
As Raiser Phoenix with Yin-Yang system

The great Yin-Yang Phoenix, the strongest mythical beast entered the stage of rebirth but the reincarnation god saw him as a future competitor and send him out of the cycle. The wandering soul met a playful entity that gave him a second chance to reborn in an another world.......... Being reborn and assimilated all the memories of the boy his first words left not only that entity shocked but also more interested in him and decided to watch him closely... His words are.... "Mortal world... Upgradeable Heaven ranked Physic... World was close to awakening... it was easy to win over... Whomever sent me here send me to another place more challenging... That being sent him into DXD, With the memory of the boy it was easy for him identify this world but just he was about to complain he got a message with a timer to get him as strong as he could before the upcoming event happens {*!@#$%^&^%$#$%^&*()(*&*(*(*&^%$#@#@#$%^} "NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT"

beymad_1804 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 5: Preparation to meet my fiancé is upgrading the bloodline

While he was finished accepting his fate, the situation outside the room was not good.

Raiser's family members and his peerage members were worried about him shouting all of a sudden, and now that sound is stopped coming, they were more concerned about his wellbeing.

His queen Yubelluna knock on his door after a brief hesitation.

"Master, are you alright? is there any problem?" asked nervously.

Inside the room,

Raiser, who just planned his next steps, heard his queen's query filled with nervousness and concern. So, he goes to his door opened it, and responded.

"No Yubelluna, there is no problem, I was in the middle of some training, I am sorry for making you worry." said to his queen with a voice filled with kindness and guilt.

"N..no master, there is no reason to say sorry to me. I have to apologize for disturbing your training," said Yubelluna while stuttering.

"It's okay we have to meet Rias tomorrow, right? Tell Father to inform Maou Lucifer that we will not go to meet her tomorrow tell them that we will meet her next week I have something important to do now. If he asked what important thing, tell him I am about to breakthrough." he instructed Yubelluna and returned to the room without waiting for her to answer.

Yubelluna who was dazed for a few seconds regained her sense and turned to go to Lord Phenex's room to inform him of the news.

Just as Raiser told when she informed him about the change in the meeting time he too shocked for a second and asked for the reason for his son's sudden change of mind because he knew his son was very eager about his meeting with Rias.

When he heard that his son was about to breakthrough he was pleasantly surprised and very eager to share this news with Maou Lucifer to boast about his son's achievement since he knew there was some unwillingness and resentment from the other side regarding this marriage.

He immediately contacted Maou Lucifer and informed him about this news. Although Sirzechs congratulated his son's breakthrough he still found a trace of sadness in it.

Inside the room, Raiser started to meditate at the center of the room as he planned to cultivate pure Yin Qi and merge it with his bloodline.

Since he has both Demonic Qi and Devil Qi, it was easy to get pure Yin Qi, but it will have a small weakness as it will lack the ice attribute it should have as now that he was in an urgent situation, he can only compromise himself and satisfied with it for the time being.

As he immersed himself in cultivation time passed quickly on the fourth day he completely converted his Demonic Energy into Yin Qi.

"Well, it took more time than expected since unlike a normal human body a Devil's body is only fit to use demonic energy but after modification, it was very easy to cultivate Yin Qi. Now it's time to integrate it into my bloodline."

Again, he closed his eyes, slowly guided the Yin Qi he cultivated into his heart, and slowly reforged his heart to accept the Yin Qi. When it's completed, he then proceeds to the next step slowly injecting this Yin Qi via his heart into the blood cells in his body and slowly changing his bloodline.

It may sound easy but if it were any other inexperienced person, it will not be easy to complete this task.

It took him nearly three days to completely change his bloodline, and by the time he completed altering his bloodline the time for the meeting has arrived, and his family was eagerly waiting for his arrival.

While they were anxious, they suddenly felt a tingle in their bloodline as if they were in the presence of some predator, trembling nonstop. Then they heard a cracking sound followed by a footstep.