
As Sasuke in Tower of God

Kira is an average Highschool boy who spends his time watching anime. Today he finished watching the final episode of Naruto and Contemplating whether to watch Boruto or not. But unfortunately, he died When an Alarm clock came out of nowhere from his room’s window and hit his head. The next movement he woke up, he was in front of a Core which called itself GOD. The ‘God’ gave him a single wish for his Reincarnation and He chose to Reincarnate as Sasuke in Shinobi world. But the god Decided to reincarnate him in the world of the Tower Of God. Because reincarnating as Sasuke is one wish according to it. . [Discord] * * https://discord.gg/euFKUFWmAj

ForbiddenLord · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs


Within a dark enclosed space, on a rocky Cliff stood six figures, looking below the bottomless Pit,

" So... I have to jump down here to get into the Regulars Testing area, right ? " kicking a small pebble, Yuri questioned the little Dwarf next to her.

" I recall asking you to lead the way, But I didn't tell you that I'm planning to go to hell, Evan "She stared holes at Evan, who had a tick mark on his forehead,

" T-There's no other way! This is the only way to get into the Test spot without getting caught" he stuttered, thinking about what this crazy princess was going to do,

"I guess I have no other choice then, Let's go—". Evan interjected her suddenly,

" Wait a minute, Princess Yuri. These four have to go together " he pointed at the four 'Wolhaiksong' members, they brought along this time.

" Why? " Yuri asked curiously, as Evan never got serious except for something that was beyond him.

"I do not know, Princess. But I saw their paths would be miserable… if they went alone!! " As Evan dropped a warning with a serious face, Yuri gave her permission and kicked Evan down the Cliff.

"WAAAHHH! Damn you, crazy Princess!"Evan's voice faded into the bottomless pit along with his figure.

Yuri turned around and looked at the four with narrowed eyes and stated before jumping down, " If there is anything dangerous, Crush your Winged Tree badge… if you are lucky… 'He' will come".

" Well, Well, looks like something waiting for us?! " with a wide smile, A blue-haired boy with a console in his hand, jumped down the cliff. Following his absence, the rest jumped down, far from scared, they all had a wide grin plastered on their faces.

Back on the hill, Sasuke stood, He looked at the Hole in the distance where Endorsi and Anaak were fighting against a presence way stronger than them.

"I really forgot that furball in the plo—"

Suddenly, he felt an enormous presence near the Hole. It's so strong he wiped an imaginary sweat on his face. Like a volcano waiting to erupt and blaze the entire place in a flood of destruction,

" Yuri " He bit into his bottom lip, trying to contain his grin.

Along with this presence, he felt four more new ones coming in his direction. Sasuke stretched his body and waited. Soon they reached below his Cliff.

Khun was alerted and exited the suspending Blue Lighthouse. With a short knife in his hand, he looked at the person who seemed to be the leader of the four,

" Who are you?! " Khun asked guardedly, seeing that the person standing at the front seemed to be from his Family.

" Oh, A brother of mine! I'm Khun Hatzling. " Hatzling introduced himself while taking a console out of his pocket,

" We aren't here for you— "Before he could finish his sentence, something crashed into the land and the smoke pervaded the entire area. From the smoke, Sasuke walked out slowly with his hands in his pocket.

"it's for him!"

"Yo! Wassup, Sasuke is it?! I'm Hatzling. This tanned guy is Kurdan, the little girl is Ice Strawberry, and black hair is Blackberry. Sorry, but these two don't like to share their real names with strangers. " Hatzling pointed at everyone and started introducing themself while looking at his Rinnegan curiously.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes hearing that guy casually saying his name, as if they had known for years,

"How do you know my name?" He is genuinely curious and from the way Shinsu is flowing around their bodies, He can say the Khun guy is a Scout, Kurdan is a Wave Controller, Pinky is a Fisherman and Blacky is a Spear Bearer.

" Ahh that… I just hacked my brother's Lighthouse, nothing serious." Hatzling said with a smile, seeing Khun gritting his teeth, "You should leave this place, little brother. It will be chaos soon"

" So, What someone of your strength is doing here boy? I checked the Rankers list and didn't find your name! " Kurdan suddenly interjected with a question seeing they were just loitering around. Their time on this Floor is limited. after all, they wouldn't know when 'Evankhell' would return. Also,

'For Sir Evan to say we four have a Role to fulfill and we should come to this place especially…'

Kurdan looked at the person standing in front of him with a hint of caution; He didn't know why but, he could feel… There is an existential gap between both of them. He never felt anything like thi—No! he felt this before… in his entire life, he only felt this kind of sensation from a single being,

Kurdan eyes widened when he thought along those lines, and the following words from Sasuke confirmed his suspicions,

" is it that Dwarf who warned you about me? No, that's not possible. No Guide can see anything about an Irregular. So, he must've seen your paths?? Hmm… that could be the only reason plausible. Anyway, I couldn't care less about it. " with a wide smile, he watched as the expressions of all the four in front of him changed from indifferent to serious and then terror.

