
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
310 Chs

[67] Sealing Designation

Tohsaka Tokiomi was furious with Matou Zouken's actions.

As a magus, he looked down upon magus like this. As the head of the Tohsaka family, Matou Zouken's actions challenged his dignity. Worst of all, as a father, he had allowed his own daughter to suffer such harm...

If this were true, there was no way he would spare Matou Zouken!

With that in mind, Tohsaka Tokiomi used his magecraft to send a message to the Clock Tower: "The Matou family likely possesses a secret immortality technique and is conducting experiments on human subjects. Request... sealing designation!"

Until now, Tohsaka Tokiomi had stayed away from matters related to sealing designation. He was afraid that his own daughter, Tohsaka Sakura, might be involved in such affairs. But now, he hoped that the relevant authorities at the Clock Tower would take swift action.

If Matou Zouken was as depicted in the manga, it had already crossed the threshold for sealing designation. In that case, he wouldn't send Tohsaka Sakura there. Instead, he would eliminate a threat to the upcoming Holy Grail War.

Not only did he inform the Clock Tower, but he also relayed this information to the Church.

Then, he suddenly noticed a note nearby, reminding him of something he had almost forgotten: "Investigate Emiya Kiritsugu."

After handling everything, he didn't continue reading Shonen JUMP but sat there waiting for messages.

Going to the Matou household now would probably be futile. He had confidence in handling matters outside, but inside their territory, it was uncertain. Especially within the Matou estate.

It was the magecraft workshop Matou Zouken had been managing for who knows how long. If he intruded, it would be no different from suicide.

Now, leave this matter to the professionals...

"Da da da da—"

"Hmm? It's here..." Watching the continuous printing of something resembling a magic printer nearby, Tohsaka Tokiomi stood up. Once it was complete, he picked up a dagger and slashed a page from it.

["The Executor troops will arrive in Fuyuki City in three days."]

"Very well... the Church's side is confirmed. Now, the Mage's Association..."

Sure enough, not long after, the machine made the same "da da da da—" noise again.

["Three days later, upon arrival and confirmation, sealing designation will be applied to the individual known as 'Matou Zouken'."]

"Phew... that's good."

Three more days... everything would be decided in three days. This time, he had used his connections in the Church and the Mage's Association, and that was the advantage of nurturing these relationships over the years.

In contrast, Matou Zouken, an old man who had rarely left Fuyuki City, had neither contacts nor anyone to vouch for him within the Mage's Association. No one would speak on his behalf, saying "no need for sealing designation" or anything of the sort.

That's why the sealing designation order came so quickly.

His old friends probably just asked, "Is there anyone important in the Matou family?" and got the answer, "No"... With that, there was nothing to worry about. A declining magus family had no place in either the Mage's Association or the Church.

Whether killed or sealed, no one would speak up for him.

Unlike Tohsaka Tokiomi, if someone were to suggest "sealing designation for Tohsaka Tokiomi," there would definitely be people within the Mage's Association to advocate on his behalf.

In the end, it would just be an investigation and a conclusion of "no need."

Unlike Matou Zouken, who said they would investigate after three days but, in reality, would probably let the Executors do the work when they arrived.

What could they investigate?

They would probably just beat him to near death, then casually ask a question or simply kill him.

Once targeted by the Mage's Association, there was no way he would remain obediently in Fuyuki. For Matou Zouken, the best option would be to leave Fuyuki City like other individuals who were designated for sealing and spend the rest of his life in hiding...

After calming his emotions, Tohsaka Tokiomi once again picked up that JUMP...

"Now, none of this has happened yet. Regardless of whether this is the true future or not... I must prepare myself to deal with it. Only then can I maintain my elegance at all times."

With that, he began reading again.

From the manga, he learned about the Clock Tower—

"Kayneth..." Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, the head of the Archibald family, which continued for nine generations of magus.

He could be considered the most troublesome Master, Tohsaka Tokiomi had felt so far...

The next moment, the scene shifted to the Clock Tower, where Kayneth was teaching students.

"That guy, did he even see the Clock Tower?"

Such advanced and miraculous vision!

However, the perspective quickly shifted to a young man named Waver Velvet from a magus family that had only been around for three generations...

He didn't pay much attention to the content of the lecture; he believed everything Kayneth said. What bothered him was Waver's immaturity. Would this person become involved in the Holy Grail War?

Sure enough—

Waver soon found information about the "Holy Grail War" in the Clock Tower's library. It was documented there, but it was referred to as the "fulfillment of wishes" rather than... "reaching The Root." These two concepts had fundamental differences, and they held different attractions for magus.


What concerned Tohsaka Tokiomi was...

Kurokawa Kazuya had already fully understood the rules of the Holy Grail War. He confirmed this through the conversation depicted between himself and Kirei, and now, with Waver's discovery, it was certain!

"He stole Kayneth's relic?"

Looking at this scene, Tohsaka Tokiomi honestly breathed a sigh of relief. If such an immature person participated in the Holy Grail War, he would easily secure victory. However, if someone like Kayneth did, it would be troublesome.

He cut out this page, especially the one depicting the relic. Perhaps he could use this relic to investigate the origin of this Heroic Spirit. It would be of great use in the upcoming Holy Grail War.

Then, on the next page, his joy was in vain because it was clear that "Kayneth" had obtained a new relic.

"Well... it seems Kirei has completed his training and successfully summoned Assassin. That puts my mind at ease. If this is true, I won't have to worry about this aspect."

"Emiya Kiritsugu?" Looking at the manga's investigation of Emiya Kiritsugu, Tohsaka Tokiomi frowned. Did this mean that he had also begun investigating Emiya Kiritsugu at that time?

And... a Mage Killer, it was all correct!

"But... it seems Einzbern is still the same. Targeting the Third Magic, huh? Honestly, it looks like they've found a relic capable of summoning a very powerful Heroic Spirit."

This... this finally gave him a sense of the Holy Grail War.

Looking at the actions of Emiya Kiritsugu, as described by himself in the manga ["Sniping, poisoning, bombing in front of the public, even shooting down a passenger plane, all because his target was on the plane..."]

"Hmm..." He thought it was something that someone with the title of Mage Killer would do...


If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my patreon which already contains 20 chapters: 
