
As a ghoul, In twilight

THIS IS A FANFIC.Boy reincarnates in twilight as a ghoul, decides to make some changes . twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer. Tokyo ghoul belongs to Sui Ishida and the dragon belongs to Blue-Deep. I just made up some stuff CURRENTLY ON HOLD, BECAUSE I'M OUT OF CREATIVE JUICE.

vishwa_dula · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs



"So, what are you going to do meanwhile?" Artalis questioned while I leisurely walked around the town looking for a barber shop to tame my now shoulder length white hair, spotting one just across the road I entered it causing a small

Bell hung on the top of the door to ring

"I'm going to catch myself some vamps, "I replied while planting myself on the nearest chair. The owner quickly arrived and after some directions he skillfully reduced my hair till necessary. I looked at the mirror with satisfaction, I resembled Ken Kaneki after his meeting with Jason. The resemblance only increased with my hair colour and style.

"I must say that you're getting quite a lot of attention "Artalis said while I walked out of the shop."this could cause a problem, don't you think? "

"It's all right. After all it's not everyday, people get to see a handsome man " I said mentally with a fake sigh. "Maybe the world isn't just ready to feel my magnficence." I added jokingly before laughing mentally.

"Sure , whatever floats your boat" Artalis replied giving a mental stink eye."So where are you going to find find the vampires. According to your memories even after the Cullens arrive only a few vampires come here."

I continued walking at a slow pace" I'm thinking of going out of town, there's bound to be one somewhere right?".

"So , you're just leaving everything to Luck huh?"

"That and I found three missing person cases in next town."

"You think it's done by a vampire" Artalis questioned "Yeah" I replied "there's been no ransom demands or motives in their cases, so I'm sure this is related to the vampires" I explained my decision."So we're going today?" she questioned again with a hint of anticipation in her voice. A bus approached the stop I had walked in. "I'm going right now" I replied mentally as I got on.

I arrived to the town before evening. Since I had decided to engage in hunting after dark, I went to the town library in hopes of gaining information on the areas where the disappearances had had occurred which proved fruitful.

According to the local newspaper, the victims were all around the local liquor store. This raised quite a few concerns. Because of its preying on intoxicated men around the same area one could assume that it's done by a newborn. This could mean there's another vampire, the one who created the newborn around. Not to mention other vampires who may or may not be present. In short a small coven must have settled around and created a newborn. So if my assumptions were right, I would have to face at least three vampires tonight.

By the time I left it was past 8 pm. After leaving the library, I donned the red wig ,mask and camouflage clothes I purchased recently and moved to the area near the liquor store. I kept to the shadows and avoided meeting people by moving from roof to roof. From time to time I came down and sniffed around to catch the scent of something unnatural. And with my keen senses I was able to separately identify the unique smell of a vampire.

Following the trail, one scent quickly turned into five as it went deeper into the forest, confirming my former assumption. The wind blew in my direction carrying a scent akin to the mixture of mud and rust making me aware of the cold ones just around the corner. Climbing up the nearest tree with catlike agility, I crouched down on a arm thick branch halfway to the top.

My eyes turned black and pupils glowed red slightly as I activated my kakugan allowing me to pierce through the darkness of the night.

Kakugan, when used allows me to see even through the darkest night as long as a single star burns in the sky. In addition it allows a ghoul thermal vision as well as dynamic vision.

And tonight it allowed me to see three male and two female vampire standing around a small campfire.