

"Sister. Don't be silly. I am older than you and your family has entrusted you to my care. I know what is best for you. Take Madame Yula as your elder companion. She would help you a lot" she implored, stepping down from her role as queen and behaving as if Aairah is her ward and if dropping formalities would help her, she would.

"I am sure your judgement is sound. But I must decline" Aairah replied steadily. She didn't look up lest the ladies think she was being disrespectful. Not that she cared what they think. But she must try to be humble before them so she doesn't get castrated before her aim is fulfilled.

"Oh then. I am sure the Madame would not mind" the queen smiled at Madame Yula regretfully who shrugged her meaty shoulders in an I-don't-care shrug. Truth is, she didn't know who to pity more. Aairah for playing right into the queen's game. Or the queen, for thinking it is Aairah she needed to outsmart. In any case, it wasn't her place to say anything. So she held her tongue.

"These two ladies are Madame Asibi and Madame Sabuwa. They are both widowers from our Fillo clan. And since they expressed their desire to help you prepare for your wedding night, I brought them along too" she queen paused to give her time to consider. Then she added "that would be in two hours"

Aairah curtsied and said "thank you" not that she was feeling thankful. These women must be here to dictate every minute of the rest of her day. Who even knows why she has to prepare to meet his highness? What have they in kind, she has no idea. She decided to keep her patience. It's only been the first hour of a long grueling journey.

"I shall send some servants to attend to you. I've been making careful selection of your own personal servants and I am sure you will be pleased with them. I have chosen your chambers to be closer to the Master chambers so you know that you have permission to see his highness whenever it pleases you. That is, if he is in the mood. This first week is the most important part of your married life so you need to make good use of it" she advised like the kind considerate woman she is.

Aairah did not know how to answer to that savage sweetness. She just bowed in an effort to look overwhelmed with such selfless consideration.

When the queen left, Aairah stared at the two women who equally stared back at her grimly. Unlike the stern Madame Yula, these women look dispassionate. Like this is the last place they wanted to be. The feeling negated what the queen has stated about their supposed enthusiasm. Aairah sighed inwardly. What should I say to them? She wondered.

"We don't have time" the short one stated. She is plump but fashionable. She has a very no none sense air about her that clung to the edges of her eyes and the set of her mouth. The taller one looks condescending. As if Aairah should be honored she has spared her some of her time.

Aairah felt her heart sink. She was remembering another episode with Aaidah.

"Is it possible to be smothered with too much affection? It's absurd! Everyone simply wants to please me..."  She has chatted on. She said that the entire family made frequent trips to see her. She was surrounded by their sisters and mothers the first day she was brought to the palace. They chose her dresses carefully, gifted her with two slave girls who will be loyal to her and the way Aairah saw it, the family spared no expense.

It's quite alarming when she considered that here in the palace, she has no one. She is at the queen's mercy. There is nothing she could do about it too. As usual, no one cares.

The women ushered the servants in and suddenly, a flurry of activities began. A bath was prepared for her and despite her reluctance, the plump woman insisted on helping her with the scrub treatment.

"What is there that I have never seen?" The woman bristled.

"Not just you, Asibi, apparently" the taller one frowned with displeasure.

"Oh never mind that! It is his highness's fault for wanting a used rag to clean his troubles!" Asibi shrugged. "All I am saying is that I have bathed scores of women after they have given birth. What is there to be so shy about?"

"If she is shy" the taller once dropped with sarcasm. That was when Aairah began to understand the chatter. Oh so they were referring to her virtue. It occurred to her that people might be questioning her virtue. Did they think she isn't a virgin? Aairah is appalled. Who was spreading rumors about her?

She suffered through their brutal attentions. Her skin felt like it was on fire. They scrubbed her skin until it was about to come off. And no wonder she looks so red when she caught a glimpse of her profile from the console mirror on the side.

She couldn't look at any of them. She felt violated. Something dark and brooding rose to her chest and try as she might, she couldn't quell the feeling of disgust and embarrassment that is opening a dark hollow in her chest. That familiar tremor began to emerge from deep win her and she shuddered from the force of it. For a time, anxiety gripped her with a vice and she felt lightheaded, her breath coming out in short puffs. She began to feel like a hand was squeezing her neck, cutting off the air supply. No matter how much she breathed, there was no air. She gasped from the force of it until all she could heart were faint noises in the background. She didn't really know if she fainted or not. Perhaps she was still conscious. But when she finally felt the breathing return, she saw the two women looking at her with curiosity.

Aairah continued to breath in and out methodically. Tears tinged her eyes. She hated removing her clothes were anyone might chance to see her. But what was done is done. Crying will not solve the problem. She closed her eyes and continued to breath steadily until she felt her heartbeat slowing down.

"Sabuwa, the girl is ill" Asibi stated.

"Or she is pretending to be sick" sabuwa muttered.

"Let's quickly dress her. The queen has already sent word that she would be coming any moment from now" Asibi shrugged. She didn't care about the girl. Whatever plagued her-or not plague her, she didn't care.

Aairah wore a full length white nightgown which they brought with them, they slipped a white alkyabba on top of it and then combed her hair until it fell on her back as shiny straight curtains. Her face is devoid of makeup. She wore a fluffy slippers on her feet. They didn't spray any perfume on her, electing to leave the scent of her bath water clinging to her skin.

"Well, she does look enchanting" Asibi noted with a downward turn of her lips. She didn't look like it was a good thing that Aairah looks 'enchanting'

"A natural seductress if I ever saw one!" Sabuwa added with a deeper frown. The woman clearly didn't like to do anything but frown.

Aairah is still feeling depressed. She didn't care to reply to them. Afterall, they are the emir's family. Anything she says could be used against her. They are not why she is here. The queen is. Answering them is not relevant.

"Let me decide" the queen's voice floated cheerily as she entered the room.

And then she looked at Aairah...

Her heart almost stopped at the view that greeted her. She desperately tried not to show how scared she is at the sight of the girl before her. It is too hard. she didn't need a mirror to tell her she didnt manage it quite well. Its a rare moment of insecurity for Neemah. One she definitely held a grudge for.

I will never forget this moment, she vowed.

She stood before Aairah, scrutinizing her features. Aairah can see how blank her irises are. She must be trying her best to hide her expression from view. Is it jealousy? Surely, if you have to escort your husband's wife to his chambers, anyone would be annoyed. Aairah didn't think she can project the same pretense if she was in her place. But the control is commendable all the same.

"I dare say, the emir will have no trouble bedding you" she announced. "You look beautiful Aairah" she offered ap with a bland smile meant as a compliment.

"I have my mother's looks" Aairah quipped with a straight face.

A strange glint lighted the queen's formally blank irises. She said "she must have very fine genes"

It was very uncomfortable for Aairah to see this woman act so casually at the mention of her evil deeds. She must be used to doing things and getting away with them. She felt her anger rise high until she could taste it in her mouth. She said a few duahs to calm her mind. Then she looked away from the queen. More than ever, she wanted to hurt Queen Neemah. She wants her to feel sorry for killing her mother.

"Come, the car is ready for your conveyance dear" the queen smiled.

Aairah followed her outside. There are at least a dozen guards outside. There are even more servants in the crowd. She kept her head down until she entered the car and she could breath again.

It suddenly felt to Aairah, that her life would never be the same.