
As An Pseudo-Spirit In A Supernatural World (DxD,To Love Ru)

My native language is not English, I translate this story as best I can, so be patient, or else blame Google Translate, not me, I don't even know the language. — — — Shiki. was an orphan boy in his past life, after working until he was tired, life dealt him a bad trick and his body was affected with a terminal illness. After dying at the age of 19, Shiki was reincarnated in another world full of supernatural beings (DxD and also aliens (To Love Ru). But he was not so helpless since when he reincarnated, he obtained 10 angels from the series 'Date a Live' [Sandalphon] [Zadkiel] [Camael] [Zafkiel] [Raphael] [Haniel] [Michael] [Metraton] [Gabriel] [Rasiel] So Shiki wasn't very defenseless, in fact he was quite dominated. -- -- -- This is my first FanFic, I write it as a hobby so don't be too harsh. I will upload chapters, when I have them, but I will try not to spend more than 4 days without uploading a chapter This fanfic will have some anime characters; but it will mainly focus on the plot of DxD and To Love Ru.

Barbatos15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Powers and Abilities

Suzuki Shiki

Appearance: He resembles Itsuka Shido from Date A Live but is a bit more handsome. His right eye is golden, and his left eye is golden with a black spiral pattern resembling a watch with numbers and hands.

Race: Human, Pseudo Spirit

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Male

Powers and Statistics:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics: Shiki, as a human with numerous powers, possesses a superhuman physical body. As a Pseudo Spirit, he is much stronger than normal superhumans.

Flight: Can fly at high speeds.

Teleportation: Can teleport to any place he wants.

Regeneration: With Camael, he can instantly heal severe damage, including broken bones, holes in the body, lost limbs, internal organs, and even brain damage.

Healing: With Camael, he can heal others through blue flames; with Zafkiel, he can heal others by rewinding their time before injury; with Gabriel, he can heal others through his voice.

Ice Manipulation: With Zadkiel, he can manipulate the atmosphere to create ice for offensive and defensive purposes.

Water Handling: With Zadkiel, he can manipulate the atmosphere to create water for both offensive and mundane activities.

Manipulation and Projection of Energy: With Sandalphon, he can create defensive fields, lightning, and power cuts.

Deconstruction: With Sandalphon, his power cut can erase anything from existence by compressing, crushing, and turning the target into dust.

Extrasensory Perception: Can see invisible things like mana, ghosts, and people with abilities that make them invisible.

Mental Manipulation: With Gabriel, he can use his voice to manipulate people.

Climate Manipulation: With Raphael, he can manipulate natural elements like wind, create storms, and even hurricanes.

Wind Manipulation: With Raphael, he can manipulate the wind around him and perform wind attacks almost infinitely as long as there is wind.

Electricity Manipulation: With Raphael, he can manipulate electricity.

Manipulation of Light: With Metraton, he can manipulate light to create rays for protection or attack. This angel also allows him to teleport.

Mimetism of Power: With Haniel, he can replicate and copy other powers as powerfully as the original.

Change of Form: With Haniel, he can transform into anything, including humans or objects.

Sound Manipulation: With Gabriel.

Transmutation: With Haniel, he can transmute anything into a harmless object or being, including turning missiles into carrots and people into children.

Sealed: With Michael, he can seal anything tangible or intangible, and even unlock space and time to create wormholes. The seal can cover abstract concepts like rotation and movement.

Cancellation of Power: With Michael, he can seal the powers of others.

Time Manipulation: With Zafkiel, he can speed up, slow down, stop, and travel through time, as well as summon a past self and manipulate age.

Age Manipulation: With Zafkiel, his third bullet can make targets age, and the fourth bullet can rewind their time to make them younger.

Duplication: With Zafkiel, he can create clones.

Shadow Manipulation: With Zafkiel, his shadow is a dimension where his time clones reside when not in battle.

Life Manipulation: With Zafkiel, his shadow absorbs the life expectancy of others to add to his own and weakens resistant targets.

Immortality Type 1: He has eternal life as a Pseudo Spirit.

Immortality Type 6: With Zafkiel, he can transform a clone into the original by transferring his consciousness, memories, and power.