" I-Irregular? What's happening here ?? Another one? I need to inform Sir Evan!!" Kurdan couldn't stay calm anymore,

"Sir Evan, Sir Evan… Si—"

" Don't bother, This Test is issued by the Administrator… You have no choice but to fight. " Sasuke spoke, then turned around and looked at Khun,

"Enter this Portal, it will take you near Rak… "

Khun didn't reply but turned around and entered the Portal. He will not forget this. The weakness, the humiliation! He didn't bother asking how Sasuke could open a Portal.. a feat only a Family Head can do!

' He can open a Portal?!… is he an Irregular?!' Hatzling face turned grim but soon calmed down. He isn't a Ranker for anything.

Suddenly a voice spoke from the pocket of Kurdan,

" He's right Kurdan. The princess coming and interfering with the Furball, You killing it and then fighting this Irregular.. it is the role we have to play." Evan spoke solemnly from the other side. He looked at Hansung Yu, drinking coffee in front of him, and had an impulse to strangle him.

" Hey Irregular, We at least need a reason to fight... You don't want Princess Yuri to interfere right? Mind you.. she wouldn't care even if it's the Administrator, who issued the Test."

" What is the Test the Administrator gave you?"

' I see, so that's why the Administrator asked me to defeat the Team of a Princess of Jahad, to pass the Test.' Sasuke thought, He now understood why the Administrator issued an Active Test. If creating a Position is passive, fighting is active.

Sasuke sat on a nearby rock and spoke nonchalantly after analyzing the benefits of speaking the Truth,

" The Administrator asked me to create a New Position. Unique and never before seen in the Tower…" he deliberately paused to put on airs,

"And? " Evan questioned with a tick mark on his forehead; He felt a sense of déjà vu.

" and…" he looked at the four who had already drawn their weapons,

"He wants me to defeat these four to Pass his Test."


" That means you already created it? … Would you mind sharing it with us?" The brief movement of Silence was broken by a curious Hatzling,

"Of course, I should! isn't it the reason the Administrator issued me to fight especially a Team of Princess of Jahad? " Sasuke laughed slightly, " Don't you think So, Evan?" He added.

" The Administrator wants to add a layer of protection on you? You being an Irregular will be exposed sooner or later. So, by giving a test that benefits the Tower and the honor of defeating a High Ranking Princess of Jahad's Team, before even becoming a Regular…" Evan squeezed his little brain and saw the Paths that would lead as the consequence of this Event. But he didn't ask the question that's been lingering in his mind, because he knew even the one in question didn't know; Why? Why would an Administrator show favoritism? This kind of incident never happened in the past.!

" Hahaha… man! talking to someone intelligent is really different. Well, let's not waste any more time… " he dropped from the rock and relaxed,

" My position is simple… it's the Balance of the Battlefield. "


" Balance? Elaborate please? " all the Four split and took their respective Positions. Hatzling with a Blue Spear in front posed a question, Kurdan with a Hammer behind Sasuke, Pinky, and Blacky stood left and right respectively.

Sasuke didn't mind them and continued to explain, " You see.. the Five primary Positions all support each other and fight together. If a light bearer gets eliminated, a scout will switch and take on the Light-bearer Position… in this manner, even if you lose a person in the middle of the battle, they can adjust and fight. But, in the end, they still will lose a position because a person can't do Two positions at the same time, right? "

"So, you're saying the Position you created will fill in the Role that's missing in an ongoing fight? " Kurdan questioned, he coated his Hammer with Shinsu, ready to strike if Sasuke made any move.

" Tsk, Tsk, You still don't understand it seems… Then, let me practically show you, " after uttering those words, his smile faded from his face. Sasuke looked at Pinky, who held a needle and looked at him warily.


