto the second floor, they were swarmed by a horde of avatars. Alliances formed and dissolved at the drop of a hat, deception was the currency, and paranoia was as common as air.

"Infinite Realms just turned into Game of Thrones," Ryder muttered, his character parrying an attack from a rogue player.

Vance, meanwhile, was engrossed in casting protective spells, fending off ambushes. "We need to find a way out of this maze, and quickly."

Ryder grunted in agreement, his character slashing through a player who had dared to charge at them. Trust no one, the game had warned them. And they planned on heeding that advice.

As they delved deeper into the labyrinth, the brothers began to realize the depth of the game's mystery. It was more than just a leisurely pastime now. The stakes were high, and survival was the only option. Their journey was just beginning, but the Tower of Ascendance was already testing their limits.

One thing was for sure – they were in this until the end, ready to unravel the truth, no matter how unsettling it might be.

They struggled through the labyrinth, the deceptive twists and turns pushing them to their limits. The avatar horde was relentless, adding a deadly layer of tension to their already strained nerves. Yet the brothers held their own, their tenacity born out of years of gaming and a burning desire for the truth.

After what seemed like an eternity, they stumbled upon the exit. It was a simple archway, a stark contrast to the complex maze they'd navigated.

"Finally," Ryder grumbled, directing his character towards the arch. Yet, before they could step through, another system notification popped up.

"Cleave the hand that feeds. The third floor awaits."

Vance frowned at the message. "Cleave the hand that feeds? What does that even mean?"

Ryder merely shrugged. "Guess we'll find out upstairs."

The third floor was a stark contrast to the ones they'd seen before. A lush forest filled the room, towering trees stretching towards the ceiling. The floor was teeming with creatures, each more bizarre than the last.

But the most intriguing part was the colossal creature seated in the middle of the forest, a beast with the body of a lion and a head of an eagle – a griffin. And the system tag hovering above it read, 'Feeder.'

The griffin had a generous pile of food in front of it, and it was distributing the meals to the smaller creatures around it.

"Cleave the hand that feeds," Ryder repeated, realization dawning on him. "We have to take down the Feeder."

Vance nodded, his avatar already preparing a volley of spells. "This is going to be one tough fight."

As they engaged the griffin, the reality of their situation hit them once again. They were fighting for their lives in a game, a prospect that would've seemed ridiculous a few days ago. Yet here they were, embroiled in a struggle that had turned their lives upside down.

The line between the game and reality was blurring, and the brothers were right in the thick of it. Their journey was far from over, the top of the tower still out of reach. But they were getting closer, one grueling floor at a time.

Their battle with the Feeder was fierce and relentless. The griffin was a formidable opponent, and its retaliatory strikes left their avatars battered and bruised. Yet the brothers fought on, their determination unwavering.

Ryder, with his warrior's strength, dealt powerful blows, each strike leaving its mark on the Feeder. Vance, meanwhile, cast spells from the sidelines, his magic both shielding them from the griffin's attacks and weakening the beast.

It was a grueling dance of attack and defense, and just when they thought they could take no more, the Feeder let out a piercing cry and crumbled. Its body disintegrated, leaving behind the glowing essence of a key.

"Looks like we've got our ticket to the fourth floor," Ryder said, relief flooding his voice as he directed his character to pick up the key.

Vance nodded, a sense of accomplishment settling on his face. Yet his eyes were drawn to another system notification that popped up.

"Blood isn't always thicker. The fourth floor awaits."

The message was as cryptic as ever. The brothers shared a glance, an unspoken agreement passing between them. No matter how dangerous or ominous the warnings got, they wouldn't back down.

As they ascended to the fourth floor, the mystery of Infinite Realms deepened. The game was no longer a simple pastime but a twisted maze of intrigue and danger. Yet, the truth was tantalizingly close, hidden within the Ascendant Spire's winding floors.

Their quest was far from over, but the brothers were determined to see it through. They were ready to unravel the sinister secrets lurking beneath the surface of their beloved game.

For themselves, for Atlas, and for every player who had unwittingly stepped into a world far more real and dangerous than they had ever imagined.