Almost Omniscience: With Rasiel, he is almost omniscient at the planetary level.

Manipulation of Light: With Metraton, he can create rays of light, turning it into multiple light bursts.

Automatic Teleportation: Shiki can unconsciously teleport if he is in danger, thanks to Metraton.

Conceptual Manipulation: Cut: With Sandalphon, he can cut through rules, concepts, and the wall separating worlds.

Manipulation of the Future: With Rasiel, he can modify the future by controlling it. Everything written in Rasiel will come true.

Force Field Creation: He can create energy fields with most of his angels.

Amplification of Statistics: He can enhance his abilities with magic power, spiritual energy, and astral armor.

Attack Reflection: By creating wormholes with Michael, he can absorb and return attacks.

Space Manipulation: Can summon space explosions known as "space earthquakes" that send objects outside of time and space.

Fire Manipulation: With Camael, he can produce flames that can melt buildings.

Conceptual Manipulation: Sealed: With Michael, he can seal at a conceptual level, including memories, powers, emotions, and even the rotation of a planet.

Space-Time Manipulation: With Michael, he can manipulate space-time, creating wormholes for travel and defense.

Gravity Manipulation: With Michael, he can create wormholes with intense gravitational pull to absorb objects and people.

Manipulation of Matter: With Michael, he can deconstruct and disintegrate molecules and particles.

Soul Manipulation: Can seal souls with Michael.

Emotions Manipulation: Can seal emotions with Michael.

Notable Attacks/Weapons/Armor:

Sandalphon - Throne of Annihilation

Angel: Sandalphon

Weapon: Great Sword

Final Sword: Halvanhelev

Astral Armor: Adonai Melek

Immense Force: Easily builds buildings.

Power Cut: Creates power cuts that can reach distant goals.

Energy Explosion: Creates energy bombs that can destroy entire areas.

Telekinetic Force Field: Stops and repels physical attacks with a gesture.

Camael - Burning Annihilator Demon

Angel: Camael

Weapon: Alabarda

Astral Armor: Elohim Gibor

Cannon Mode: Megido

Fire Manipulation: Directs and creates powerful flames for offense and defense.

High-level Regeneration/Resurrection: Protects from death and reverses physical damage.

Zadkiel - Freezen Marionet

Angel: Zadkiel

Weapon: Puppet

Astral Armor: The

Armor Mode: Sirion (Frozen Armor)

Weather Manipulation: Can manipulate rain and hail.

Water/Ice Handling: Controls raindrops, freezes them, and releases cold air.

Zafkiel - Emperor of Time

Angel: Zafkiel

Weapon: Clock, Pistol, Mosquet

Astral Armor: Elohim

Bullets and Effects:

Aleph: Accelerates time on a target.

Bet: Slows down time on a target.

Gimel: Causes a target to age.

Dalet: Rewinds time on a target.

Hei: Allows glimpses into the future.

Vav: Sends consciousness to a past version of itself.

Zayin: Temporarily freezes time on a target.

Het: Creates a clone of a target.

Tet: Shares meaning with someone from a different temporal dimension.

Yud: Looks into the past of a target.

Yud Alep: Devours spiritual power of a target.

Yud Bet: Travels through time, consuming spiritual power.

Michael - Lord who Removes the Stamps

Angel: Michael

Weapon: Key

Astral Armor: Eloah

Segva - Lock: Seals functions and powers of targets, including abstract concepts.

Rātaibu - Unlock: Creates wormholes for teleportation and redirects attacks.

Rātaibu - Unlock/Gravity Version: Creates a black hole for absorption and redirection of attacks.

Shifuru - Liberation: Transforms Michael into an offensive weapon.

Jerez - Solution: Disintegrates attacks and bonds.

Tefetē - Small Key: Reduces Michael to a miniature version.

Energy Beam: Fires a concentrated ray of spiritual energy.

Haniel - Witch of Counterfeiting

Angel: Haniel

Weapon: Broom

Astral Armor: Adonai Tzabaoth

Transformation Mode: Kaleidoscope-Mirror in constant change.

