
As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

'Strange' is a term that can be defined in a number of ways. Though waking up as Satoru Gojo in a messed up world was certainly strange. Now follow the new Gojo on his path to becoming the strongest. Will he reach said goal, or merely die a meaningless death. Or maybe he will ascend as the honoured one.

Ekisdaiou · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Titans versus the Gojo's?

The opera house. Once a symbol of elegance and grandeur, it is now reduced to a haunting apocalyptic environment. The majestic building stands tall, its towering exterior still displaying remnants of its former architectural glory. The exterior walls are composed of aged, weathered stones adorned with intricate carvings, now chipped and faded due to the ravages of time and destruction.

In the once-opulent lobby, the devastation becomes apparent. The space, which was once adorned with exquisite chandeliers and luxurious furnishings, is now nothing more than a desolate wasteland. The floor, once polished marble, is now littered with shattered glass, debris, and fragments of metal from the bullets that were relentlessly fired. The air is heavy, filled with the acrid scent of gunpowder and decay.

Columns that once stood proudly and supported the grand structure are now toppled and shattered, their fragments strewn across the floor. The walls, once opulently adorned with the finest artworks and tapestries, are now scorched and punctuated with bullet holes, echoing the violent events that transpired. Dark smudges, remnants of smoke and fire, mar the once vibrant colors, making the devastation even more jarring.

Further into the opera house, the main performance area lies ahead, a tragic testament to its former beauty. The stage, once a site for operatic brilliance, is now accented with broken instruments, torn curtains, and discarded props, all abandoned and forgotten. Tattered opera costumes hang in disarray, their once vibrant colors faded and stained with dirt and blood.

Among this wreckage, the remnants of numerous lives are scattered. The mutilated corpses of various people lie motionless in various poses of anguish and despair. Their bodies, contorted and broken, bear the brutal marks of violence. Blood pools beneath them, staining the already battered floor.

The overall ambience is one of desolation, with dim light filtering through shattered windows, casting eerie shadows across the ruins. The silence is punctuated only by the occasional creaking of damaged structures and the soft, mournful whisper of the wind that finds its way through the devastated opera house.

In this nightmarish scene, the destruction is painstakingly detailed. The untold horrors of warfare and violence have left their indelible mark upon this once-magnificent opera house, turning it into a haunting symbol of a shattered world.

"You're a real pshyco, you know that?" Satoru bluntly told his sister, who was seated, text him on one of the various chairs in the old opera homes.

"Come now, they attacked first." Akane defended herself as Satoru scrunched his nose at the smell of the various bodies.

"Still, with you slaughtering these guys, we're probably going to be on Batman's official shit list." Satoru murmured as his eyes beneath his bandages drifted to the center stage, where a tied-up Black Mask sat on a stool. Satoru even went the extra mile and made the spotlight shine on the masked man.

The plan was simple: kidnap Black Mask and bait all the bounty hunters. Then kick all their assess, and then have Black Mask call off the bounty before killing him. Brilliantly simple, as everything had been going according to plan. Sure, they could just have Black Mask call off the whole thing, but he was not too cooperative at all. Even with Akane's 'persuasion'. But that spunk of his would eventually run out, but until then, they were resorting to this. To thin out the ranks of those after Satoru.

A few dozen fell for the bait, and their asses were kicked, or in Akane's case, mutilated. She really was insane; he might have been more creeped out if he was not already used to her. Of course, he himself did not really have a big problem with the concept of killing; it's just that just because he was okay with killing as a whole did not mean he liked doing it.

"Who cares about some grown man dressed as a bat?" She questioned him, bemused, and Satoru shrugged his shoulders.

"Guy's got plot armor."

"Plot what now?" She asked confused.

"Nevermind, just don't underestimate the guy." Satoru advised. "Well, unless you're me~" Satoru exclaimed, jabbing a finger at himself.

"Uh-huh." Akane merely murmured out those words as he got a dry gaze. "But hold on..." His sister suddenly started.

