
Chapter 126 - She's back.

Two weeks of passion later.

Erdeni laid to Xin's side, her ear resting on his heart. Xin's pulse was barely above average, while her own heart thudded wildly, as if trying to escape her chest.

"Several times a day, every day is a bit much, don't you think?" Erdeni asked, drained. The more experienced Xin grew, the harder it was to match his endurance. And the hunger he had for her, she was shocked that a man could want a woman so badly.

"Ugh huh."

That grunt meant "no", that she knew. It also carried a cheeky undertone, even if Xin's face remained blank.

"I'm embarrassed," she sighed. "I somehow became the clan's greatest hunter overnight, and now they won't stop hounding me for advice. What do I even say? 'Find a cultivator boyfriend who hunts for you'? Somehow, I don't think they're going to have the... assets for that. Unless you are also into middle-aged men."

Xin kissed her perfectly shaped "assets" and smiled. He had enjoyed these two weeks immensely, with Erdeni visiting him daily and often staying the night, unable to resist the allure of their raw passion. They made love again and again, each time more rough, each time more fiery, and each time afterwards Xin lowered his guard a little bit more, becoming gentler, at times even tender. He long suspected that melting his icy facade was a fantasy that drew Erdeni towards him in the first place, but he didn't mind indulging it with full sincerity.

Sometimes, Erdeni tried to avoid coming, citing people getting suspicious or some unattended responsibilities. It was bullshit, of course. Xin observed her long enough, and it was easy to tell when she was lying. The true reason, Xin suspected, was that Erdeni was afraid of how quickly they were falling in love, anxious of her little game spiralling out of control. Unwilling to let her go, he "bribed" her with fox furs, meat, rare alchemical plants and an occasional spirit stone or two.

Erdeni was more than happy to accept these, as it was a perfect excuse to justify her daily visits. Her mentor was growing frustrated with her shirking their training (which Erdeni considered useless), and her brother's constant complaining became unbearable, but she didn't respect him enough to care. Thus, she chose to dive into the little makeshift world she and Xin weaved together instead, alleviating all anxieties through pleasure. An act of defiance, but she finally got to do something for herself.

Now that he had to shower Erdeni in gifts, Xin doubled his hunting efforts, and, despite all of the totem's threats, soothing his soul and learning to tame his bestial side allowed Xin to make great strides in his totemic cultivation. He didn't have to ask the totem for its powers now, and instead tore them from it when needed, bullying the creature into the dark corner of his soul. Still, Xin knew to stay alert, as the totem was probably feigning weakness and planning its final, last resort attack.

Not falling for it the second time. To think that my own intelligence, my own human qi was used by this mindless beast to outsmart me when my guard was down! I was lucky Erdeni was around. I am eternally grateful, no matter how this relationship turns out…

"Xin…" Erdeni mumbled in a timid voice, pressing her forehead into his chest again, her arms wrapped around his neck. Xin had noticed how clingy she always became after they made love. It was as if the intimacy left her feeling exposed, something only her passion could momentarily numb. But as soon as that passion ebbed, the vulnerability crept back in, raw and undeniable.

Were these little moments what truly drew her to him, with making love only a plausible excuse? Xin found it hard to tell."Xin?" He's daydreaming again. I wish he could tell me about his dreams, she thought. I'd gladly share them, make them mine. I can tell that he has the courage to dream, something I lost years ago. 

"Ugh." He grunted again and gently kissed the top of her head. Her long, messy hair smelled intoxicating. In the early days, he felt a cringing spasm in his chest whenever he felt like doing something so tender, but over time, he had slowly opened up. He knew that he couldn't talk, so Erdeni needed him to show more affection. It was quite uncomfortable at first, but Xin chose to exert some effort over himself, feeling like not upsetting Erdeni was more important than his fleeting discomforts. Over time, he learned to enjoy her warmth as much as he enjoyed their passion, and whenever thoughts like "she'll think I'm weak" or "I look ridiculous right now" crept in, he chased them away. Good riddance.

"I feel scared. About our whole thing…" Erdeni spoke up again.

No answer. Of course. He is a good listener, but just a few words would mean the world right now! If I am important to him, can't he endure at least a bit of soul strain, say at least something? Erdeni tried to calm herself down, as she felt like she was spiralling again.

"No, Xin. We need to talk about this now. What I am doing here isn't right. One day, I'll have to marry someone, for the sake of my tribe. Our romance… It's ruining my prospects. I'd gladly endure it for my own sake, but I am responsible for my people. That's a burden I chose to bear."

Xin gently pushed her away, then sat up in a lotus pose opposite of her, his face blank. He stared at the fading campfire behind Erdeni's back as it gently cracked, its last flames flickering in his usually warm green eyes. This time, they looked empty. It scared Erdeni.

Xin regained his composure, looked her in the eyes and nodded. Yes, you are ruining your prospects.

"Yes? Is this what you mean? Yes?" Erdeni became agitated. Please argue with me. Tell me I am wrong. Tell me this is worth fighting for.

Xin turned his hand a few times, making a "kind of" gesture. 

"What does it mean? I don't get it. 'So-so'? It's… It's unbearable, Xin. Can't we make a sign language?"

He shook his head. No, we can't. The totem will only punish me if I break the literal words of the vow, but I'll only progress if I follow the spirit of our agreement. No loopholes are possible, it's about winning the totem over. Developing a whole sign language would just set me back, delaying the moment we'll be able to speak properly.

