
Ascenders: Rising From Zero

Entry for Webnovel Spirity Awards _______ 21 Ascenders were chosen. Each with the utmost goal of attaining perfection. With the mindset of becoming the perfection He planned for. A young boy from Earth finds himself in another realm, strange voice in his head and so his adventure begins. ——— I didn’t choose this life. No, I’m supposed to be dead. Somehow, under bizarre circumstances, I find myself in Heaven. No, not the Christian biblical heaven or the Islam Paradise. No, I find myself in Orun,(Yoruba word for heaven) and it’s 7 worlds. In this place, the weak is chaff before the strong. And true strength can only be attained through pushing ones limit. In this 7 heavens, Nothing is impossible. Dragons, Masquerades, Vampires, Drakons and yes, Irunmoles exist. What I find about myself is that I am a sort of contingency plan, to carry out the legacy of The Mad Prime. He who was once an Angel but died an Arch Demon. The Fallen Legacy Of a Genius Being and by the Gods, his Legacy shall by me, Fall or Rise. I am Bayo, I am the Number One, FirstBorn Of my siblings and we have one mandate... ASCEND Through the 7 heavens and establish a new order, for our Patron, Trixius The Great! ——————————- Cover image is Google sourced. Entry for Webnovel Spirity Awards Please RATE, COMMENT, VOTE. Inspires me much. Update schedule is 2 Chapters Daily. —————————-

sir_impeccable · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Power Levels

(SPOILERS—— Skip to chapter 1 if new)



Each power level signifies a Class and the amount of energy available to that class.

Classes —— Energy Allocated

Basic Class - 1-20

Ground Class/Messenger - 21-999

Elite Class - 1000 - 100,000

Omni Class - 101k - 499k

Lord. — 501k - 3,000,000

Omega — 3,100,000- 8,000,000

Beta ——— 8,000,000 -14,999,999

Alpha —- 15,000,000 - 199,999,999

Prime- 200,000,000- 500,000,000

Ascendancy- 500,000,000- 1,999,999,999

DemiGod - 1.50B - 1trl

God- 1trillion to ???( extent is not known)

To grow in soul class three steps

1. Pushing oneself to the limits

Also referred as Soul Tasking

2. Meditation in an Agbara concentrated environment or just intense meditation

Agbara concentrated environs are rather hard to find or if found are occupied by dangerous creatures or demons, while Intense Meditation takes quite a very long time to achieve as it pushes energy limit bit by bit.

Also referred as Meditation.

3. Absorption of GoldMints:

GoldMints are little gold coins that are coagulation of condensed Agbara. Distributed by the gods, absorption of some many gold mints will help massively in refining one's soul for ascension to the next levels.

Also referred as Soul Refining.


Please Note


In between these classes exist Pseudo Classes. Pseudo classes exist at the peak of each class and requires a lot of effort to break through onto the next class. Hence it is possible to see someone with 14,999,999 energy and after absorbing energy, the person is still stuck.


Culled From


Expatriation Of Power Levels

A publication by Ijinle Orun

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