"What is it?" Satoru questioned.

"We made quite the commotion in the room; you remembered the veil. Right?" She asked, and Satoru merely quirked up an eyebrow beneath his bandages.

"I thought you sat up the veil." Satoru merely said back.

"No, it was your job." She said back.


"It was."




"Satoru, I'll fucking kill you!" Akane said it in a heartwarming tone with the brightest, most radiant smile on her face.

"Not if I kill you first, you bitch~ Haha~" Satoru shot back with an equally heartwarming tone and smile.

As the two siblings prepared to duke it out, both their heads suddenly snapped towards the entrance of the opera house.

"Akane, hide the bodies."

"On it."


"Sooo, we're supposed to get this Gojo guy, right?" Beast Boy questioned.

"That's right." Robin confirmed with a nod as he threw the green boy a glance.

"You knew the guy, right? Pretty sure you mentioned him a few times." Beast Boy spoke as he threw his arms behind his head.

"We used to go to school together, and we were pretty good friends." Robin confirmed.

"So what's the deal with this guy anyway? It must be pretty dangerous if Batman wanted us on the job, right?"

"That's what I'm still trying to figure out." Robin confessed. "Satoru has always been unpredictable, which is why I can't figure out why he suddenly has a bounty on his head."

"Guy must be pretty wild, huh?" Beast Boy joked. He got a dry look from the current boy wonder.

"That would be an understatement." Robin murmured as he gazed at the large, old opera house from the rooftop of a building.

("We've been friends for years yet...he always felt so distant. I guess I'm not exactly one to talk.")

"How do you think Kid's doing?" Beast Boy asked as he gazed at the old opera house.

"I think he should have been back by now." They sent Kid Flash on ahead to scout out the opera house, but he had not returned yet. Of course, that was already-

His train of thought suddenly halted as the old and large wooden doors of the opera house suddenly burst open. No more like breaking into splinters as someone flew threw them; that yellow form indicated it was Kid Flash. His body came to a skidding halt on the road.

The two Titans acted immediately; Beast Boy's body contorted and morphed as he leaped off the building. His small form turning into one of a green pterodactyl, Robin leaped off as well. Expanding his cape to smoothly glide to the ground, Beast Boy naturally reached the downed Kid Flash first, his body turning back to its original state as he kneeled closer towards his fellow adolescent hero.

"Hey dude! C'mon, are you alright??" Beast Boy spoke rapidly, shaking the downed boy.

"*Cough* *cough*... All I said was that she had a rocking bod'." He just regained consciousness for a moment before promptly falling unconscious once again.

"Well, he's not too badly hurt." Beast Boy could only sheepishly murmur as Robin landed near him.

"C'mon, that wasn't necessary." Robin heard a familiar voice as his gaze snapped towards the ruined entrance of the opera house, where two figures emerged.

"It totally was! That little freak checked me out! And you heard what he said!" Robin heard the familiar voice of Akane as he saw a scowl morph into her usual pretty face. "And another thing, aren't you supposed to defend my chasity? You just stood there!"

"I'm your brother, not your boyfriend." Satoru refutted.

"Hmph!" His sister merely pouted.

"Is that Gojo?" Beast Boy asked with a frown; clearly, he was upset. Kid Flash was just tossed like a ragdoll a mere moment ago.

"It is." Robin spoke with the same frown. Kid Flash had a mouth on him, and Akane was quick to anger, so maybe they could reason with the two.

"And look, more heroes." He heard Akane suddenly state "Well, I'll take Robin; you get the little green boy."

"Oi-" Satoru wanted to refuse, as further escalation would be pointless, but it was much too late as Akane's form blurred. Beast Boy and Robin could barely react as the white-haired girl appeared between the two. Gripping the boy wonder by his arm, she sped off.

"H-hey!" Beast Boy yelled out a little too late.

"What a pshyco..." He snapped his gaze back to see Satoru, who seemed a tad closer.