"I know that you care about me, that I am not your toy. I know that you hurt when I accused you of using me last week. I know that I let my fears control me at that moment, and I am sorry. Again. But my fears won't just vanish, they are still there, eating me up from inside. Making love to you numbs them for a few hours, and when I'm with you, I don't feel scared. But, is this the way to live? Is what we have even love, or is this addiction? Xin, I am scared…"

Xin breathed out with a light whistle coming from his chest, a martial arts habit, then stared at the floor. What's wrong with her, where did this come from? Things were so perfect, what's with that sudden turn? Why spit venom at me? Why hurt me all of a sudden? Is there one thing I did wrong?

Xin looked her in the eyes and shrugged. A familiar twisting in his chest returned. 

"You.. Don't know? Well, I have to know, it's my life, after all. You are right. But… Does this thing have a future?"

Xin's face tensed in frustration. You tell me. It was your choice to keep returning. I am ready to take responsibility, but will you want to leave with me? Become my wife, settle? Bear my children? Your clan would never accept this, a marriage like this would get you shunned.

She can't let go of her father's ambition, this one is clear. She loves you, Xin, but she loves this fantasy of hers even more. You are here, obtainable. Her clan's restoration is far away, gleaming lightly from behind the mist, mysterious and captivating. Impossible, and thus more attractive. You had two weeks with her, yet her father spent years planting ideas into her head. Think you can beat him?

"Xin, just one thing. Please. Your vow, when will we be able to talk?"

Five. Xin showed her five fingers.


Xin nodded.

"That's… That's so great!" Erdeni livened up. A man naming a concrete date, without vague promises, what a pleasant turn of events, nothing like her father. She leaned in for a kiss.

"Hsh." Xin pressed a finger to her lips and hissed. The crows flew up in the distance, and it doesn't look like a raptor bird. Something startled them.

Totem, I demand your strength!

Qi infusion, hearing.

Qi infusion, smell.

Sniff, sniff. Human!

A faint sound of hooves. A horse!


"Hey, are you there?" A young man on top of a foaming horse shouted out in Skyfolk language, his voice desperate. "Sister? Are you there?!" No answer. That's where she's supposed to be, right? Two hours south-east the old rotten stump, twenty minutes east of an old kurgan, seems like the place.

Rawr! A bush near the glade's entrance flickered, and a twisting figure emerged, rapidly morphing into a muscular, long-haired young man. He leaped like no regular man ever could and knocked Horhu off his horse, putting him into a chokehold. The horse panicked and ran away, but soon stopped and stared at them from a safe distance.

"Mhm! Uh!" Horhu struggled for breath, as Xin drew the dagger from the young man's belt and threw it away, still gripping his neck with his other hand.

Invader! Kill him! Girls can stay, we can breed them, but no men allowed!

You won't make me murder anyone. Xin threw Horhu over his hip and put his foot on his chest, pressing firmly, his hands infused with metal qi, and gaze stern. Speak, give me a reason not to kill you.

"Pleeees! You mastar be that foreinar Erdeni talku about! No kill me good! Pleees!" He pleaded in his broken Imperial. Horhu was scared to death, Xin's bestial presence was imposing as it is, but his genitals dangling right above his face made him even more menacing. Compared to Horhu, he was certainly better equipped.

"Ugh!" Xin grunted. Wait, he speaks Skyfolk, this might be Erdeni's brother! Interesting, they even look somewhat alike.

I don't care, he's an invader! Kill him!

No, I won't. He probably has valid reasons to come, and I don't want to upset Erdeni. I'll just rob him.

"Xin!!! Stop!" Erdeni sprinted two hundred steps behind, her voice shaking. "This is my brother!"

Xin lightly kicked Horhu in the ribs to nudge him to stand up, then stepped aside, crossing his arms together. He then raised his chin lightly, as if saying "go on, speak".

Erdeni was barely dressed, she only had linen wrappings on, covered by her coat. She was putting clothing on just in case, but when she heard her brother's voice, she realised she must rush up here immediately, disregarding any shame.

"Erdeni?" Horhu looked at his sister, her neck covered in weird wounds. Are these suctions? He gave Xin a short side-look. Naked, covered in scratches, bites and similar suctions. Erdeni's doing? His foreign dick dangling between his legs, and this smell… "What is the meaning of this?!"

"No point hiding this now." She spoke in Skyfolk language, too. "This man is my lover. I assume you have valid reasons for disturbing my privacy, sibling?" 

Xin gazed at Erdeni, mesmerised. I don't understand a word of what she's saying, but she's so captivating when she's stern like that, I want to own her again, right in these bushes! Hope this brat fucks off!

"Lover? Lover?! Erdeni! My dear sister, what dog bit you? Have you no shame, can you not hear our ancestors weep that their successor sullied herself with a foreigner? I… I have no words!" He pointed a finger at his sister, trying to scold her.

Grab! Xin's hand wrapped around Horhu's neck as he lifted him in the air, his eyes bloodshot. You little cuntsmear, don't you dare raise your voice and act bossy in MY forest, and talk like that with MY woman, or I'll snap your neck.

"Agh!" Horhu snapped back to reality. He was so shocked by his sister's actions, he forgot about a bestial cultivator standing aside him for a moment. Will he… Kill me? Erdeni, please. Horhu's hand reached in the direction of his sister, as if trying to grab her hand.

"Xin! Put him down!" Erdeni gently wrapped around Xin's arm, pulling it down. She tried to quell the totem's rage, but his totem was calm, it was all Xin! "Control yourself, this is my brother, don't you dare hurt him!".

Or what? Xin rolled his eyes, then pushed the youngster away. He landed on his bum, panting heavily.

"Sis… It's… I came with a valid reason. She returned."

"She?" Erdeni had several people on her mind, one worse than the other. But it must be her. Curses.

"Yes. Moss Demon Grandma."