Transmutation: Transforms anything within a 2 km range, including himself.

BFR: Sends objects to a different dimension via a mirror.

Mimicry of Power: Replicates powers of others.

Change of Form: Copies personalities and natural abilities of transformed entities.

Rasiel - Volume of the Apocalypse

Angel: Rasiel

Weapon: Book

Astral Armor: Yod

Nigh-Omniscience: Rasiel is a book that can provide the user with information about anything that has happened in the world, no matter where and when. Rasiel's user becomes almost omniscient. Shiki describes this ability as "a super powerful search engine," where you must focus on the information you are looking for before receiving an answer.

Description of the Future: Everything written in Rasiel is a fact; therefore, everything that Shiki writes in the book will come true. He calls this ability "description of the future."

Raphael - Knight of the Hurricane

Angel: Raphael

Weapons: Spear, Pendulum

Combined: Bow and Arrow

Astral Armor: Elohim Tzabaoth

El Re'em: When Shiki invokes it, Raphael takes the form of a spear. In addition, a left wing materializes on Shiki's back. The characteristic attack of this form of Raphael is called El Re'em.

El Na'ash: When Shiki invokes it, Raphael takes the form of a pendulum. In addition, a right wing materializes on Shiki's back. The characteristic attack of this form of Raphael is called The Na'ash.

El Kanaph: Shiki can combine his weapons to form a bow and an arrow. In this form, Shiki's wings combine to form the body of the bow, the pendulum becomes the string of the bow, and the spear becomes the arrow. The characteristic attack is called The Kanaph.

El Tsuofuel: By merging his chain with the handle of his spear, his weapon becomes a guided projectile that can be directed by manipulating the chain. Even if the spear is dodged, the pure pressure of the wind that covers the weapon is enough to push the target back.

El Peguz: By wrapping his chains around his folded wings, Shiki creates a sturdy knight's shield that can be used to defend against incoming blows. The shield is strong enough to withstand a direct guided cut of continental level.

El Yevurn: By merging all the components of his Angel with parts of his Astral Armor, Shiki invokes a huge ballista that can fire a pure and concentrated arrow of wind pressure.

Electricity Manipulation: During combat, rays surround Shiki's body. The rays protect him from physical blows and can be used for physical attacks.

Passive Creation of Storms: During combat, Shiki's spiritual form changes the climate around him, creating a huge storm cloud and violent wind that can spread to a distance of 70 kilometers.

Hurricane Formation: Shiki can create powerful hurricanes.

Metraton - Lord of Extinction

Angel: Metraton

Weapon: Cannons, Crown

Astral Armor: Ehyh

Semesh: The floating cannons rotate around Shiki, gathering particles of light that can be released as a rain of energy explosions, causing great destruction to the target.

Mal'akh: By adopting a wing-shaped formation and bending the cannons behind his back, Shiki is able to fly and reach great speeds.

Kadour: By breaking the formation, the cannons can attack individual targets, making it seem that they have their own will.

Artelif: By making all the cannons adopt a circular formation and point their tips in the same direction, Shiki can concentrate his firepower into a huge ray of pure and bright light. Before firing the attack, Shiki can ensnare the target in a network of light rays to prevent escape. The attack is powerful enough to make high-level beings despair to avoid a direct blow, and the resulting consequences can involuntarily reduce the surroundings to an apocalyptic state.

Gabriel - Singer who Breaks the Army

Angel: Gabriel

Weapon: Large Tube Organ and Circular Keyboard

Astral Armor: Shaddai El Chai

March: Enhances the physical strength and endurance of listeners. Its effect is powerful enough for humans to break walls with simple blows.

Rondo: Restricts listeners with sound waves.

Solo: Washes the brains of listeners. Those affected retain their perception of other entities but prioritize Shiki's desires and well-being above all else. Although effective against spirits sealed by Shido, those who cannot hear the song clearly (e.g., by using earplugs) will not be affected. Affected individuals do not remember what they did while brainwashed.

Requiem: A relaxing song with an analgesic effect.

Symphony: A song driven by Shiki's own movements. Shiki swings an organ tube at high speed to emit sound, which serves as a healing song.