"Where'd she take Robin!?" Beast Boy demanded, but the taller boy merely shrugged as he undid the bandages on his face, fully revealing his face.

Beast Boy cursed the God's. He was as straight as they come, but DAYUM. Why was this man so handsome? That was so unfair; not even Dick was that good-looking. It's like an angel descended from the heavens to grace the world with his presence. His face and everything were just so perfect. And his eye's his mysterious, hypnotic eyes that seemingly held the entire universe within their depths.

Beast Boy shook his head.

"Well, then I'll beat an answer out of you!" The green boy announced as his body grew in size, hair spawning out of his body as his muscles expanded and tensed. He took the form of a large, hulking gorilla.

With a sudden burst of speed, Beast Boy lunged at Gojo, his mighty gorilla fist aimed at his opponent's head. Swift as a cheetah, Gojo effortlessly sidestepped the attack, allowing the brute force of Beast Boy's fist to crash into the hard pavement, sending cracks spiderwebbing outward.

Before Beast Boy could react, Gojo seized the opportunity. Drawing upon his immense cursed energy, he unleashed a torrent of limitless cursed techniques, his surge of power causing the very air to ripple around him. In a split second, Gojo's molecules shifted, allowing him to teleport behind the bewildered Beast Boy.

("Let's test something.")

Without hesitation, Gojo expanded his infinity, creating a vast and infinite space within the confines of the quiet street. The area distorted and twisted with an otherworldly aura as Beast Boy found himself trapped within'.

"What the!!!-"

Beast Boy, refusing to be overwhelmed, transformed into a nimble cheetah, attempting to outrun the encroaching pressure around him. But Gojo's infinity was not easily evaded, and with a simple wave of his hand, he manipulated his cursing technique to control the very fabric of reality within the area.

The ground beneath Beast Boy's paws turned to quicksand, attempting to swallow him whole. Sensing the danger, Beast Boy swiftly transformed into a bird, soaring above the clenched earth. But Gojo's power over space remained relentless, and a powerful gust of wind summoned within then sent Beast Boy careening downwards, his avian form battered and thrown off balance.

Gojo, ever the majestic strategist he totally is, focused his Six Eyes, allowing him to perceive his limitless cursed energy within the world. He analyzed Beast Boy's next move, predicting his transformation into a ferocious tiger. Though Satoru's infinity was well infinity, blocking the tiger's razor-sharp claws and thunderous impacts

"C'mon, make this a little interesting. Pretty please~"

"Shut up!" Beast Boy roared in a distorted voice.

Beast Boy shifted from one form to another, becoming a slithering serpent, a charging rhino, or a nimble gazelle. Yet Gojo's breezed through everything.

With calculated timing, Gojo countered Beast Boy's every move, dodging, parrying, and exploiting weaknesses. Of course he could end this instantly, but where was the fun in that?

The clash reached its crescendo as Gojo, now surrounded by a swirling vortex of cursed energy, gathered his strength for a final strike. He focused his power into a single punch, aiming for Beast Boy's colossal elephant form.

But Beast Boy, refusing to be defeated, quickly shifted his shape into that of an agile falcon, evading the devastating attack. He retaliated with a powerful gust of wind, trying to disrupt Gojo's concentration, only for him to anchor himself to the ground using his technique.

Face to face, a smug Gojo and frustrated Beast Boy locked eyes, the weight of their powers hanging in the air.

In this battle between raw power and unwavering technique, the outcome remained clear.

"Well, this was fun~" Satoru said with a hand clap.

"Screw you!" Beast Boy merely growled out.

"No need to be a sour loser~" Gojo merely said it with a grin. "You've done well, all things considered." Beast Boy's eyes merely narrowed further as Gojo extended two fingers.

"Technique Reversal..."


A/N: Sorry, I'm just busy with some stuff. studying, writing a novel, writing a fanfiction of Gojo getting isekaid to Re Zero as a femboy version of himself, and so on.