
As Raiser Phoenix with Yin-Yang system

The great Yin-Yang Phoenix, the strongest mythical beast entered the stage of rebirth but the reincarnation god saw him as a future competitor and send him out of the cycle. The wandering soul met a playful entity that gave him a second chance to reborn in an another world.......... Being reborn and assimilated all the memories of the boy his first words left not only that entity shocked but also more interested in him and decided to watch him closely... His words are.... "Mortal world... Upgradeable Heaven ranked Physic... World was close to awakening... it was easy to win over... Whomever sent me here send me to another place more challenging... That being sent him into DXD, With the memory of the boy it was easy for him identify this world but just he was about to complain he got a message with a timer to get him as strong as he could before the upcoming event happens {*!@#$%^&^%$#$%^&*()(*&*(*(*&^%$#@#@#$%^} "NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT"

beymad_1804 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 1: Reaching the peak and Rebirth [edited]

In the dark void floated a spark of light. If someone looks closer at it, one can see that it is a flame with black and white colors.

The void where anything other than 'nothing' shouldn't exist welcomed this fire or soul of the damned bird entered. Anything that goes in shouldn't return and become one with that 'nothing' that was what it was supposed to be, but now it changed.

The 'NOTHINGNESS' that existed in this place should erode anything that came in, and 'nothing' can go out, but this soul that entered this void didn't corrode into 'nothing' but struggled to keep burning and slowly stopped corroding and started burning that 'nothing' and slowly started to glow brightly.

The flame burned more and more condensed and started taking the form of a bird with the appearance of a crane with long tail feathers. Its feathers danced and made it look like it had a life on its own and moved hypnotically.

Those wide-spread wings spread majestically, making it look divine and domineering. The neck was curved and looked like a piece of art. Its beak was curved, and the feathers on its head looked like a crown. It made it look like an ancient ruler.

The most notable thing was its eyes which looked like a pearl, which was crystal clear, and there was a domineering look in its eyes as if it looked down on everything. Overall he looked like a supreme sovereign ruler with a regal, majestic outlook.

Though he gained this form, it was just his soul, not a physical body, and despite his soul weakened while sent here, now he has regained some strength, not on raw power but on soul quality.

'Mmm... Where the hell am I? I remember undergoing rebirth tribulation and seeing a rift in space. Then I was sucked into it.'

'Then I didn't remember anything. What happened? Where am I?'

All he could see was darkness, extreme darkness, without anything.

'What kind of place is it? I can't see anything,' he thought to himself.

"This is nothingness, where nothing should exist," an ancient voice echoed from the darkness filled with authority and slightly jokingly.

"Who! Who are you?"

"It's too early for you to know, but you will know in the future, and that depends on the decisions you make during our time together."

"What the hell can't you answer straight? It's okay, I have also acted like an old sage a few times in my life, so I understand your thoughts, and you won't change even if asked. Well, back to the topic, what do you mean by 'nothingness where nothing should exist,' then how the hell am I and you were here."

"Stop it. You are not strong enough to understand it. When you truly understand Yin and Yang, you will understand." that voice grumped."Now is not the time to tell you, and you don't have much time to be here."

"What do you mean by not comprehending Yin and Yang? I am the YIN-YANG PHOENIX. How can I not comprehend Yin and yang?" he shouted.

"Brat, you do have some understanding. That's why you are still standing under other conditions entire existence would have been erased. It's already too late. I will send you out on a mission. Complete it. Then we can talk."

"Wait, what mission? How do I complete it and contact you."

"You will know yourself."


"No, but now you can go." with that word, a portal opened before the phoenix.

"no......" and he disappeared from this place.

"Hm. 'Phoenix sovereign, Celestial ruler' with all those monikers, still acts like a teen. How the hell did my daughter fall for this stupid guy?"

"Hope he doesn't disappoint her trust."


In an old room of a house situated in the urban part of the city, a miracle happened.

A fair-looking boy was unconscious, and his heart stopped beating.

A few moments later, it starts beating faster.

" no......"

The unconscious boy woke up with a scream.