
falls for the wrong person

"Chill, I will in the future because I am sure that I will be getting rich soon," Arabella said with a smile.

"And what if you don't get to be rich in the future? What if all of these turns into empty promises?" Olive asked raising one of her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I will be. I have to get rich. It's mandatory for living. I like expensive things and I have to get rich if I want to continue living like this. My mother obviously won't pay for me in the future. Oh misery, I should have been born rich. Thinking about the future makes my head hurt," Arabella said after stopping the music.

"You seem too much confident. If you are so sure that you are going to get rich in the future then tell us how as well. We want to get rich with you. Share your plans," Eleena said.