" My hand is sharper and stronger than your needle". He gathered the Surrounding Shinsu and coated his hand,


The liquefied Shinsu in his hand solidified instantly, forming a blade-like shape. Before anyone could react, He swung it at an untraceable speed, the radiance of the slash blinded everyone in the area,


"Shit, ice strawberry dodge !! " the blacky shouted after recovering from the blindness, unfortunately, it's too late.


Everyone watched as the slash cleaved the cliff in the direction of Pinky in half. A vast amount of smoke filled the place along with a loud fall of the debris of the cliff. Before the dust could settle and everyone could recover, Sasuke looked at Blacky and spoke,

" I don't need a hand to wield a Spear "

[ Senbonzakura ]


A multitude of Purple Lightning petals gathered atop his head and took the shape of Ten long purple Lightning Spears. He hurled the Spears mentally, which painted Ten long line marks in the sky as it struck Blacky.


" Damn it, are they dead? " Kurdan shouted seeing the situation escalating way quicker than they could react.

" Shut up and focus on yourself… " Hatzking shouted, swinging the spear and clearing the smoke.

Sasuke watched as the smoke cleared and looked at Hatzling next,

" I won't let you run amok bastard !! " Kurdan jumped in front of Hatzling and sprinted toward him,

" Shinsu amplification - Cutter " he shouted and swung his Glowing Hammer. Sasuke could feel if he received this attack head-on he wouldn't come out unscathed. He jumped and avoided the hammer at the last movement as it touched the ground,


The Ground quaked and broke apart for a mile at the least.

Still in the air, Sasuke landed on top of the Hammer elegantly grabbed the head of Kurdan, and continued with both his Rinnegan and EMS shining,

" You see... My eyes are way above a Lighthouse " He tightened his hold of Kurdan's head and hurled him toward the sky,


He flew so fast that he created a smoke train in his wake. As he crossed the 3-mile mark above the ground, Sasuke grinned and muttered,

[ Amenotejikara ]


Suddenly, a blast shook at the place Sasuke stood. Earth quaked and the landscape was destroyed apart. A deep trench formed around for more than a mile long. The cleared smoke came way more than before as the entire place descended into a deathly silence.

" Y-You… are you trying to kill us? " Hatzling who moved away at the last minute looked at the floating Sasuke in the sky using Shinsu,

Sasuke ignored his question and continued as the air tousled his hair,

"A scout should be fast as a Wind But, I am" spreading his hand wide and looking above the sky,

[ Atomic ]

That's the last thing Hatzling heard before his entire being was engulfed by an intense, purplish-white pillar of Shinsu. The air crackled with Shinsu as a swirling vortex of nuclear blasts unfolded, mesmerizing yet terrifying spectacle.

The ground quaked beneath and the attack disintegrated everything in its path, leaving behind a trail of annihilated debris.

Sasuke looked below and relished the destruction he created, it felt enthralling and exciting to unleash everything without holding back.

'Hmm??' He noticed a movement coming from the trench he created by throwing that Kurdan guy.

Kurdan walked out of the Trench with rough breathing. Even after the heavy fall, there are only some minor bruises on his body. He looked around the place and felt his scalp tingle at the mass destruction. The only thing that lessened his mental stress was the faint presence his Teammates exuded. He knows this monster must've held back to not kill them but,

" I am a Wave controller, I don't know what you did, but that isn't enough to take me down." Kurdan swung his hammer toward the sky, and a beam of Shinsu traveled like a falling star in reverse toward the direction of Sasuke.

Sasuke easily evaded it and smiled at the persistent Kurdan,

" just so you know… I'm not finished, "

Kurdan eyes widened at the new revelation. Sasuke looked at him straight in the eye and spoke domineeringly,

" A wave controller uses Shinsu, however, I'm made of Shinsu itself,"

[ Nova ]

Sasuke pointed his finger down and soon a red orb the size of a pupil dropped from his fingertips and landed near the dumbfounded Kurdan,


After the dust settled, the place had been turned into something akin to hell. The once-tall Mountains are destroyed without evidence and the land is charred black from the continuous blasts.

The four victims lay motionless on the ground, bloodied and terrified. If it weren't for their faint breathing and the look in their eyes as they watched Sasuke descending from the Sky. One would believe they were dead.

After Sasuke reached the ground he looked at all four of them and stated,

" My position doesn't replace a single individual's position… it's the amalgamation of everything. The ones who bear the name of my Position should wield all the Five Positions by himself and at the same time. Otherwise, they aren't worthy to be called a"

" ꜱʜɪɴɪɢᴀᴍɪ "


Hehe… a long chapter.

Did I do justice to the name Shinigami?