
Ascendance Online

A 21 year old NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) Izayuma Makoto is the top ranking player in the VRMMORPG game【Ascendance Online】until one day, a mysterious event was given to all players, steeled to finish it first, he rushed all the way only to encounter a player that made him unconscious and upon regaining consciousness the user interface in the game does not appear, no signs of any player, the map cannot be accessed and what's worse is that. . . MY AVATAR BECAME A GIRL!!

Potatopon · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter. 11 - Surprised?

Being led by the mage, Miyata had entered the building along with a four others.

The building had dim lighting and looked empty, only filled with miscellaneous items.

"So? Is there a spacial mage here?"

Miyata spoke in a low tone.

As she had said those words, a short haired man walked from the door.

"Are you actually that dumb? Peasants these days really have fallen even further!"

These words caused the other mages to chuckle, each and every one of them.

"Well men, time to have fun with this beauty here."

The short haired mage started chanting.

"Oh wind! Gracefully cut those before me. WIND BLADE!"

As the winds gathered into one area, an almost invisible blade appeared and shot itself forward.

But, before the blade had hit its target, Miyata was nowhere to be found.

"[Flash Step]"

Miyata appeared behind the short haired mage's back and kicked him hard enough to send him 2 meters forward, foaming from his mouth, not even a word to express his pain.

The mages instantly tried casting magics but were ultimately defeated without effort.

The whole encounter only lasted about 5 minutes and bodies were laid unconscious everywhere.

Miyata muttered.

"Always doing the same flashy move."

As the last groan of the pained mage was left out, huge noises came from the door behind.


Jerard busted through the door, sweating and his face filled with anxiety.

But after seeing the scene before him, his face twitched and was unable to express his surprise.


Instantly, Miyata's body turned around to greet Jerard.

"Oh, hey. These guys just wanted some trouble so I gave them some.

Miyata walked towards Jerard and found the little mage right behind him.

He meekly peeked and looked at Miyata with awe.

"I-I am-"

Stuttering with his words, he closed his eyes, filled with determination and said.

"I'm a s-spacial mage!"

Looking like small rabbit, Miyata couldn't help herself and patted his head.

"Ah..." {He's so cute....}

Confused, the little mage stepped back a little and bowed.

"I can t-try to teach you spacial magic!"

Miyata suddenly remembers her objective for coming here and gave the cute boy a smile.

"Thank you."

The goddess had smiled upon the little mage.

His heart thumped and he started getting dizzy... He thought to himself. {A goddess!}

As the two walked away, Jerard was left stunned.

"Umm. I'm here too."

"S-so! You wanted to learn spacial magic for storing items?"

The little mage was trying hard to express himself.

"Un, but, what should I call you? Teacher."


His heart throbbed again and his mind felt as if it was in ecstacy. But he tried his hardest to pull himself back.

"P-please don't call me teacher! {I might lose my mind if you do}"

"Then, what should I call you?"

"My name is Millan de Harenell... Although... People tend to call me Millie.."

"Millie.... {Cute}. Where did you get that nickname?"

"Nnnn! People always say I look like a girl and have a body similar to one! It's annoying! That's why I wanted to be a mage, so that I can prove to everyone that I can be manly too!"

With a stoic expression, Millan had a different air around him.

"Ehem! Back to the task at hand! This is how spacial magic is like!"

Millan took the chair he was sitting on, he closed his eyes as he held it, and black aura engulfed the chair and disappeared along with it.

"After making contact with the object of your choice to store, feel the faint spirit inside of it, call upon it with your magic and then, imagine yourself putting them inside of a box inside your own. And if you cannot feel that you do not have this box, spatial magic is surely not for you."

Standing proud with a smug face, Millan announced.

"And that is spacial magic!"

"Wooow, amazing."

Miyata clapped, smiling at Millan.

Yet, in Millan's viewpoint, it seemed as if a goddess was praising him, once again causing his mind to enter euphoria.

"E-hehe.. You think so... Huhu..."

As if taking care of an animal, Miyata patted Millan's head, now even his face was representing his euphoria.

{He's like my little brother back home, how cute..}

In a few seconds, his consciousness began to return and flung himself away from her.

"E-ehem! As I was saying."

Millan composed himself and put back on a serious expression.

"Spatial magic doesn't just go around for everyone okay? You need to have the affinity for it!"

A pen was taken from Millan's pocket, he handed it to Miyata and said.

"Here, use this pen for practice. Do as I told you and let's see if you can use spatial magic."


As Miyata took the pen from Millan, he unconsciously blushed again, looking like little red tomato.

Jerard who is watching from the sidelines quietly gives out a chuckle only for Millan to notice him and panic in return.

As Millan was busy panicking his heart out, but after a few seconds, Miyata held his hand and said.

"I did it!"

"Eh?? EHHH!? B-but I didn't even get to tell you what to say for the contract, did you not see a grey spirit and hear what he said?"

"Spirit? What I've met was a little girl... How long was I gone?"

Miyata looked lost as if she just lost track of time.

Millan regained his composure and started explaining again.

"Time flows differently inside on what we call the 'Inventory', and for your first access, a lesser spirit would ask for your name and you must give up your true name and offer a contract, for centuries that is how the spatial have done things, not one had seen a girl on their first visit. The other sightings of a girl is on... T-the spatial goddess, d-don't tell me- she gave you her contract!?"

Millan thought deeply, but as he racked his head he could not understand.

A dark aura as big as a child appeared and out came a little girl.

She was just a few inches taller than Millan, her hair was a beautiful ashen grey and her eyes with a darker grey.

"Hi~hi! I'm Stella! Nice to meet you!"
